The Witcher III
I think the gameplay is outright atrocious. The story might be OK, but I never could get deep into it as the main character is so antipathetic.
GTA series
I like GTA games, but I think they are seriously overrated and overhyped. The gameplay is good, and the open world is implemented well in them, but their characters and stories are boring and flat.
Dragon Age Inquisition
It dazzles people with the hinterlands so that people fail to notice the boring repetitive mmo-like nature of the rest of it. The only usable class in it are the ranged, as close combat fight is useless. You are just chasing enemies around and hitting air if you do a warrior, or rogue with daggers.
Titanfall 2
It's mediocrity in all of it's being. Derivative, but fails to meet the standard of games it copies. A little bit of gears of war, a little bit of mirror's edge, a little bit of mechwarrior, but nothing is fleshed out, it all clashes and cancels each other out instead of complementing each other. And the story is so clichéd it hurt my brain.
Hellblade : Senua's sacrifice
It was an interesting idea but the end result is a sluggish, dragged out and slow game, despite being only 6-7 hours long. The combat is awkward, repetitive. The rest is just a walking simulator with lots of backtracking. And you can take walking literally here because running in this game feels slower than the walk speed in other games.
Doom 2016
It's fun for a moment, but everything looks like plastic in it, the graphics design is awful, and there is nothing to keep me playing. The level design is not that brilliant that it would be enough alone like in the original Doom, and the story is just an excuse, not a reason to play the game. I quickly lost interest in it, and never actually finished it. (and I assume eternal is more of the same)
Dragon Age: Origins
I actually prefer Dragon Age II, sue me. I think this game is very repetitive, all encounters feel the same, and playing the same goddamn ambush for the 1000th time gets old very quickly. The result of encounters is more luck based than skill. The story is completely overshadowed by the clunky mechanics and awkward dialogues.