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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2021 in all areas

  1. Thank you very much, I understand, I'm new in this forum thing, and it makes a lot of sence, I will contribuite and be participative, but not just for my project, but about the gamer community
    1 point
  2. She wasn't suing the company, she was threatening to sue the gamer that killed her sons character.
    1 point
  3. Truth to be told, I have not played a game that made me cry 😜 Then again I'm not someone who cries at any media really but To The Moon has taken closest to tears. The soundtrack alone is enough to make me sad and give false nostalgia now.
    1 point
  4. Yeah, I mean 1000 GB 😆 sorry for creating such a mess. 1000 GB is good enough for a gamer. I have some of the games installed and it runs fine. And yeah, I had tried to defragment my drives and now it is much faster than before. Thanks for that. 😊
    1 point
  5. There's one called Scrollscribe which does a very good job of incorporating modded spells. It also makes the scroll mechanics feel less clunky and makes it a viable playing style.
    1 point
  6. Knowing myself I'd build one giant death trap with all the humans in the middle and dinosaurs all around and just watch them wipe out all the humans and each other in some kind of last dinosaur standing kind of fight. I think it'd make a good pay per view event 🤣
    1 point
  7. I have to agree - it's my favorite of all the Castlevania games. Everything about it was fantastic - from the voiceovers to the gameplay. It burns my soul that it's Konami who owns the rights to such an amazing franchise.
    1 point
  8. It's very annoying to say the least. On top of that, most of the enemies have all this trash talk but suddenly when they realized they're outmatched, they running away and begging for mercy.
    1 point
  9. It's not even only that but in a situation where it's supposed to aid you in wining a game race, it ends up making you loser.
    1 point
  10. Seriously - when it comes to the menu, it's not necessarily a very big deal but with the car control, it's something that you can't have a workaround. If it's bad, you're doomed.
    1 point
  11. It's actually Symphony Of The Night. Personally, I really enjoyed playing The game.
    1 point
  12. This game has always been heavily microtransactioned from the very start, there was no need to charge any more for it. There's a difference between "paying the bills" and just being flat out greedy. They don't want to just make profit, they want to keep pushing the limit more and more and this is why so many f2p reach the tipping point and burst their bubble. Nobody ever wants to take lessons from successful f2p games like Warframe, look how well that game is still doing because they never go that far. Some f2p games never die when done right.
    1 point
  13. The Blackangel

    Milestone Thread

    1 point
  14. Musician definitely. Also a lot of musicians end up with a dual career. Music and movies. So you could do both after mastering your chosen instrument. But either way, I would much rather play an instrument.
    1 point
  15. killamch89

    Milestone Thread

    Anything special planned when we get to 100k?
    1 point
  16. It happened right after a big community event and an update. The update was needed for the community event. I remember accessing the Ubisoft store to get a free Altair outfit that wasn't even related to the event, and it froze on me and wouldn't let me get back to the main menu so I closed the whole application. After that, I started it back up and the map stopped showing up. And when I play other games the system itself was running super slow. It would take a minute to respond to just hitting the arrow button. And the Valhalla saves said corrupted. Then right after, my system's hard drive failed. So I don't know if it was two completely different bad shit luck that happened back to back. But I'm pretty disappointed in my gaming status right now and I'm just not gonna spend any more money on gaming for a while. I'm just gonna finish the games I do have till my backup console breaks down too.
    0 points
  17. The farmhouse scene from The Last of Us always gets to me. The moment when Ellie pushes Joel saying "Everyone that I have cared for has either died or left me. Everyone... Fucking except for you!" is so poignant and powerful. It does so much for Ellie's character showing her strength and vulnerability at the same time.
    0 points
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