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People seriously have to stop being so superficial. First, here is the image that seems to have cost everyone thier calm; IMO, he still looks badass However, this might actually be the closest depiction of Thor when compared to actual myth that we've seen in modern media. The accepted image of Thor has been pretty much spoiled by modern media that insist he has to be a chiselled dreamboat of yum yum. Most notably of those being Chris Hemsworth as Marvel's Thor. The truth is Thor was usually described as strong, but none the less large, ugly, sweaty bearded man. Even Marvel's blond hair is all wrong, Thor's hair is red. I have a book of illustrated Norse myths at home and having read them, let's just say Thor could eat his grub. A lot of men in strong-man coemptions have a similar boy type as well, don't forget. Some of ancient images of Thor from the time period and region also support this. Dualshockers also did some research. Here is also the Wikipedia on Thor for good measure. Now, Thor as a Germanic Deity is portrayed as a more muscular man; But we're obviously talking about Thor in Norse mythology. In the end, though, what's important in the new God of War game is the how the character and that his actions relatable and understood and is the story itself interesting. Just because this Thor has a gut, doesn't mean it's not going to work. That doesn't gaureente that it will work either, but that's the point, it's a non factor. This what I like to call "nontroversy" does, sadly, expose how vain and superficial gamers can be, something that happens a little too often. I don't understand why people are so desperate to hate this game, but they're digging for excuses to do so. There's a thing with people loosing thier shit over a re-used animation of Kratos jumping into a boat. I mean, come on!2 points
In what ways could open world games be radically redesigned?
killamch89 reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
I feel the FPS games of today are radically evolved versus their early counterparts. But the open world game format is still “newer” by comparison. Do you think there are equally radical ways in which the format could be redesigned and improved?1 point -
I have Game Pass Ultimate which provides me with the Game Pass and Xbox Live Gold. I got my Xbox Series X through the All Access program so they charge me for Ultimate alongside the console. Not a cheap option but pretty happy with it since it was the only way to get a Series X (stock issues).1 point
Just to piggyback on your good recommendations, I believe this applies to handhelds, especially smartphones, which imo have become the right size to stir up early arthritis and carpal tunnel issues. No one is asking for my advice but if they were I'd say to take breaks with your phone and maybe even seek out different ways to hold and use it instead of that same claw grip. I do get my finger start to play up after hold the W key for hours.1 point
I was addressing @Empire and quoting the OP (@The Blackangel ) along the way to illustrate what I was talking about. I wasn't trying "tell" the OP something she obviously already knew. The problem with @Empire's post is that just because Skyrim is the subject matter, that doesn't open up the limit of the discussion to anything associated with it. If somebody made a post looking for people to play Fortnight with on XBox, it wouldn't make sense for someone to reply "Yeah, let's play Fortnight together" listing thier PSN ID. The op made it clear that she won't play Skyrim on PC and that she wasn't interested in mods, so a post that discusses those things has no purpose in this thread. There are plenty of other threads to talk about those things on VGR.1 point
Most Relaxing Game Format?
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
Haha, they must be one hell of annoying people for you to have such pictures thoughts crossing your mind with them as target 🎯.1 point -
Seriously - This was an unbelievable game back then that we literally did everything in our power to get our hands on. It's an amazing experience.1 point
How long do you run your console in the heat before giving it a break?
Family sedan reacted to Syntax for a topic
I normally will keep playing until I want to get off. I remember leaving my PS3 running Gran Turmiso since some races were 24-72 hours long straight (I would switch to their B-spec mode to let my AI drive when I was sleeping or doing other things). I’ve never had any issues at all with overheating a console, or any damage.1 point -
What's your first ever video game played?
killamch89 reacted to Sharon for a topic
I'm pretty sure the very first game I ever played was Tetris for gameboy. (Like the original brick!)1 point -
Gaming with hand/wrist strain or swelling
Withywarlock reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I haven't really encountered any issues like this before but the most sensible thing is to limit your gaming session time, take more breaks and also to go see a medical expert for assistance in fixing the issue.1 point -
What are all the games you have beat at the hardest difficulty?
Family sedan reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Dark Souls 1 & 2 Deus Ex Human Revolution/Mankind Divided DMC 5 RE 7 and Village MGS 1-5 Honestly, I always play games on the hardest difficulty if it's available from the get-go. Otherwise, I'll complete it in the second playthrough - I love the thrill and excitement of a difficult session. It forces me to improve drastically and become the best at whatever I play.1 point -
In what ways could open world games be radically redesigned?
StaceyPowers reacted to m76 for a topic
I think the biggest problem with open world games, is that they are cardboard cutouts. Nothing is functional, nothing is interactive. They all just go for size, instead of quality. I think anything larger than GTAIV is pointless. Instead of making the world bigger, it should be made interactive, where every building is explorable, and has a function, even if it is not relevant to your quest. I find it immersion breaking that in every open world game only 1 in a hundred buildings can be entered into, and even there the only accessible room is where you have a mission objective. Cities should have working mass transit systems, and every vendor and shop should be real where you can actually buy food or something. I think with ai technology you can easily generate random NPCs with proper spoken lines without having to involve writers or even voice actors. Current open world games all feel like walking around a movie set instead of a real living breathing environment.1 point -
How much would someone have to pay you to do crunch time on games?
killamch89 reacted to m76 for a topic
I already worked through at least a dozen crunch times, some longer, some shorter, albeit not on games. We rarely got paid anything above standard OT pay. Sometimes not even that. There were bad bosses, who would go home and phone us up at 10pm from the comfort of their home to ask for status updates. And there were those who stayed with us through the thick of it. And even those who would bring food to the office for free. You see it all depends on mutual respect, not just money. If employers respect you you are much easier convinced to put in extra work.1 point -
I get where you're coming from and to an extent, I agree. Playing as that character might give me more time to appreciate why they do something, even if I disagree with their actions. However, there's times where a character might do something so aggrevating that I care more about it because I've spent so much time reaching that point, that it feels a waste. Had I not played the character, I wouldn't care as much to get worked up about it. It's why World of Warcraft fans have been up in arms with every patch lately: the faction they've been part of for years, possibly over a decade, has consistently undone so much work players have worked to achieve, and they're powerless to do anything except sit by and hope it gets fixed next time. I understand why someone may learn something from playing a character for themselves. I can also appreciate how someone can feel baffled at best, and horrified at worst by what they're subject to.1 point
Depth of field
killamch89 reacted to Crazycrab for a topic
Honestly most of the time I barely notice.1 point -
Do you count your missed calls?
DC reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Who the hell gives a shit? If I have a missed call I look at the number. If I recognize it, I might call it back. If not I ignore it and go on about my day.1 point -
Do you believe in the existence of aliens?
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I was abducted by aliens. They took me to the intergalactic council. I spoke for the Milky Way galaxy and now it's a popular vacation spot, especially for the guys from the Andromeda galaxy. Also our depiction of "the grays" really pisses everyone off. There are no "grays" out there. They are all actually a form of blue, and they are pets like how dogs are for us. They don't fly crafts. The "flying saucer" thing is another one that pisses everyone off. No one has ever used a craft like that. They gave me alien food, that was surprisingly really good. I didn't ask what it was, I just ate with them. Afterwards they took me to the chief of the council, and it turned out to be none other than Vrillon himself! I was both shocked and honored. I told him that we had received his message, but had not heeded it. He was really disappointed. He was however happy that I had however. He even gave me a device to use that would get me and everyone I care about off the planet when it all goes to shit. Then he said it was time for me to go back, and they beamed me down, like Star Trek. That was a weird ride. After that they were gone.1 point -
Mobile Legends and League of Legends. I play them on different platforms and I love wasting time on them.1 point
Are you going to pre-order Jurrasic World Evolution 2?
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
But I told you that every human would die and one dinosaur would survive the encounter...1 point -
Who are the game devs/pubs you respect the most?
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
GTA 6 might not come out until 2030 for all we know. Just like how Bethesda is milking Skyrim, that's how Rockstar is milking GTA V.1 point -
How fast did you adapt to your new console controller?
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
At most, it takes me a few hours and normally within an hour I've already learned how to use almost every function.1 point -
MTG, YGO, or Pokemon?
Heatman reacted to Family sedan for a topic
Heatman, you really ought to collect the top Buick Regal race cars of 1981 and '82. I'm normally a Chevy guy, but Buick is GM too and these cars won a lot of races in the hands of drivers like Darrell Waltrip, Bobby Allison, Richard Petty and Cale Yarborough. They had nice styling line too.1 point -
The main aim is to work with other players to prepare, cook, and deliver certain dishes that they give you. It's a really fun co-op game because you really need to be working as a team if you want to win.1 point
IPads for Gaming: Is it something you would use?
Heatman reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
It wasn't registering my finger when I tried to use it. I would try to open an app or play a game, and it wouldn't register it. It just got to a point that it pissed me off so bad that I grabbed my whiskey bottle and smashed it. Good riddance as far as I'm concerned.1 point -
MTG, YGO, or Pokemon?
Heatman reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
If I could find the cards right now, I would. But I have so much shit piled up around here that it would take me forever to find it. Unless I got extremely lucky, I would probably be old and gray before I found it.1 point -
As far as I'm concerned with playing Final Fantasy XV, it's always going to be Noctis that's going to be my favorite character in the game.1 point
Final Fantasy XV
Sharon reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I was able to play just the first few minutes of it, so I don't know names, but I have to say that the graphics of the game are absolutely beautiful. I was honestly blown away. As for favorite FF games, mine is and always will be FF8.1 point -
Final Fantasy XV
Sharon reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I'm a fan of the Final Fantasy series but my favorite FF XV character is definitely Noctis because he has so many epic moments throughout the story. My favorite summon is Leviathan - I just love those extremely big waves.1 point -
Would you rather be a brilliant scientist or an amazing singer?
ZandraJoi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Funny enough - I forgot about that. It annoys me though and it just sounds robotic. I'd much rather something that sounded more organic. You'd be nominated for the Nobel prize among other things. There's nothing wrong with that.1 point -
Would you rather taste mud or chew grass?
ZandraJoi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
It's odd - I had lots of allergies as a kid but hay was one of the few things that never triggered it. I'd pick the grass by default lol.1 point -
IPads for Gaming: Is it something you would use?
Family sedan reacted to skyfire for a topic
Mobile game can be fun to play but the thing is that using ipad like expensive device and then using it for hours and wearing it out has a cost.1 point -
IPads for Gaming: Is it something you would use?
Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
A couple you might try are Mahluk and Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast. I have them both, and they're pretty fun. The best one about the second game is that you get to listen to Iron Maiden through the game.1 point -
IPads for Gaming: Is it something you would use?
Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
iPhone and iPad are the only thing Apple makes that anyone wants. Their computer attempts are pure shit, and the iPod was a joke. Still, I prefer an iPhone over android. I had nothing but problems with the android I had, and it wasn't even able to be personalized. And it was one of the newer ones. So after having it for 2 weeks I went back to the store and got another iPhone.1 point -
IPads for Gaming: Is it something you would use?
Family sedan reacted to skyfire for a topic
Best part is the chinese companies who make stuff for apple must be feeling cheated. I mean you buy from us for 10 dollars and sell it for 1000 dollars? even by outsourcing standard that is a loot. 😄 To be honst if it were not to be about their OS on macbook, nobody would want to buy their hardware. I am sure same is the case with iphone.1 point -
IPads for Gaming: Is it something you would use?
Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
For the most part, I agree with you. It’s all overpriced junk. But my disagreement all boils down individual preference. I’ve had both androids and iPhone’s. The only productive use I’ve found for android would be target practice. I think it was last spring that my iPhone 5 finally quit. So I went in for a new phone and got a brand new iPhone 6s for about $200. The iPhone X was the new one at the time, but was more than $1200, and that’s for the cheaper ones. The 6s does everything the X does, minus a pointless few things. Such as multiple camera lenses. But since it does everything I want it to, I saw no valid point in paying the extortionist price for the “latest and greatest” overpriced piece of shit. I swear, these days Apple could sandwich a turd between a plastic back and screen, and people would still go nuts for it. But the same goes for android as well.1 point