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How does 5 days of uninterrupted gaming sound? How about doing it in an amazing luxury retreat in Palm Springs? That’s exactly what Duracell Optimum is giving to one lucky gamer. It gets better! The contest winner will be flown first class to Palm Springs and whisked to the “Duracell Estate” where they will be able to game distraction-free for 5 glorious days. Seriously. No chores - the winner will have their own housekeeper and chef! And who needs to work since they will get $2,000 cash. And no worries about a dead controller, since a stack of Duracell batteries will be ready and waiting. Duracell Optimum batteries are designed with gamers in mind allowing for them to Game Longer with less distractions. Optimum batteries actually deliver longer life in the leading alkaline battery powered wireless controller. You know the pain of getting into the meaty part of a game and then getting distracted. And so does Duracell. That’s why they want to help one gamer to get away from it all, avoid those distractions, and just game. Entries can be submitted through Twitter, Instagram or Reddit. All of the details and official rules can be found at gamelongergetaway.com.2 points
[Sponsored] Enter to Win: Duracell Game Longer Getaway - 5 Days in Gaming Paradise
o-o and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
That’s one hell of a deal. I would be interested in the trip, but being that I’m a classic gamer with a slight handful of exceptions, the gaming part of the prize would be more or less wasted on me. But my girl might be interested, as she is on FF14 all the time. I’ll give her the link here and have her come to the forum to check it out. She’s not the biggest poster on forums. Including the ones I’ve built and run. But I’m thinking she would see a lot of rewards by joining VGR. I know the returns were immediate for me.2 points -
The new Scourge expansion for Path of Exile is finally coming out this October 22 (27 for consoles) and excitement in the community is ramping up again. Scourge brings new story elements in the game and what we find most exciting about this expansion is the random nature of the Blood Crucible. You can "scourge" your items by killing enemies and when enough has been slain, the item transforms to a special one. We especially liked the fact that if you don't like the new stats, you can "scourge" it further and repeat the process for a possible 2nd or 3rd randomization—a fantastic addition to the PoE trade system. Along with the Dream Furnace which provides buffs and debuffs to a map experience, the replay value is just through the roof. We're excited how this will affect the overall PoE currency value with regards to the general economy of the game. The Uber Endgame content they're also adding will make things more difficult but on the bright side, this means the expansion will take up a good chunk of our time since we'll need to strategize and possibly fail many times before we are able to finally take down these dungeons to a tee.1 point
Source: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-infinite-collectors-edition-sighted-at-walmart/1100-6497736/ Within moments of gamers finding this limited edition bundle exclusive (or apparently exclusive at this time) to Walmart, the $170 edition sold out. It contained a limited edition art book, a plasma pistol bottle opener, an energy sword statue, a steelbook case, and of course additional in-game content. No word on if this edition will see a restock or if other retailers will carry something similar, but this edition has and remains completely sold out. It seems likely that mostly scalpers will have acquired these, so expect to see them on eBay for a significant markup shortly.1 point
Moments in games where a lack of soundtracking is impactful
Justin11 reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
What are some moments in video games where the absence of soundtracking itself makes a statement? For example, this happens in TLOU when Joel is looking for Ellie at one point, and I feel it conveys how focused and desperate he is.1 point -
Moments in games where a lack of soundtracking is impactful
Justin11 reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
lol. Not really what I was getting at. More like ... the soundtrack was an expression of his state of mind prior to that event--like, we're on a mission/epic quest. But then it's silent when it's just a man searching for his surrogate daughter, who doesn't care anymore about the mission.1 point -
Do you identify as a “gamer?”
StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Negative. I am a meat popsicle.1 point -
Milestone Thread
DC reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
How about a pizza party when we hit 100k? Pizza party at @DC’s house!1 point -
Ask DC
DC reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
What modern game/series do you absolutely hate and why?1 point -
This is a fun one. I have entered and shared the contest URL with a couple of gaming buddies.1 point
[Sponsored] Enter to Win: Duracell Game Longer Getaway - 5 Days in Gaming Paradise
DC reacted to Aimee Hart for a topic
I have entered!1 point -
Specs too long to specify all for you here. I'll go for what matters most. As for the RAM = 4GB Internal storage drive = 64GB 4G service Battery = 6,000 AMH. Its not all that quality but at least its serving to be engaged online and others.1 point
How long can you invest in a game?
Boblee reacted to Head_Hunter for a topic
😭, They are children the government wouldn't treat them so harsh like the way an adult would receive harsh reception when he or she flouts the law.1 point -
Liminal spaces in games
StaceyPowers reacted to Boblee for a topic
Portal itself offers more Liminal spaces than it can be explained, when it can pull you to a whole different dimension that's new to your existence.1 point -
Liminal spaces in games
Withywarlock reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
This is an interesting question because I didn't even know what liminal was. But thinking on it, is really a deep question. Game wise, I really liked the safe houses in the recent Evil Within 2 game I've played. You enter a mirror that takes you to some state of mind or realm where you can enhance abilities and weapons, and even talk to your subconscious therapist strapped to a crazy chair. Just being in that safe zone gives a feeling of relief from the evil outside. You even can drink a cup of coffee to regain health. That little perk I thought was cool. I think that counts as liminal because it really is a sort of transition state. On a more physical transition area, I love hallways in scary games. And I love walking down streets in a creepy town. I think every time we put in a game we enter a liminal space because we are about to go through an experience.1 point -
1 point
[Sponsored] A Few Good Reasons Why We Should Be Excited for Path of Exile - Scourge
Aimee Hart reacted to Jerlene for a topic
Just bought some goodies from the PlayerAuctions link. Incredible prices for anyone who is interested. Worth a look, tbh.1 point -
Seriously, it's Final Fantasy 7 and it's Remake that ticks it for me in the game series.1 point
Games where you can turn your enemies against one another?
Boblee reacted to Head_Hunter for a topic
Yes, it's possible too around GTA series. Their is nothing cheat can't do, it's accessible to turn the pedestrians fight for you against the enemies.1 point -
I entered yesterday. I hope i did it right because I have never used Twitter before. Im going to try and see if @The Blackangel will tweet or reply with redit as well. We’ve had a very hard year (not covid related) so this would be such a nice way to go and destress and get away from it all. For those of you who don’t know we had to two of our beloved dogs die this year. One right before my birthday and the other last month. So this would be great for us if we win.0 points