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Well, I wouldn't be doing my part for VGR if I didn't point out this sponsored offer. but to be real trying to find a good chair is never easy as it's often difficult or impossible to know exactly how it will feel once it's in front of your desk (or whatever the set-up is) in your own home. To me the more adjustable settings and options a char has, the more likly it is you will find a set up that works for you, but that also means most likely upping the cost. Yeah, this is never an easy thing...2 points
I haven't been to a Gamestop store in a long time. I couldn't even tell you the last time I was in there. I used to frequent them and liked the option to buy used games at a discounted rate especially if I felt like I wasn't 100% convinced that I'd like the game and keep it. I always seemed to have a stack of games I no longer liked to play and would put the credits towards a new title I was curious about. How do you feel about Gamestop?1 point
I'm on the lookout for some new Discord gaming bots to add to the discord server I'm helping with. We already have a pokemon style game on there. I was wondering if there are a bit more advanced discord gaming bots available? I don't know a whole lot on how the bots even work, but I know the person who runs the discord pretty much, and he's the one we go to for setting up bots. So I figured it'd be cool to get some suggestions for bots. Do you guys frequent any discord servers that have bots? If so, what bots are they? I know there are sites that have lists of bots, but I'd rather get suggestions than go digging in lists of bots. I think we're going to try trivia bots at some point, so if you know any good ones, that'd rock! Not quite sure what else we can really do in discord. What kinda gaming bots can you even put in there? I can't imagine you can do a ton with bots, but I don't really mess with discord other than to message people I work with and do meetings on rare occasions, and chat. Any bot suggestions? Trivia, gaming news, arcade games even?1 point
What would you guys say are your all time favorite gaming trailers? Ones that show gameplay, multi-player, cinematic, etc. For me there are a few that stand out. I was always excited seeing San Andreas tv spots growing up, that will forever be nostalgic to me. I don't even remember if they released an actual trailer back then. I'll list some of my favorites. Please do list some of your favorites. And keep in mind, a bad game can have a great trailer, so bad games are allowed if the trailer was good. Anyway, mine are: Just a depressing trailer. I thought we'd get a more serious game than what we got. But still, this trailer helped sell this game. Sadly I never finished the phantom pain, but the trailers for it were so good. Kojima infusing his taste in movies and music into his trailers. He should honestly direct a movie and just get it over with. He clearly wants to make movies, do it dude. This trailer was awesome, especially with the music. Sadly I played only a little bit of Revelations, as I got into it after III and one other of the newer games. Still though, this trailer with older Ezio was fun to see. I'll try to post more trailers when I can remember. Theres lots more than I like, but we'd he here all day. List your favorites as well. 🙂1 point
Didn't see these deals posted anywhere yet, and since this deals will probably last into the weekend I figured I'd share them here. Here are the deals I found so far, feel free to add any others you may find. (Gamestop) 3 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for $24.99 - https://www.gamestop.com/gift-cards/digital-subscriptions/products/xbox-game-pass-3-month-ultimate-membership/11095751.html 3 months of Game Pass for PC for $1 each month (must not have Game Pass at time of purchase, otherwise won't count, also may be for new subscribers only) - https://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-game-pass/pc-games/ 3 months of Game Pass for PC for $19.99 - https://www.amazon.com/Xbox-Game-Pass-PC-Membership/dp/B08KJW9BK7 Any other Game pass deals to share?1 point
Sorry, I've actually been putting this off because I couldn't decide. I've made my mind up now and I've decide to go with @Justin11. Very active and meaningful in his engagement both in the community and on a more personal level.1 point
Morality and how it relates to abortion
kingpotato reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
The third tenet of The Satanic Temple says One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone. I wasn't going to get involved with this discussion initially, but decided I had to. From a woman's standpoint, it's no one's business what I choose to do with my body. If I want a tattoo or piercing, that isn't your business. If I choose pads over tampons, that is none of your business. If I choose an abortion over carrying a child, that is none of your business. No one has the right or privilege to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own body. The only time someone has that option is when they are the parent of a young child. Other than that, you have the right to your opinion. If you feel that it's wrong, fine. If you have no problem with it, fine. But mind your own damn business. You don't want to make it mine.1 point -
Morality and how it relates to abortion
kingpotato reacted to Crazycrab for a topic
I'm 100% pro choice. It's not right for me or anybody else to tell someone that they have to follow through with a pregnancy if they don't want to. To be frank it's pretty disgusting that there are people that genuinely believe that they have the right to deny somone that choice. Even in the case of sexual assault or a medical complication like an ectopic pregnancy which would not only kill the fetus anyway but could kill the would have been mother as well. Outside of medical intervention, the only person that should decide whether an abortion is the right course of action or not is the one that's pregnant. End of story.1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Family sedan reacted to Knight Plug for a topic
Passion is a funny thing... I may not like what Capcom has done to the series, BUT it's that love for the classics that keeps you wanting more. However, I think they're just repeating too much for to gain sales, because they just don't know how to make changes that make sense. So in their eyes, they probably think it's safer to offer up familiarity. They even admitted that they get their ideas from Wikipedia. I'm not sure if anyone was aware of that, but somebody I know on Biohaze said that's what they do, business-wise. Because it's obvious that they likely hired a lot of new developers that had nothing to do with creating the older titles, so they go off of concepts they find on the Internet. You know? Written summaries from Wikipedia, which is a site that "anyone can edit" and no doubt, they also inspect art pieces. But you can tell they're failing. Not that new fans will notice. There's a lot of people who claim to be hardcore fans, yet they complain that they cannot comfortably play games like RE0 because of the camera angles and the outdated tank controls. Even though modern RE games are not that dissimilar to the style of the older games anyway, they'll act as if they are fans, but that's the first thing they use as an excuse. Uh, okay. Maybe 'get good' or something. But hey, I don't know... Speaking of which, Wesker's long term voice actor D.C. Douglas just got into hot water for leaking art of Wesker in the RE4 remake, and for fear of being sued by Capcom, he has since gone and closed his Twitter account. Maybe it will be resolved and he could open it back up before it gets outright erased. Remakes are not new stories, though. What little new stories they do come up with, I feel they are usually quite silly and disappointing. Because everything about RE8 is just stupid, if you're someone who truly remembers completing games like the [first] remake, the original RE2, CVX, and even RE4, which RE8 basically tries to copy. But RE8 is a blemish on all of those games. And to think that RE8 could actually win the 2021 'Game of the Year' award. It's an underwhelming game, to be honest. But I was curious about the DLC that Capcom said was coming for free. They brought it up briefly at E3, back in June. I've heard zip about it since. That could involve Rosemary Winters with super powers and government agents, or some nonsense revolving around the tall vampire lady, who was not really in much of the base game, despite the focus on her in their advertisements...1 point -
Welcome to what Capcom have been doing with the Resident Evil Remakes. They have most certainly run out of ideas on what to do.1 point
With the San Andreas remasters on the 360, (not sure if it released for the PS3) was actually the mobile version of the game, just modified to work on the newer consoles at the time. The newer trilogy is still the mobile versions, with updated stuff. They even had the mobile game controls still in the code for San Andreas and I guess you could even select them through settings. You can read about that here - https://exputer.com/news/playstation/rockstar-games-mobile-gta-trilogy/1 point
That's partly why I stopped playing in the past. A lot of the past games I've played got hacked to oblivion, like Modern Warfare 2. I got so fed up with the hackers breaking the game, that I stopped playing that game. I was surprised Modern Warfare 3 was mostly free of hackers, at least when I played. But I can see most of the games dealing with annoying hackers yet. And I heard Warzone was bad with hackers. Didn't they like ban well over a millions players for suspected hacking and cheating?1 point
I think it might be when it’s legit impossible to complete a task unless you have the highest actual skill level (which even then is still rare - think of guitar hero 3’s legendary song and how to this day not that many people can even get through it fully without the crowd booing and stopping it).1 point
Oh yeah, especially with WWE, as November alone they got rid of a ton of wrestlers. So 2K's work on all those wrestlers is all for nothing, as they will likely be removed from the game completely, unless WWE hires any of them back. But yeah, I hope each of their upcoming games are good. AEW needs to prove themselves more than anything, but they do have Yukes working on it so I have some hope. WWE with 2K is a bit more scary, because I worry they will ruin it with microtransactions and I won't be able to make the created wrestlers I want to make.1 point
I don't believe that money does have anything to do with being good or bad but the humans that decide to use it for a good or bad thing.1 point
I think Ghost Recon Wildlands has the most expansive open world with several towns and cities. According to its wiki it has 67 settlements.1 point
Think real gambling will come to gaming soon?
Withywarlock reacted to m76 for a topic
I think lootboxes are real gambling. The only difference is that with real gambling you have the chance however marginal to win a big prize. With lootboxes you ever loose, because even if you get what you wanted, it is a digital item that literally costs nothing to the company selling the lootboxes. So the dealer wins no matter what.1 point -
Are video games becoming too casual/easy?
The Blackangel reacted to Crazycrab for a topic
Games are easier now than they were in the 80's and 90's, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Games today that center their whole around challenge are the Souls-Borne types which I'm not a very big fan of. If you like those types of those that's fine, I can see appeal. For me though, they have this wiff if elitism about them which brings such serious toxicity out of people that they get genuinely offended at the idea of these games even having difficulty options. Like @m76 was saying if your not a "great" player or perhaps just want a more relaxing experience but still want to play these games for their art, story and lore then you should obviously be allowed to. If you want to test your skills with a more challenging experience then you should be allowed to do that to. I genuinely don't understand why it's such a taboo.1 point -
Think real gambling will come to gaming soon?
DC reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
You can already gamble through apps as if you were actually in a casino. Real money, virtual slot machine. Virtual poker. Virtual blackjack. All with real money. I don't remember the title, but there was a game released, that the more you played, the more money you could make doing it. I think it was a mobile game and went the way of the dodo several years ago. As for being able to verify age, most of the time you have to have a credit card and ID to put on file with the app/game. There's obviously no IOU's in this.1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Boblee for a topic
I know that right mate. It's even why I started to fancy laser guns recently in some of the shooting games that I play.1 point -
I cross my fingers too, hoping that the video game is released universally and openly and not being released secretly through the hands of scalpers.1 point
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Justin11 for a topic
You might be given up on resident evil video games, bit resident evil series is one of the memorable franchise video game series of all time.1 point -
How do you feel about Gamestop?
Rain Dew reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I shop there a lot. I have gotten to know the employees really well on a customer basis, and their selection is better than anywhere around here. And if one store doesn't have a game/item you're looking for, they're always willing to see if any other stores in the area have it. I've personally never had a bad experience there.1 point -
Not many motorcycle based games out there
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
The Moto GP series was a solid franchise - I'm not sure how it's been doing in recent years since I haven't played it at all. Outside of that, most of the other motorcycle games are horrendous to say the least.1 point -
Sadly there's a reason you don't see many motorcycle games...1 point
Here is what is free in terms of upgrades right now if you own Skyrim SE
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
This upgrade is totally unnecessary and I'm not going to install it as it's pointless. Why do we have to go through this AGAIN?!1 point -
Boblee reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I think it's more of a "my dick is bigger than yours" kind of thing. People who consider themselves "professional" gamers are always looking for a new way to put themselves above the rest. So if they can play Zelda without collecting a single rupee, or get through Mario in 10 minutes or less, or some other bullshit then they are better than the next guy. And yes I watched a video on YouTube of a guy playing Zelda OoT and beating it without collecting a single rupee. It was interesting to say the least.1 point