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Ubisoft launches 'playable' NFTs in its video games
killamch89 and 3 others reacted to m76 for a topic
NFTs are just another form of cryptocurrency. It is a plague, that needs to die. Ubisoft had to delist the announcement on youtube it was getting so many dislikes. My faith in humanity is somewhat restored. Meanwhile my reaction was to uninstall ghost recon breakpoint immediately.4 points -
2 points
It's that time of the year again. Game Awards are streaming soon, what are your predictions? And what are your hopes? My predictions: Microsoft shows off Hellblade 2, Redfall, and the Halo show. Nintendo shows Zelda BOTW 2. Sega shows off Sonic Foundations, and the Awards reveal something huge and insane. My Hopes: Starfield is shown, Hellblade 2 is shown, BOTW 2, Elden Ring, really just big gaming annocuments.1 point
Right now its Halo Infinite. I have game pass so it constantly changes.1 point
How do I increase my memory storage for my PS4?
Justin11 reacted to kingpotato for a topic
Its not that complicated, Im not sure you guys never figured it out before. Yes there are external hard drives available for ps3. Just plug an external HDD into the console's USB port and use that make room on the internal drive. Once you have the external hard drive connected to your console the hard drive will show up on your storage settings, from there just move the game file from your internal hard drive to your external hard drive, depending on the type of hard drive that you get the game might load slower. This is way easier than opening your console and replacing the internal hard drive. I dont have all the answers but you can just google how to use external hard drives , they are no brainer really.1 point -
Source of story here - https://www.thestar.com.my/tech/tech-news/2021/12/08/ubisoft-launches-039playable039-nfts-in-its-video-games NFTs are becoming more popular, so popular that they're not getting into video games. From what the article states, the NFTs will be like items you can get in game, and will have a serial number, so it's unique to you. It could be vehicles, weapons and other items depending on the game. And all of these can be sold and resold if wanted. The first game to feature these NFT options or "Digits" will be Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. Ubisoft's service will be called Ubisoft Quartz. What do you guys think of this? One part of me likes this idea, because it means we can sell our items if wanted, which is a nice option. But, on the other hand, this is Ubisoft and they will make a ton if this actually works as intended. It reminds me a lot of what Counter-Strike Global Offensive does with their weapons and loot box system. Because isn't it a big ecosystem of items you can buy with real money? Sounds similar to what Ubisoft is doing here. But yeah, it'll just be Ubisoft getting richer as usual.1 point
1 point
Sam & Max games
DC reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I find them rather funny, but I struggle with some of the puzzles, especially when a lot of them have cartoon logic (an oxymoron if ever there was one.) It's a shame that there can be some frustrations with figuring out what to do when the games have frequent moments of hilarity. I reckon I'll stick to the comics.1 point -
Ask Stacey
Justin11 reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
Oh! It can vary a lot. It depends on how much video game content I write on any given month, which varies with VGR's demand. I freelance in other niches as well to keep my overall income stream consistent.1 point -
Haven't had a chance to try the campaign as yet but the multiplayer has kept me entertained for the past few weeks. Still learning everything about Halo since this is my first one but I am enjoying it a lot. The only annoying thing is that it doesn't fully support the Series X Quick Resume feature (for multiplayer)1 point
One thing I don't understand is, what exactly is the point of a NFT in a video game? Especially in the case of Ubisoft games which tend to die down in popularity pretty quickly (most of them anyway). Would you be able to move the game assets between different Ubisoft games so that you can show it off to other people?1 point
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Boblee for a topic
Don't be surprised that it may end up wining the award just like it really do always!!!1 point -
Video games with most thrilling locations?
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
Assassin's Creed video games offered a wide range of beautiful locations. Take a look at best amongst them.1 point -
Just look at what WatchMojo have to compile as the top 20 video games bugs.1 point
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Heatman for a topic
The parameters with which the give these awards always looks like it's manipulated to me but anyways let's see which game picks it up.1 point -
You can check out the night light settings for the windows 10 tutorial if you want to do this on your windows. https://www.howtogeek.com/302186/how-to-enable-night-light-on-windows-10/1 point
It was meant to happen eventually. I think good designers have their days coming up it seems. A lot of gaming companies looted them but now things would change hopefully.1 point
Seriously, I'm such kind of gamer/buyer. If I need something, I'm getting it no matter what it's going to cost me.1 point
Seriously, with what FromSoftware Inc did with their making of Dark Souls, it's even now that I realize why the fuss about Elden Ring is coming from.1 point
Skyrim location is classic, all the locations in GTAs are simply magnificent too. I would consider the area of my favourite game MGP very a favourite when it matters to game location.1 point
This is not a good thing for gamers at all, in my opinion. Well, for most gamers anyway. NFTS getting added to games will only result in companies focusing more on them and less on the actual game. The last thing we need is more content behind a paywall.1 point
I think the game is out already!!! You should check it out and find out for yourself.1 point
If you could revisit one gaming generation, what would it be and why?
Family sedan reacted to Head_Hunter for a topic
It feels good to pick up from where it ended years back via a video game. Going back to 70's Atari console games isn't a bad idea because that's what you've experienced earlier on.1 point -
If you could revisit one gaming generation, what would it be and why?
Family sedan reacted to Kane99 for a topic
Oh yeah, I'd grab up all of the classic gaming magazines as well. I wish I took better care of my magazines growing up, I had a decent collection. But I was the type to cut stuff out and make dumb art stuff as a kid. I'd go back and get the Electronic Gaming Monthlys, Nintendo Power and maybe that Sega magazine that came out years ago. Also, I think I'd be into revisiting when I got my PlayStation as a kid. Just to revisit that feeling of getting the console and all the games. Idk, I think going back even further though would give me an even bigger nostalgia trip, because I didn't grow up when the NES was in its prime, and seeing the games and console brand new in the day, would be exciting.1 point -
If you could revisit one gaming generation, what would it be and why?
Family sedan reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I would love to have been my age when the Playstation came out, knowing what I do now. I would've made a point of drifting in gaming circles, buying up whatever print media I could on how it came to be, and just indulging in all the rumours and speculations of the time. Alternatively, seeing the Nintendo versus Sega wars would've been fantastic. If it's not too greedy, seeing the comings and goings of failed systems like the Virtual Boy and Atari Jaguar would've been phenominal as well. How appropriate you ask this in December. It's Dickensian! The Ghosts of Console Past shall visit!1 point -
If you could revisit one gaming generation, what would it be and why?
Family sedan reacted to Boblee for a topic
For a kid born in the 80's, going back to this time in their gaming history would really mean a whole lot. Video games then had more value and originality than what we play today.1 point -
Is difficulty in games ever an accessibility issue? If so, when?
Family sedan reacted to Justin11 for a topic
I was once a rapper, but my parents discouraged me from furthering my musical career. So, at the moment I am more of a listener than a singer. But I love playing guitar hero, because my love for playing musical instruments is still alive.1 point -
Is difficulty in games ever an accessibility issue? If so, when?
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
It's not stressful to listen to other play than it is to actually play it by yourself. Music isn't that easy!!1 point -
Do you process games in your subconscious before executing your strategy?
Family sedan reacted to Boblee for a topic
If you rush into any battle without a prior preparation, the fight is going to bump you back off and frustration will kick in if you keep repeating the same thing. It's why I meticulously plan with a strategy before any execution.1 point -
What's your favorite online game?
Family sedan reacted to Justin11 for a topic
That will simply give it's gamers wonderful feelings around the game they found the drive playing around. Eliminating the issue of nicro-transactions is a reasonable one indeed.1 point -
What's your favorite online game?
Family sedan reacted to Boblee for a topic
The producers and developers of Ghost of Tsushima said something about eliminating all manner of microtransactions in their next Ghost of Tsushima Legends. Let's see how that goes.1 point