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Don't you dare call out my ignorance when it's clear you have at the very a marginal and very selective understand of it yourself. I'm no fan of China or the CCP but the actions of Activision-Blizzard have nothing directly to do with them. You've posted zero evidence of any of this but I'm just going to go in with blind assumption roll with it anyway. Corporations buy and sell shares to and from other companies all the time. There's some companies that generate their entire revenue by doing JUST this. It's got nothing to with the actions or inactions of Bobby Kotick or anyone at Activision-Blizzard when it comes to these allegations. You mean they took the opportunity to set up shop in the world's largest and fastest growing market! THOSE.... BASTARDS!!!! Seriously pal, I would actually call into question any corporation that hasn't done this! The link you post is an opinion piece about a bill that requires a 3/2 3/3 gender split for corporate boards. It's bias and has nothing to do with with China, the CCP or anything under discussion here! First of all, if YOU are making the claim, YOUR the one with the responsibility of providing the information to support your claims. I legitimately don't know what you mean with "It allows for sexual misconduct to go really, really low" . I'll look it up for myself this time but I won't be doing it again. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB145 Ok.... So it's basically the sex offenders register for US state of California. So how exactly does this allow for sexual misconduct to go really, really low? What is low sexual misconduct? Why is low? Is high sexual misconduct worse? Can you explain ANYTHING? Not that any of that relay matters because, once again. WHAT HAS ANY OF THIS GOT TO DO WITH CHINA! Did the executive vice-president of Activision's wife have an affair with the milkman who also banged his roommate who delivered doughnuts to the head of Riot's QA department who's son once wrote an online review of the remake of the Karate Kid starring Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan which was filmed on location in China? I'm know I'm sounding like a broken record here but what's your point? What are these connections? Who are the people involved? Before you start yes I know that Riot is owned by Tencent but what the fuck has that got to do with the accusations at Activision even if people at both companies communicate? FUCK YOU! The connections between Activision-Blizzard and China that you are presenting are linked with dry spaghetti at best and are non-existant at worst, and your calling me out for being blind? Don't quote or @Crazycrabme unless you present done arguments that have substance or your at least not to lazy as to expect everyone else to fill the blanks in your own bullshit for you. Crazycrab out.2 points
Xbox to Buy Activision-Blizzard for $68.7 Billion.
Shagger and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
If I had seen it in time, I would have said something as well. But after reading the response @Shagger gave, there was nothing left for me to add. He summed it all up perfectly.2 points -
Xbox to Buy Activision-Blizzard for $68.7 Billion.
DC and one other reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
Not gonna lie, Shagger, despite our differing opinions on this news I do appreciate what you did there as moderator. What you followed up with is a staggeringly good response, I envy you for having the time and energy to be diplomatic regarding that response. China has its own problems, of that nobody here has any doubt, but we don't need to use this acquisition to go on xenophobic tirades that I'd expect from the Disqus comment boards of other websites. My faith in this forum is being rapidly restored of late. Back on topic, in response to @Kane99 I fully expected Activision-Blizzard to have the net thrown over them, but by which company and when was difficult. I was prepared for any other company such as Electronic Arts, Take-Two, THQ Nordic... anyone before Acti-Blizz. But this goes to show that just about anyone's for sale (barring Nintendo and Sony), and it's scary to think Microsoft might become the next THQ or EA: swallowing up IPs and not doing anything with them. Add to that they're a console manufacturer and are likely viewing things beyond the 'console wars,' and there may be more than just gaming companies up for grabs. I can see using King properties such as Candy Crush: Saga to generate revenue from the amount of money they've spent, which means Xbox on your mobile, everywhere you go. That's a huge leap in market control.2 points -
And gamepass gets more expanded. Honestly this is a huge move for Microsoft. A scary one for gamers and the gaming industry as a whole. Some of the biggest franchises possibly not releasing on PlayStation. And some past exclusives dropping to MS now. It's crazy. I didn't see it coming either. I don't think anyone did. But, it does feel like a big monopoly is brewing here and I don't like it. What studios do you think they'll try to go for next?2 points
The first thing I wanted to say is that I was very close to deleting this post entirely as it really has almost nothing to do with the topic at hand. I decided against this as I wanted to address the post because I found it as interesting as I did worrying. With all due respect, I think you dropped your tin foil hat, and you're talking nonsense. And, to be frank, this looks a little concerning from a perspective analysis of prejudice and one's understanding of other cultures. Sexual harrasment and discrimination may happen in China, but it isn't something indigenous to the Chinese anymore than it is anywhere else, including America. So you attributing Activision-Blizzard's "issues" to a rather vague association with a single Chinese company sets of alarm bells to me about you. Your claim doesn't have any evidence to back it up and makes no sense. First, both Activision and Blizzard have been in business longer that Tencent and the allegations stretch well before any alleged Chinese influence was imparted to them be it from Tencent or otherwise. How the hell could Tencent be responsible for these problems at Activision-Blizzard before the company even existed? Secondly, lots of American companies have offices and holdings in various countries around the world to run local interests and markets. Why is Activision-Blizzard's holdings in China a sign of "subversion" when thier holdings in France, Holland, the UK, Australia, Singapore, The Netherlands, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Ireland, Canada, Korea and the list goes on not suspect at all (Source of that information)? This is just how huge companies like Activision-Blizzard operate. For your own sake, come back to reality. Thirdly, just because a Chinese company has a stake in an American business, doesn't change the management structure or how the business is run and organised. Control like that is only handed over when a shareholder (or group of shareholders) attain majority control. Tencent owns less than 5% of Activision, trust me, they get NO say in how the business is run day to day, especially on US based infrastructure. Tencent also own around 4% of Tesla, so why hasn't this so called "influence" created similar problems with them? Face it, you're talking a load of shit here. Next, yes, there is a law is says California that states that a certain number of board members need to be woman. An American law that has absolutely nothing to do with China, or any other country for that matter. And that law is no bad thing either. It's there to try and kill off the kind of toxic, discriminatory culture that has plagued American businesses for decades. The very same culture that landed Activision-Blizzard in such hot water in the first place. All that you have proven there is that the system, despite being in place for the right reasons, maybe doesn't work that well. Either way, it clearly has nothing to do with China, nor does it tie into this weird subversion theory, or anything to do anything else in this thread frankly... And that brings me neatly to my final point, and I am going back to mod speak to some extent here. Please present evidence to back up your points that is actually relevant to the topic. Like I said, very little of what you have posted here has anything at all to do with the topic at hand anyway, but how is bringing up a (now former) PlayStation executive attempting to groom a minor got anything at all to do with Xbox buying Activision-Blizzard? Or the ridiculous claim that China is in some way responsible for Activision-Blizzard's "frat boy" work culture that has got them in trouble? Or this alleged subversion that, frankly, sounds like the sort of thing American, right-wing conspiracy nuts would print about the Soviets back in the 70's and 80's? None of these things make any sense on thier own, much less together! If you want to discuss this "subversion" or what happened with regards to that PlayStation executive, reply to or create new threads for them in the appropriate sub-forum, don't attempt to derail this or any other topic again.2 points
Games that do really well with typically annoying things?
Head_Hunter reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
Are there games you can think of that do a really good job with things that you typically don’t like in games? Like, for example, if you find fetch quests annoying, is there a game that actually makes fetch quests fun? Etc.1 point -
Bean bag chair for gaming
Reality vs Adventure reacted to Boblee for a topic
Haha, it probably evaporated into the thin air. Who knows if it's compressed gas in beans shape that was packed? 🤔1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Head_Hunter reacted to Boblee for a topic
You are not even well informed or updated if I'm to use that word. They are facing more than one lawsuit. Take your time and read through their lawsuit on copyright infringement. https://www.polygon.com/22519568/resident-evil-4-copyright-infringement-lawsuit-capcom1 point -
What types of vehicles do you want to see more of in games?
Boblee reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
I would love to see more exotic chopper style bikes in games. Put some turbo on it and viola! Then hit the slow mo button to watch it glide as it turns...1 point -
Games you hope that no one will ever remake?
Boblee reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Recent attempts at new Contra games have proven that all too true. Capcom's heyday is long gone. They were killing it up through the N64/PS1 era. But after that, they started suffering and seriously screwing up virtually everything they touched. They ended up being like a rebirth of LJN. Don't get me wrong on that, there's a lot of LJN games that I actually enjoy the hell out of. It's just an analogy that I know everyone will understand. But after that era, they (at least from what I have seen) more or less faded away into obscurity. I haven't seen much out of Konami either, especially since the death of Castlevania. The last Castlevania game I saw released was Lords Of Shadows II on PS3. Has there been another one released since then? If so, then it seems it garnered very little publicity. If any at all. The TV show doesn't count here. This is about games. It's just seeming to me that some of the best companies, (that early in their run had some of the best games) are dying off. Capcom and Konami are just the first two that come to mind for me.1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Boblee for a topic
Sometimes I get to sit and ask questions about what's their end motive in picking up a perfect original game and have it ridiculously downgraded to shambles?1 point -
What are your feelings about NFTs and gaming?
Reality vs Adventure reacted to Boblee for a topic
Everything is all about making money lately and the way everyone is going about it is becoming very scary as it's something that's not going to stick for a while and it's all booted off.1 point -
Paranormal events during game development?
The Blackangel reacted to Heatman for a topic
I have encountered ghosts in person and it's person's that I know very well that are dead. Once I was visited twice by one of them and it was really creepy for me.1 point -
Exactly, it's why most of the video games review channels on YouTube have millions of subscribers who need their updates to make their gaming decision.1 point
Yeah, you did and it gave me everything that I needed to know about the game which I really enjoyed watching.1 point
I get the concerns people might have about this becoming a monopoly, but even with this acquisition of Activision-Blizzard, Microsoft are still a long way from that point. They will still only rank third in terms of the largest gaming conglomerates (Behind Tencent and Sony) and there are still a lot of major video game publishers still operating outside of those three. EA, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Take Two, Capcom and CD Project Red to name a few. How long the situation will remain that way remains to be seen, but I'm not overly concerned about a monopoly just yet.1 point
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Heatman for a topic
Yeah exactly, I do believe that they can do something about the shooting and aiming but it's not just enough to ask for a remake don't you think so?1 point -
Xbox to Buy Activision-Blizzard for $68.7 Billion.
Withywarlock reacted to Crazycrab for a topic
That's not going to bother him, the fucking leech will be sure to give himself a massive going away present. I apologize in advance for my pessimism but I'm not feeling good about this. What Microsoft are doing is monopolistic and greedy, not to mention it's going to gate off even more content for gamers on other platforms like Nintendo and PlayStation. I don't think it's a good business move for Microsoft either. Even with Activision Blizzard's share price down $68 billion is MASSIVE amount of money even for a corporation with pockets as deep as Microsoft. If they keep doing this XBox is just going to turn in to a massive hemorrhage that will constantly need to be resupplied with blood and oxygen from the rest of Microsoft's business. Maybe I'm being to cynical here but I really don't like where this is going.1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Boblee for a topic
In most cases, I don't even give a damn about them remaking the game RE 4 as long the original remains intact and available for play, why stress myself too?1 point -
That's very correct. Some words are very commonly used in some part of the world.1 point
Here is how many studious they know own.1 point
I encountered two bizarre situations today
Reality vs Adventure reacted to Heatman for a topic
It's the chicken costume that really got me cracking up hard down here. It's really very funny!!1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Heatman for a topic
Seriously, even if it's going to be remade, it's not now that it's needed in my opinion. But when has Capcom ever cared about the opinion of gamers? 🙄1 point -
Paranormal events during game development?
Boblee reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
All them crazy bug issues are quite paranormal. 😄1 point