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Rockstar Games posted this on their Facebook three hours ago3 points
So finally got approved, i was looking for a gaming forum and this one seemed like the best to join not much to tell about myself but here we go : Hello, I'm Sebastiaan from Belgium. -35 years old - Video game collector of (mostly) japanese video games and consoles, currently focusing on piecing together a complete japanese xbox and xbox 360 collection, still a few off but we're getting there. - Got my first console in 1992 and have been a gamer ever since. - Love reading and talking about the history of video games. - My main other hobby is hiking. Nice to meet you all.1 point
It's my 40th today.
Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Thank you. It was starting to go down that road, and I was about to say something as a fellow poster that it was starting to get offensive. As a mod, I do need to say something. Everyone uses different slang, and as sad as it is people throw around the word "gay" extremely casually. Like something they don't agree with they'll say "That's so gay" or just use it in reference to a person without understanding the word. The same applies to the word Queer. There are people that will be very sensitive to how these words are used, and how the jokes tend to run with them. And there are people who legitimately identify as Queer. So be careful when you use these kind of words. To those of us who are part of the LGBTQ+ community, it's our version of a racial slur. You can use the word, but use it in a serious and mature manner. If you have a relative that is homosexual you can say "My >relative< is gay". Or if you have a friend who is queer/genderqueer you can say "My >friend< is queer". It's ok to use the word. But make sure it's appropriate. Just think for a moment before you speak.1 point -
It's my 40th today.
Boblee reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
Before this discussion goes AWOL, we shouldn't loosely throw around the term gay because it might come off as offensive, and that's not what I want it to lead to.1 point -
1 point
Nintendo was founded on September 23, 1889 as a playing card company. That means that they have been around for 133 years. That alone should tell you that whatever they decide to make, they aren't going anywhere. They're always going to be one of the biggest and most major competitors in whatever demographic they decide to enter. Nintendo will always have a loyal following. Mainly from those of us who grew up with it. So to just call it a "toy" is insulting. If you check YouTube, you will find an endless amount of "influencers" talking about Nintendo. Go to Cinemassacre and check out James & Mike Mondays. They play and talk about more Nintendo games than any other system. Even as AVGN, the nerd plays more Nintendo games than any other system. Be it Sega, PlayStation, Xbox, or other obscure systems. Nintendo is a lot bigger than you're giving it credit for.1 point
GTA 6 Release Date ???
Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
This isn't bull riding where the question of getting hurt isn't "if" but "when". I know when I was riding bulls, I broke my collar bone on the second bull I ever got on. This is a question of "if". There is no statement of any kind from Rockstar about whether or not they will make a GTA6. I know everyone who is a fan of GTA wants one. The desire for a GTA6 is universal for GTA fans. But expecting one is foolhardy. Until Rockstar makes an announcement, remember not to get too excited. Play your favorite that has so far been released, and be satisfied with that.1 point -
It's my 40th today.
Heatman reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I'm not going out without makeup. It's just that simple.1 point -
What happens if I believe in true gender equality and stab her back?1 point
Does anyone own any customized consoles or controllers?
Heatman reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
With different options like metallic colors and engraving, the total for the controller was roughly $100. But she loves it, and I love her, so it was worth it.1 point -
GTA 6 Release Date ???
Reality vs Adventure reacted to Techno for a topic
I saw this article today: https://www.polygon.com/22917752/gta-6-rockstar-games-grand-theft-auto-vi-confirmed They aint exactly finished it yet, but they're working on it.1 point -
I've got a customized japanese Blazblue 360 that i bought from one of the blazblue devs a couple of years ago. he said they made around 5-10 copies and gave away a few trough a raffle and the rest went to the devs. Normally i woulden't really bother with these custom console since it's always a question wheter or not these are legit but since it came straight from one of the devs the collector in me had to have it 😀. i know off atleast another one out there in the hands off a fellow collector. For now I just have it on display in my game room.1 point
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Heatman for a topic
It would be the right thing for them to do by remaking the RE CV first because it's way too long due for a remake. It would even help them to get the plot right.1 point -
Moments in games you are forced to do something you hate?
Lamarr the strelok reacted to Boblee for a topic
Thank you very much for the clarity of what QTE's is all about. I actually thought you had forgotten my inquiry.1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Heatman reacted to Knight Plug for a topic
Well, I don't even think the real RE4 remake is coming any month soon. All of the hearsay was just speculation anyway. It would make more sense to remake CV first. If they did RE4 first, that wouldn't make any sense, because CV is set in 1998. I think, if I had to hazard a guess here, that CV will come in 2023 and RE4 in 2025, to match the release date of the original. Also, the original RE4 was out in Japan in January of 2005. So it's just a hunch, going by their habit of releasing games in January. Although RE8 was out in May, but the pandemic probably had an impact on why that happened this way. God. I said 2015. Oops. 😝1 point -
Voting closes February 5th at 10pm EST.1 point
Invest in Metaverse Stock?
DC reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
That's true; after they reported the 4th quarter loss, the market took a dive. It also doesn't help that Spotify is under scrutiny for Covid misinformation and Oculus is being investigated by the Federal Trade Commission for violating antitrust laws. "The lawsuit aims to force Meta to sell off its subsidiaries Instagram and WhatsApp." https://www.businessinsider.com/meta-oculus-vr-division-antitrust-investigation-ftc-report-says-2022-1 https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/meta-shares-plummet-after-disappointing-earnings-user-drop/ https://www.reuters.com/technology/meta-platforms-frankfurt-listed-shares-drop-tepid-forecast-2022-02-03/1 point -
You can never count off The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim when it comes to games that are better than featured better gameplay because it intensified everything in the game series make it a big phenomenal in the industry.1 point
Absolutely nothing. I kinda like the name 😉. You know like sea foods for the record. Like doesn't mean eating them, more like appreciating the beauty and uniqueness.1 point
Cyberpunk 2077 question
Heatman reacted to Lamarr the strelok for a topic
Reality this game had such a disastrous launch I'd put that disc in my ps4, get the current update and see if it ran ok.It still might be an unplayable mess but I'd like to see if it's playable now. I'd look at it like an experiment then maybe shake my head and un install it. But yeah It looks and plays better on ps5.1 point -
What's wrong with my name?.. Man The Heat.1 point
It's my 40th today.
The Blackangel reacted to Techno for a topic
Men are here for a good time, not a long time.1 point -
Reality vs Adventure reacted to Kid Dynamite for a topic
Man, did I ever. I lived for arcades, Donkey Kong Jr. , Kung Fu Master, Gorf. All of it.1 point -
Welcome to VGR. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself here. We're similar age with a similar level of experience with games, so I feel this is gonna go well. And besides, I don't want to know a gamer who doesn't love Japan! On a more official capacity, anything you want to ask or know about, let me know.1 point
Welcome to VGR, glad you join this "lovely" place.1 point
For approximately $70 for the controller, it seems like a good deal. I think I might be getting that as well.1 point
Invest in Metaverse Stock?
DC reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
Today Meta lost 220 billion when Wall St opened which is a 24% slump and if that holds by the time Wall St closes, it will be the largest one day loss in corporate history. Meta's value is at $680 billion this morning from $898 billion.1 point -
Best PC Brand?
Justin11 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
You'll regret it. I started repairing computers during the Win98 era, and with one exception, every single one was a dell. I have tried owning them and all they did was crash. Every one crashed. They wouldn't run jack shit. Trying to type on them or get online was a lost cause. The only use they could ever possibly serve is as a paperweight.1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Heatman for a topic
Wow, that's an awesome update on RE 4 because it's one of the RE franchise that's really worth it in my eyes.1 point -
Phil Spencer wants to ban toxic players on all platforms
Rain Dew reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
You can try to get away from toxic gamers, but that doesn't always work. @Rain Dew had to switch servers last year on FF XIV due to a toxic guy on there. She rebuilt her FC, and retainers, but the guy recently found her again. And again, his toxicity came through as he harassed her once more. She has reported this more than once, but it's obvious to both of us that nothing is being done. And I don't even play FF XIV. Also with all that damn text on the screen, I don't see how you're even able to play a game, but that's another topic.1 point