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The Playstation answer to Xbox's gamepass has been leaked, PlayStation Infinite. Not sure if the sources are true. Suposedly playstation uploaded the information to their main web page and then removed it right away. Image is not oficial, its only based on the supposed leaks Moderator Edit: New information posted further in the thread. Re-posted here for convivence. Credit to @kingpotato So yeah its finally out after many months of waiting and rumors. So basically its going to be 3 tiers: -Plus Essential: Which is pretty much the same price and service of the current PS Plus service, Monthly games, Online gaming and discounts Price 9.99 monthly 39.99 Yearly USA -Plus Extra : (This is the one that I liked the most ) Same features as before but this one includes over 400 games from PS4 and PS5 that can be downloaded , Price 14.99 Monthly 99.99 Yearly -Plus Premium: Adds the same features as before and this one is basically the combination of PS Now and Ps Plus and will have access to cloud gaming so you can play PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3 games but only through streaming. Now this service still only applies to the same countries were PS Now was available before so this service will not be available to all countries due to the quality of internet service Price 17.99 Monthly Yearly 119.99 -Plus Deluxe: This is the one for me xD This service is only for markets were cloud gaming or streaming is not that all possible, like Latin america and other countries. Essentally it will have the same features as Plus premium except for cloud gaming , there will be a small selection of games to download from PS1, PS2 and PSP (so no ps3 games😢) and of course it will be cheaper. I dont know the price in other countries but at least here in Latin america it will be 11.99 monthly and 76.99 yearly https://blog.playstation.com/2022/03/29/all-new-playstation-plus-launches-in-june-with-700-games-and-more-value-than-ever/1 point
I was checking one of the group on facebook where the indie developers release their games pre and post steam launch. Found this one point and click game over there. If you look at it and the overall gameplay demo it's fun for those who are into this genre of point and click games. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1578990/Midnight_Girl/?fbclid=IwAR0OxejjoZO6nT8j0Du0PfxtEs-gkM0TS9jvXxY_OydRiGRFmktrfy7KYLA1 point
La Llorona
kingpotato reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Has anyone ever encountered her in any way? I'm writing an article about her, and looking for any and all stories of encounters.1 point -
Pokemon Legends: Arceus
kingpotato reacted to Kane99 for a topic
Looks like Pokemon is getting the breath of the wild treatment, as this looks to be very similar to it, but in the world of Pokemon. I'm not a big fan of Pokemon, but I understand it's popularity and fandom. Anyway, this looks like something I would even play. Check the recent trailer out below.1 point -
Whelp, looks like Sony responded to Microsoft buying Actvison, by buying Bungie. For about 3 billion. They own Destiny now. Thoughts?1 point
No like I mean even beyond those contracts, they not making COD exclusive. Xbox announced it a few hours ago.1 point
Last Game Played
Heatman reacted to kingpotato for a topic
Thats what Im doing I think I got the handle on Sync and Link summons, I still cant understand pendulum summons, I already got a starter deck on each one1 point -
1 point
Last Game Played
kingpotato reacted to Heatman for a topic
You can actually get some tips on how to do them - pendulum and sync summons from YouTube channels I think.1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Heatman for a topic
Seriously, why haven't any of these lawsuit been able to put a big dent in the company's existence till now?1 point -
I don't really classify FFX-2 as disappointing. It was the first project to come out of Squaresoft's merger with Enix and they needed something that would generate some revenue quickly. It's wasn't as good as it's predecessor of course but if you ask me, it seemed obvious from the get go that not as much was going to be put into it anyway. The quality was lower but my expectations were also lower. Despite this, I also don't think it's as bad as most people say it is. It's certainly not the worst of the main console/PC Final Fantasy releases (looks over at Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII). The story was lame but it had an innovative and surprisingly deep combat system with a ton of variety.1 point
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Boblee for a topic
Capcom and lawsuits are two inseparable friends because they are very good at copying other game's or concepts that's not their own without the owner's consent.1 point -
No Time to Die is not yet out in games but only in the movie. It's actually the last release of James Bond movies where Bond died.1 point
And if he ever says no, he's getting dealt with asap. VID-20220209-WA0002.mp41 point
Riptide GP: Renegade
Heatman reacted to Family sedan for a topic
If I get into Nintendo Switch I might try it.1 point -
Most amusing weapons and abilities in games?
Boblee reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I think the look on her face says more. You can see in her eyes what she's planning for that night. He's gonna be hurting in the morning. Assuming she even allows him to sleep at any point. Or he's going to be dead, as no blood flow to the brain can be lethal.1 point -
What was that thing that you were required before you make the progress to another level in the game?1 point
Community Chat #1
Boblee reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
But where does the gas go then? 💠Remember, energy is neither created nor destroyed. LOL1 point -
Community Chat #1
Heatman reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
It's an over-the-counter med that you can get to get rid of gas. https://www.beanogas.com/1 point -
Like @The Blackangel said I love most of the old RE games. There are one or two I don’t like mainly because of movement and controls. I just wish RE 7 and 8 were in third person. Here’s hoping any new RE release will be in third person.1 point
I didn't respond about hellblade yet. But I agree. I felt like the combat was fairly simple and other than that it was mostly a walking Sim. I still loved the game, but I feel as if it was a little overhyped. Cyberpunk promised so much and didn't deliver on much of it. They made it look like it would be this massive open world with npcs everywhere. But in reality the world feels empty. Other things were promised and not delivered on as well. I'm doubting well ever see that online mode we were told was going to happen.1 point
Riptide GP: Renegade
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
@Justin11is someone whom I know that might really be interested in this kind of game. Also @Family sedanmight love it.1 point -
Riptide GP: Renegade
Family sedan reacted to skyfire for a topic
I have not covered much of racing games but I thought I should now and not just focus on switch games or games with specific genre. Riptide is cool for those who are into racing.1 point -
Folding Smartphones
Family sedan reacted to Empire for a topic
I'd like one simply because I watch a lot of shows/movies on my phone. But I also live by the mantra that "the more moving parts, or bells and whistles a product has, the more likely it is that something will fail, or simply not last.1 point -
1 point
Heatman reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I've never seen a spider copying a shit beetle.1 point -
Last Game Played
kingpotato reacted to Boblee for a topic
Playing the first part of the last of us. It's been a while I played it.1 point -
1 point
Tell A Joke Thread
Lamarr the strelok reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
A father buys a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie. He decides to test it out at dinner one night. The father asks his son what he did that afternoon. The son says, "I did some schoolwork." The robot slaps the son. The son says, “Okay. I was at a friend's house watching movies." Dad asks, "What movie did you watch?" Son says, "Toy Story." The robot slaps the son again. Son says, “Okay, we were watching Stormy Daniels movies." Dad says," What? At your age I didn't even know what dirty movies were." The robot slaps the father. Mom laughs and says, "Well, he certainly is your son." The robot slaps the mother. Robot for sale.1 point -
Not A Nugget
kingpotato reacted to Shagger for a topic
I stopped taking PETA seriously when the went after AC4: Black Flag because the claimed the "whaling" mechanic in would encourage youth to take up real whaling (Full story from Polygon). Several problems there; The game was rated for adults to play (M by the ESRB, 18 by PEGI, and so on), so if any child who played suffered any affect of kind, the blame lies solely on thier parents/gradians. Even if kids did play it, there as stupid as you PETA. No matter how impressionable kids admittingly can be, I still seriously doubt any of them would feel compelled to head out onto the open ocean on a 12 ft row boat and start throwing sticks at sharks. My kid played AC4. A lot. He didn't want to out onto the open ocean on a 12 ft row boat and start throwing sticks at sharks. He wasn't even interested in the "Assassins Creed" part of the game either. Not surprisingly, he was only really interested in shooting at other ships all the time. Why were they (and indeed, still are) wasting time, manpower and recourses on going after cruelty against pixels when they could be making that same effort to, oh, I don't know, PROTECTING ANNIMALS? Don't get me wrong, I fully understand how important education is in the fight for animal welfare and environmental protection, I understand that, I truly do, but nobody is going to listen to somebody who does not respect thier intelligence. Do stupid shit like this and people are not going to listen to you.1 point -
Would You Rather be a millionaire or live in the world of Harry Potter?
Withywarlock reacted to Shagger for a topic
I'd live in the world of Harry Potter then dedicate my time to perfecting my "make money" spell until I'm a millionaire. Don't look at me and think "You can't have your cake and eat it." That's a stupid expression anyway, why else would I want my cake if I wasn't gonna eat it?1 point -
La Llorona
kingpotato reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I have family that are Mexican. They're not blood, but they are family nonetheless. I have talked about her with them, and the mother of the family (whom I call my sister) told me that her father encountered her. He saw and heard her, and it changed him for the rest of his life. She said he just wasn't the same man after that. Unfortunately I never got to meet him, as he died before we had even met. But they have told me a lot of the stories they are aware of. If I could speak Spanish, that would help things, but I can barely say "Hello" in Spanish.1 point -
La Llorona
kingpotato reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I used my scanner to copy these pages that go more in depth about the story.1 point -
Folding Smartphones
Family sedan reacted to Kane99 for a topic
idk, those phones were powerhouses back in the day and lasted quite a bit. But, gradually the hinges on said phones do go, and down the road, these hinges in the smart folding phones are bound to get damaged over time too. I think once these phones get down in price, it won't be too much of a problem. Because if these become cheap enough, it won't be a problem to buy a newer one at some point. But as they stand now at those prices, I don't see people jumping at the opportunity to own one, at least not yet.1 point -
Folding Smartphones
Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I see a folding phone as nothing but a hassle. I think it's a lot smarter to keep the basic design of phones as they are now. One solid piece with no physically moving outer parts. I just upgraded last yer to an iPhone 6s. That's right. The 6s was an upgrade. I had used an iPhone 5 for years, until it finally completely crapped out on me. And I'm talking more than 5 years. And it was a hand-me-down to start. Why didn't I upgrade to the newest iPhone? Because I didn't need all the bullshit that came with it, it cost over $1000 (the 6s was $200), and I didn't see a point in going for something just because it's new. Also I couldn't afford to drop $1000+ on a damn phone. I could get a Tracfone for $50 and just put time on it. I did that for more than 10 years, and had no complaints. And the 6s does absolutely everything I want it to do. So why the hell not? Also that 6s wasn't used. It was brand new.1 point