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That depends from woman to woman. Some of us as more emotional than others, and get emotionally invested in a game. I know I got emotionally invested in RDR2. But @Rain Dew however didn't get invested like me. Other female gamers may get invested in different games, but it's still entirely a unique situation for every woman.2 points
That's a noble enough cause, even though it felt fairly clear to me (as well most of the rest of us) that the thread is about PS4/XB1 era titles because; The thread started in 2018, so there was nothing at all wrong with thread title. A forum the size of VGR would struggle to keep a conversation going about PS5 and XBox Series games going for 7 pages. Let's face it, there isn't much to talk about in terms of exclusive games for those consoles at the moment. This is kind of an extension to point 2 I admit, but this early into the lifespan of the PS5 and XBox series consoles, why would anyone make a thread in discussion of "best game of the generation so far" anyway? I just don't see anybody doing that. Despite your claim that "people are randomly posting games from both last and current gen", I have looked through the thread and I have not seen a mention of any game (current or upcoming) that isn't on PS4 and/or XB1. Even so, I do actually agree an edit to the thread title to make it clearer is good idea, but you're going about this all wrong. If you feel that there is something wrong and needs edited or addressed, you do not try to moderate the forum from the back seat, you report it, something you've been warned about before as it is against the rules; I know this wasn't exactly a "conflict", but you had something you felt needed addressed by staff, but instead of reporting it or mentioning it in the "Questions and Suggestions" sub-forum, you instead talk in the thread "the moderators should do this" and "moderators should do that". There are good reasons why brining up forum issues in such a manner is so heavily discouraged. We can't address things as quickly when they're brought up like this, and that's if we even notice the request at all. I only came across it myself by casually browsing through forum, so it was just as likely I wouldn't have noticed your request to have thread title edited, it was dumb luck and nothing more that I did. Just because you report a post, doesn't mean there's anything malicious about that post nor is it an attempt to get anyone in trouble. It's simply saying "can a moderator take a look at this because...". Honestly, it could be 90% of the reports we get from members are them reporting thier own posts because they made a mistake and need them edited or removed. I doubt the OP would hold a grudge over a request to have threat title updated. Still, @DylanC, I will edit the threat title on assumption you would have no objections, but if you do, let me know ASAP. So yes, I'll comply with the request and edit this threads title to make it clear that the discussion in about PS4 and XBox One games and invite either yourself or someone else to create a new thread at some point about PS5 and XBox Series consoles. All I polity ask in return is that you, @m76, please make such requests through the proper channels in future.2 points
New South Park Video Game Reveals Developer
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
It's a pretty iconic scene in South Park because almost everyone who's been watching South Park for years always remembers this episode.1 point -
Game size
Justin11 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
The PS3 didn't have a whole lot of space, because the games were smaller and most ran straight from the disc. There wasn't much to download other than your save data. So it was decided that the PS3 didn't need a particularly big hard drive. Hell the first ones that came out (the ones that could play PS2 games) only had 20g-40g hard drives. So it wasn't much of a concern at the time.1 point -
Community Chat #1
Heatman reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Dried or fresh, I can eat them just fine.1 point -
What popular TV shows or Movies have you never seen?
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I know what it is. With reality TV, whether or not you watch it, we're almost required to know what it is, as it's crammed down our throats from every angle. It's a decent size part of why I have left TV behind and just watch YouTube, and streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. And just to mention it, if you're a horror nut, you should definitely get SHUDDER. They don't show anything but horror/thriller movies. They have a few other things like documentaries, but they're centered around things like serial killers and unexplained things. They do have a few episodes of Ancient Aliens that are pretty good. You would just have to look around. They also go way back to things like Nosferatu and Bella Lugosi's role as Dracula. It's well worth it for any horror fan.1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Heatman for a topic
Seriously, the surge in COVID-19 cases is really messing a lot of things up and don't be surprised that it may affect some game's release this year 2022.1 point -
6 reasons why live service games are terrible
kingpotato reacted to Empire for a topic
A lot of people "can't put their finger on why they're not into Warframe" despite all the praise it receives for getting the looter-shooter service model correctly. I think it is because Warframe is a mindless grind with no combat challenge. You're either properly geared for the activity and it is mind numbingly easy, or you're not properly geared and enemies take forever to slog though. For as many hours I've put into the game, never once did I go "Damn, I did something clutch and skillful."1 point -
GTA 4 WKTT Radio used real callers to rant about the world
Reality vs Adventure reacted to Patrik for a topic
whenever you think that Rockstar is impressive, it gets even more, i never had the chance to hear those rants live in GTA 4 while playing, what's good is that i found the whole radio in a 50 minutes vid!1 point -
Community Chat #1
Reality vs Adventure reacted to Boblee for a topic
Is the same kind of beans that I know that others eat raw? If it's the same, they must have iron teeth.1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Boblee for a topic
So, I decided to replay Resident Evil 4 last night on Playstation 2 at my friend's place and get a few flash of old memories with it and it never disappointed me.1 point -
Last Game Played
kingpotato reacted to Boblee for a topic
So, I slept over at a friend's last night and I got to play on PlayStation 2 for a while now. I played Resident Evil 4 and it was fun.1 point -
1 point
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Shagger reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
That did come across as a bit of mockery whether you meant to or not. But the fact that you got the ethnicity of a character wrong shows the kind of person that claims something is woke as if there is a debate involved. It’s just plain demeaning to claim woke every time a person of different ethnicity gets a job. And then to ask why so triggered when you were the one who got triggered in the first place by complaining about skin color of characters. And if you don't know the 'ethnicity distinguishing' then don't say shit about it.1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger for a topic
You may not be trying to be racist, well the fact is nobody tries. You are or you aren't. You say Jill is supposed to be American, so why was the issue the colour of her skin? It's common for Americans to have a mixed race or Latino heritage. Not to mention fact that all real Native Americans are dark skinned, so whatever way one looks at it your logic it is deeply flawed. If you were telling the truth that the actress wasn't "American" enough, why not a go at the fact actress is English? No matter what way I look at it, it doesn't make any sense! And no, I'm not triggered, I'm concerned. And trust me when I tell you casually throwing the words "woke" and "triggered" around only makes you look worse. Enough of the insults and grow up a little if you don't mind.1 point -
Last Game Played
kingpotato reacted to marLeY g for a topic
in 2021 i played AC VALHALLA + CYBERPUNK 20771 point -
New South Park Video Game Reveals Developer
killamch89 reacted to Heatman for a topic
With the way that made me laugh now, my friend who's here with was like guy are you sure that you're alright? I even laughed harder.1 point -
What Is The Greatest Gaming Related Gift You Have Ever Received?
Boblee reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
For me, whether help is needed or not is irrelevant. I'm fine staying to myself and keeping all interaction online.1 point -
1 point
GTA 4 WKTT Radio used real callers to rant about the world
killamch89 reacted to Kane99 for a topic
That's cool, I didn't know that. I always got a kick out of the talk show channels in gta games. Wonder if other GTA games did similar promotions.1 point -
GTA 4 WKTT Radio used real callers to rant about the world
killamch89 reacted to Darth for a topic
I think they tweeted about it recently as an interesting fact but I can't find it anymore. There is also a Wiki page and a news article from 15 years ago about it - https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/WKTT_Radio and https://www.destructoid.com/wanna-hear-your-voice-in-gta4/1 point -
What historic settings do you want to see recreated in video games?
killamch89 reacted to Darth for a topic
I'm guessing that you are talking about Jurassic World Evolution? I wouldn't really consider that an open world game since it's more of a strategy game where you build and manage your own Jurassic World park. It's a pretty good game though1 point -
Sleeping Dogs needs a sequel
killamch89 reacted to Empire for a topic
Sleeping Dogs was great and so underrated in my opinion. It had a great story and its own identity away from gta and saints row. I'd love to see a sequel but I doubt it will happen now1 point -
Simply because of platforms, PS you got Sony and Xbox Microsoft for example, PC on the other hand has a huge variety of platforms ranging from Steam to Origins to Epic. Yeah PC can be cheaper or the same in that matter1 point
Video games might relieve depression in older adults
Withywarlock reacted to Shagger for a topic
WHO. FUCKING. FUNDS. THESE. STUDIES! Video games are a hobby, a pastime. You may as well study how fishing has a positive affect on depression and come the very predictable conclusion that INDULGING HOBBIES HELPS! This pisses me off because I actually do suffer from depression and I can tell you that, if anything, video games are not the best solution. You are better going out, being physically active. Even today I bought a flash drive, but instead of having it delivered I went out to pick it up because that was better for my mental health. Yes, playing video games is better for your mental health and helps in combating depression, but compared to what? Doing nothing? Trust me, if you reading this feels depressed and in dark place, get the fuck off whatever device you're reading this on and go for a god damn walk. Don't play a fucking video game.1 point -
Get to a point where games can be played in our heads?
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
God damn, I AM a fucking dinosaur.1 point -
6 reasons why live service games are terrible
killamch89 reacted to kingpotato for a topic
Yeah same here, I remember there was this event were you could get some limited time special cosmectics, so I wasted my season pass coins on those loot boxes thinking I was probably going to get at least one special skin from the event. But after wasting the whole season pass coins I only gow a bunch of rare generic cosmectics and only one Limited cosmetic but for a gun, no actual character skin. So basically for 10 dlls I got shit xD0 points -
Community Chat #1
Boblee reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I know a few people who do to be honest. Most vegetables I also eat raw but never really tried raw beans before though.0 points