Well, this is my result @Heatman after repeating the test after having consumed well over half a bottle of Vodka, and honestly, either I'm really warded to the effects, incredibly lucky, or there is something seriously off with your test.
I can see that you did your test on a phone, whereas I was using a laptop PC with a gaming mouse, so I find it likely some of the difference would come from the hardware, but not all of it. If that genuinely was the best you can do, I'd suggest there is something wrong.
And just to be clear, the rate of my reaction may not have changed much, but decision making is also impaired by alcohol, and when doing stuff like driving that is as important, so DO NOT tell people people about this result and paint it as "Being drunk doesn't make that much of a difference", because is really does. Same with drugs.
Don't drink or do drugs and drive or do anything of the sort under the influence.