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  1. This is the official Member of the Month - February 2022 Nominations Thread. The winner will receive $5 USD delivered via Paypal or Amazon digital giftcard. Member of the Month is generally awarded to the individual who had the biggest impact on the VGR Forum. This is generally in the form of contributing the most amount of posts in terms of quantity and/or quality, but can extend to referrals/promotion and other efforts to benefit the community. You only nominate 1 member and you cannot nominate yourself. @Boblee won January's MOTM and thus is not eligible for this month. Nominations end February 28 at 10pm EST then a new thread will be created for voting.
    3 points
  2. If you are into this type of the game, then ZA 4 is something you can play from april 26 onwards.
    1 point
  3. Darth

    Ask Darth

    I would like to think that I would be calm. But realistically, if I was on my own, I would be extremely scared and probably try running. I wouldn't bother trying to fight them or talk to them unless they weirdly looked just like us.
    1 point
  4. I meant to say Fallout 'New Vegas, and not the edition II that isn't released yet. It was simply typo, I never intended to put 2 in the comment.
    1 point
  5. hahahaha dude that sounded so gay 😆
    1 point
  6. It's rather rare that it actually is something paranormal. You have to go into this with a skeptical mindset when someone calls you for help. You spend the majority of your time in the beginning searching for a scientific explanation. Say a ball rolled across the floor on its own. Take a carpenters level and see if the floor is level or a little angled. Their lights keep flickering, despite changing the bulbs. Check the wattage, and the wiring. They hear creaking and moaning in the house. See if it's just the house settling. The TV turns on by itself. Check their remote and how sensitive it is. Their child's Elmo doll says "Kill James". Get the hell out of the house. After you have exhausted all possible scientific explanations, and there are any that don't fit, only then do you consider any of it to be a paranormal situation. So I would say that 98%-99% of the time it's not paranormal and there's a scientific explanation. I'm not a hunter anymore. I haven't gone hunting in over 20 years.
    1 point
  7. Crazycrab

    Toxic communities?

    I've read the article and I have to actually defend the movie production to some degree. I know it's a disruptive pain in arse but if one of the security guards on the movie is telling not to go down a certain street, you should listen to them. They might be a dangerous stunt for all know, but this idiot just keeps walking! For months now the pavements in my town have been being ripped to install new fibre broadband cable, is it inconvenient, yes, do I piss and moan about it NO! I just get on with it.
    1 point
  8. Not really, the acquisition of Activision-Blizzard only showed Sony what's likely to happen if they keep quiet.
    1 point
  9. Developers would always be looking for ways to make games look more realistic and it's why graphics would keep getting better.
    1 point
  10. Some online store test out their products before shipping it and even send you video of the testing to make it easier to believe them.
    1 point
  11. Heatman

    Toxic communities?

    Yeah exactly, it's their platform to run as they see fit. They can wake up one day and decide to hell with everyone and take down the community!!
    1 point
  12. And they are not willing to sell or have not been made the right offer don't you think?
    1 point
  13. That's a good one mate... Eat this boom 🔥 but it doesn't do shit 😂
    1 point
  14. I'll have to send Ustanak after them. 😆
    1 point
  15. It's actually what's going on in the gaming industry now. It's probably a fan of Capcom and their Resident Evil series that got you banned.
    1 point
  16. It's actually going to kill the game all over again should they go to that path of overhauling the game and making it a 3rd person mode.
    1 point
  17. Silent Hill series is one of the most creepy video games of the horror genre that I have played.
    1 point
  18. Knight Plug

    Toxic communities?

    As I was saying in the RE thread, I got booted from a forum. In fact, I had the page open on my other phone. This is the post I made. The title of the thread was, "Resident Evil has been completely destroyed!" Here's the post... *TEXT BEGINS HERE* At least, in my opinion... Ever since RE4 was released nearly 20 years ago, the story has been utter dog **** throughout the subsequent games. They basically had to release some crappy Wii based, on rails game to summarize how Umbrella ended, when we could have gotten a fully fledged game to reveal how that played out. They could have used fixed camera angles, to send that era out with a bang. But nah. It seems as if Capcom just couldn't be arsed caring. RE4 is just a run and gun game. It has some tricky enemies, but it's an adventure game at heart. And horror games should not really have vendors appearing to sell you arsenal. That's just so stupid. So that type of thing is disappointing. I'm a guy who likes to find things rather than being offered it via trading. I liked the older, far more creepy games. The old ones such as 0, CV, the first remake, etc. All were great, interesting games. The graphics were rather timeless looking too. You also had some truly intimidating creatures like Yawn the snake, the Crimson Head zombies, and the Lickers and the Hunters. You know? A lot of fans miss them. Then they kept up this action oriented garbage for years in games like 5 and the Revelations spin offs, and with RE6, they copied this game called Gears of War 3. You can, in both games, use a slide in a park, and it's very shooter-ish and bland. There was zombies in Leon's campaign, but it was pretty meh, to be honest. Now RE7 was so-so in my eyes, but it didn't feel like a RE game at all. Chris looked awful and the main hero "Ethan Winters" is never even shown in full. You also just run away a lot of the time. There was only really two types of enemies. That being a family, and these mould creatures that walk slowly towards you. Then with the latest one called Village, they essentially copied the gameplay and story from RE4, because apparently, people were saying 7 was too scary, or whatever. But you do the same things. You end up in a castle and a factory. It's very action heavy as well, and the bosses are so dumb. Everybody seems to have a soft spot for the tall vampire lady, but it's childish nonsense like this character which I cannot be bothered with. The other bosses are also so silly, I cannot take them seriously. A guy turns into a transformer looking thing. Plus, the two recent reimaginings that Capcom released had some noticeable issues. They cut out a lot of things. No crows. No spiders. Nemesis acted like a moron. Zombies served as bullet sponges. They changed the plot, and watered it down, and quite considerably into the bargain. I don't know. Maybe it's just me. But yeah, I really do think Capcom has messed it up, and they cannot stop going back to Raccoon City for these mediums, like those horrible movies and Netflix shows. But in my eyes, they're just doing it as a cash grab. It really doesn't bode well for their creativity. Like, why bother? They already blew up the town. But they want to keep on milking the franchise's golden era, over and over again. So meh. It's such a chore trying to give a damn any longer.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. That's because you needed to buy an entire different and expensive TV for that experience whereas with VR you just have the headset. VR headset sales have started growing rapidly from last year as well: https://www.statista.com/statistics/653390/worldwide-virtual-and-augmented-reality-headset-shipments/ I
    1 point
  21. I'd say gran turismo 6 which came out really late in the ps3 life cycle and a lot of people already moved on to the ps4 and never looked back. Kinda suprising they never ported it over to the ps4 to be honest. Gran turismo 4 was the absolute highlight of the series and probably the most beautiful game on the system. GT2 pretty much perfected what the first gran turismo was about, also toning down the difficulty of the different licenses adding rally and even more cars which was unheard off at the time.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Crazycrab

    Last Game Played

    What do mean you "got the game from Steam on my PS4."? Steam is on PC.
    0 points
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