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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2022 in all areas

  1. @Kane99 @The Blackangel @killamch89 @Heatman @Shagger @Yaramaki Please cast your vote in the poll above for this month's Member of the Month. The winner will receive $5 USD delivered via Paypal or Amazon digital giftcard. Member of the Month is generally awarded to the individual who had the biggest impact on the VGR Forum. This is generally in the form of contributing the most amount of posts in terms of quantity and/or quality, but can extend to referrals/promotion and other efforts to benefit the community. Voting closes March 5th at 10pm EST. You may vote for yourself and you are encouraged to ask your friends to sign-up to VGR and vote for you!
    2 points
  2. Last game I played was PES on PlayStation 4. The last game I played on mobile is top eleven.
    2 points
  3. I was watching the FG skit where peter griffin was fighting mr washee washee and this came to mind. They should make this just for the lulz.
    1 point
  4. The Couchmaster® CYCON² is perfect for gamers that want to take a break from their desk and play from the comfort of their couch without sacrificing convenience The CYCON² is revolutionizing couch gaming, ensuring maximum comfort for prolonged gaming sessions while tackling the common issues found in conventional lapboards. Some of the key features include a larger surface, greater balance, and armrest support cushions that aid your posture and help prevent muscular tensions. The lapdesk has six USB slots, , and only one screw on the back of the lapboard for easy cable storage. There’s also a USB cable with a two-in-one cord for power and USB 3.0 connection that provides ultimate gaming capacities alongside a fast-charging port for gadgets. Get 10% off the Couchmaster CYCON² with this code: VGR22 Limited Time Promo! Visit our online store and select from available colors in black or gray. The first 100 orders will receive a FREE nerdytec Snapback Cap (regular value $24.90).
    1 point
  5. Thanks for the share @DC. I just ordered one. This is VERY high quality compared to the alternatives available online.
    1 point
  6. Yeah, that's very correct. Thanks for the heads up on the game. If I ever get a chance to play it, I'm definitely going to update you.
    1 point
  7. man man man, this is honestly something official for couch gamers like me, i'm glad that it's finally an official thing and there are decent but cheap gadgets for it!!
    1 point
  8. Yes and no. More like monster trucks you see at monster truck rallies. Something like the image below. I know we have monster truck games, but I would like to see monster trucks featured in games like GTA more often. Actually, I think GTA has a monster truck or two you can own. Either way, I think having massive trucks like that, that cause real damage in game, would be fun.
    1 point
  9. Such a good product, especially for anyone who like me needs solid ergonomics because of chronic pain reasons. I find it useful both for gaming and for work.
    1 point
  10. Because we like it xD
    1 point
  11. The marketing was smart to release consoles during a pandemic since people would be at home gaming. Then the chip shortage came. They should have anticipated the demand, but initial releases of consoles are experimental so they release in batches to improve series. Then scalpers finish it off. But who would know war was around the corner further affecting semiconductors. This is the new reality. And now people are going back to work, which is closing the window of excitement that drove the higher demand. So now we will enter the panicky phase due to long term chip shortages. Companies will now start chip hoarding if they haven't already. So this will keep the prices high of newer consoles, deter people from buying, and will affect game development since they now have to make two versions of games for each generation console if they wanted to have any great success. Developers may reconsider to keep making both versions as the norm.
    1 point
  12. Techno

    Community Chat #1

    Hey guys, I have an idea, in support of Ukraine we should change over profiles to the Ukraine flag.
    1 point
  13. That looks pretty awesome, for lazy people like me that dont like to get up from the couch thats the perfect gaming gift.
    1 point
  14. That looks pretty cool actually. A bit more expensive that the normal ones, but that Cyberpunk one looks really good. I'm sure this would be a great product for those (like myself) that get tired and just want to sit on a comfy sofa for their gaming sessions
    1 point
  15. Never got a conversation going about this, so let's try bumping the tread as it may have slipped trough the cracks.
    1 point
  16. I'm going to go with the yakuza games, the world to explore may be small and some woulden't call it open world perse but the world that is there is jam packed with minigames and side missions that are interesting and fun to do, something ubisoft could learn a thing or two from. If you want ps3 open world games i'd suggest : Yakuza 3,4 and 5 Infamous 1 and 2 -> great ps3 exclusives from insomniac kind of a superhero game where you get powers based on being good and bad. The saboteur -> Nobody really talks about this game anymore, but i really liked this one kind of ac during world war 2, you blow up a lot of stuff. also why not try out kingdoms of amalur and i'll name it for the hell off it Driver : san francisco. and how could i forget Dragon's dogma -> capcom's answer to skyrim, often forgotten but still well worth checking out.
    1 point
  17. Seriously, I couldn't find the best word to use and describe their act. Well, it's their opinion and they can't do anything to stop who farms.
    1 point
  18. Neither do I myself. It's going to take a while at least by next year for me actually purchase Playstation 5 or I may still not have it.
    1 point
  19. It's why I call most of them lazy gamers. Sometimes, they blame others for their failure and for what? So, they can feel good.
    1 point
  20. Boblee

    Last Game Played

    I can't believe that Cyberpunk 2077 can be this exciting and entertaining with lesser bugs. I'm really having a blast now.
    1 point
  21. I've always loved motorcycle games and I am expecting to see 'Monster Energy 'Super-cross coming out sooner this year.
    1 point
  22. skyfire

    Last Game Played

    1 point
  23. Movie is usually 1 hr or so long while TV show is few minutes of episodes. Not sure how come you guys call both a same thing?
    1 point
  24. I am sure this will get featured in some of the Instagram PC Setup feeds. This perfectly fits in those type. Looks really awesome.
    1 point
  25. I'd like to see more animal themed vehicles. Maybe monster trucks in more open world games. I think it adds a lot of fun to have massive vehicles. Also, if they caused destruction, even better. 😄
    1 point
  26. Wow, this looks marvelously sexy. I know a couple of decent PC gamers that wouldn't turn such offer for the product down.
    1 point
  27. Their is nothing more pleasing when you go for the product you desire so much and get it at a discount price. And the 10% discount given out by the company is another encouraging one to push for the products massive sales.
    1 point
  28. I went through the items displayed in the store of 'couchmaster cycon²', I love it's varieties of computers and it's parts ranging from the colourful keyboards, monitor, and the sets of catchy computers etc. And again, the prices of those products are simply affordable.
    1 point
  29. Not bad, these couchmaster things are starting to get more advanced. Next thing you know they'll be making small form factor PCs. I could only imagine what the price for something like that would be.
    1 point
  30. I think when it comes to violence in any regards, there's more to it than just what that person was exposed to. Yeah we are exposed to violence on tv, music, books, video games, and more. As well, if someone is going to act out violently, there is definitely something already present in that person's life causing them to act out in that way. Playing a violent video game if anything, would probably curb that person's problems, not push them to actually act out. But, each person is different. What I'm trying to say is this. If someone is going to be violent, it's in their nature to do so, and is not caused by a video game or violence in media. It's because this person has either had a horrible upbringings, bad things happened, and or their life was rough. Or there's a chemical imbalance causing someone to act in such a way. I think people can be inspired by video games, movies, and other forms of media, but I don't think it's the root cause of why someone would go out and kill or hurt others.
    1 point
  31. I've never been a fan of these things. They shift around whenever you move your knees, the mouse pads were to small, messy cables, and I always felt I was having to uncomfortably tuck my elbows in while I was using them. So I LOVE the look of this! It seems to address all those issues.
    1 point
  32. Ah man it looks great, too bad I don't play PC. I'm a console rat.
    1 point
  33. You are very welcome my friend and I hope it gives you all the information that you are looking for.
    1 point
  34. It's a TV show with few episodes in season 1 not a movie.
    1 point
  35. All the Gran Turismo games are very appreciated in my eyes and all the chatters it came with at the time. I can't wait to see what Gran Turismo 7 is made of.
    1 point
  36. Seriously, they ain't worth the stress at all because they wouldn't get me to stop farming resources as long as I have the time to do so.
    1 point
  37. Welcome to the VGR Forum, and thank you for taking a few minutes to read up on our guidelines. We provide this resource to you for free so that you can meet other members of the VGR community, exchange news, join clans, and participate in our giveaways. There are a lot of fantastic people here, and I feel sure that you’ll make a lot of friends and enjoy what we have to offer. Our goal is to make that experience enjoyable for everyone here in our community. To that end, we are posting these guidelines and rules for you to review. While we offer you membership on this forum for free, it is a privilege and not a right. If you do not follow our guidelines and rules, you will forfeit that privilege. Please check each of our forum sections for additional individual rules which may apply only to those particular sections. These forum-wide guidelines apply to the entire website. We regularly update these rules, so check back regularly; it is your responsibility to be up-to-date. And should you have any questions or concerns about the rules or guidelines, please ask for clarification instead of suffering in silence. Posting Guidelines Account and Miscellaneous Guidelines Moderation Policy
    1 point
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