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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2022 in all areas

  1. Empire

    The Elder Scrolls 6

    To be fair, some of the 'hand made' dungeons in Skyrim are still pretty shit because they had to rush them in order to meet the desired quantity. At least procedural generation means you don't have to play the same shit one every play-through given it's different every time.To be fair, some of the 'hand made' dungeons in Skyrim are still pretty shit because they had to rush them in order to meet the desired quantity. At least procedural generation means you don't have to play the same shit one every play-through given it's different every time.
    2 points
  2. Prequel to Zeldas storyline like 100 years before, the game shows different gameplay, graphics and also different quests. The game is set to be launched on 20th September. Check out the trailer.
    1 point
  3. skyfire

    Monster Hunter Rise

    Monster Hunter Rise is going to be released for the Switch in March 2021. There are going to be new monsters, new quests and new areas to explore as well.
    1 point
  4. kingpotato

    The Elder Scrolls 6

    Oh man then you havent played Skyrim have you ? 😆 I mean its my favorite game of al time but it does dissapoint in a loooot of ways.
    1 point
  5. I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Launch titles for the PS3 included the likes of Killzone: Shadow Fall and Genji: Days of Blade, games that would look great even as late PS3 games.
    1 point
  6. Darth

    Last Game Played

    Some more FIFA 22 for me today on the PlayStation 5. I finally finished the Tammy Abraham FUT Birthday objective so I know have him for my Chelsea past and present team. Looking forward to seeing the FUT Birthday token rewards come out at some point.
    1 point
  7. The Blackangel


    "The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." -Marquis de Sade
    1 point
  8. Are there menu options or abilities that you think would make follower management easier in future Elder Scrolls or Fallout games? For example, I think it would be ideal if there were always a way to teleport one’s follower to one’s location, as they seem to get stuck or lost a lot.
    1 point
  9. Legendary bounties aren't a thing in story mode. Legendary animals and legendary fish on the other hand, are. They are all more than worth getting. The only downside is that there are a few (3 animals/1 fish if I remember correctly) that you can't get until the epilogue, because they're down in New Austin.
    1 point
  10. I have a very good feeling that it's the same thing that most people are looking out for when the prices of the VR headset comes down.
    1 point
  11. Boblee

    Discord gaming bots?

    Even though I'm not planning on setting up a new discord channel right now, I'm still going to get the information that this gives.
    1 point
  12. It's those who have all the time in the world that can be devoted into making such kind of players in that game.
    1 point
  13. It's always good when you get to win something which is not something that you get to win all the time. There some gamers who never win anything in their lives.
    1 point
  14. This is actually why before I get into playing my games for the day, I would make sure to have completed all my task, so when I get lost, it wouldn't cost me.
    1 point
  15. Agree and they dont control your assets like paypal does. that's what I like about them. I try to hold my asset with them most of the time.
    1 point
  16. It's just a game that we should enjoy no matter how much we look at the shortcomings. Resident evil can't be liked by everyone, but I enjoyed watching the movie and now the game.
    1 point
  17. This is my light currently on but before I get to nap off, I will be switching on the colored blub. Although, I may still sleep off with this one on.
    1 point
  18. Kane99

    Last Game Played

    Madden and Fortnite as of late. Will be playing WWE 2K22 in 3 days. Wish the PC version dropped today like the console versions. Hate having to wait a couple days. But, I suppose it's best to see reviews just in case, because if they turn out to be bad, I can always cancel my pre-order.
    1 point
  19. Crazycrab


    Well let me ask this. What good reasons are there to believe that any religion is right? Is there any existing evidence of the claims of deities and miracles that have any real credibility whatsoever? I'm so sick and tired of these assholes who say "Prove that it's wrong". NO!!! If you're making outrageous claims that some guy born to a virgin, was able to walk on water, turn water into wine, cure disease by touch and even raise people from the dead... YOUR the one with burden of proof. You could play that bullshit card with almost anything. I could say Star Wars is true story. It happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away therefore it's right because you can't prove it's wrong.... That's not how basic reasoning and logic works. The truth is, that so many just refuse to accept, there isn't any proof. Not only that, but the claims made in scriptures like the Bible have been debunked countless times. We know the Earth was not made in 7 days. We know that human race could not have been bread from just 2 ancestors and don't even get me started about Noah's Ark. The worst thing though is the people take advantage of others "faith" in this crap. To push political and social policy that discriminates and cause legitimate harm to others. God is by far mankind's biggest mistake.
    1 point
  20. Darth

    Last Game Played

    I completed the 2004 level of Unpacking earlier today to get 3 achievements. Not a game I particularly care about but Microsoft Rewards currently has a few good offers for when you earn achievements and this is one of the easiest games to get achievements from.
    1 point
  21. Fair play. Only just started getting into Gamepass these last couple of months (picked up an Xbox Series S for pretty cheap) and it's really impressive stuff. Great value deal for any gamer on a budget. I highly recommend it! As for PlayStation, I just dunno if they can compete. This PlayStation Infinite looks interesting. Just wanna hear more concrete info about it. Sounds promising, though.
    1 point
  22. DylanC

    Last Game Played

    1 point
  23. xD, I can't allow such kind of thing to happen to any of my siblings or relatives closer to me. That is over addiction crying out loud.
    1 point
  24. It's crazy to think how far we have come in terms of the consoles, the games, and the gaming companies themselves. 22 years is an amazing achievement and I can't wait to enjoy the PlayStation brand for a long time!
    1 point
  25. There are a few things I wished they improved 1-Bugs, I dont care if its not as big as Skyrim I just want a game that actually works 2- We dont need to interact with every single npc , they can just add npcs like in the Witcher 3 were they just go about their day but dont interact with you that will actually make towns feel more alive rather than robotic. 3- A better battle system, like the ability to sparr or counter 4- A weapon and magic ability wheel, I dont want to pause the game every time I want to use magic or change weapons 5- More npcs, remember the battle of whiterun were is supposed to be an epic battle invasion and there is probably less than 20 people fighting ? if we are going to have a battle that big again we need more npcs 6-We dont need to enter every single house, again this will improve the rest of the quality of the game if they just skip this 7- We need bosses, not just high level merchs or dragons, but actual distinctive bosses, in Skyrim there was only a handfull of distinctive bosses to fight with 8- Smarter Npc Enemies (Apparently all my complains are npc related) Even if I was playing on legendary difficulty all enemies were dumb, I dont want to deal with a guard with an arrow stuck to its head and simply say "Oh it was probably just the wind" WTF 9-I understand voice making is quite difficult but at some point its a little annoying when all charcaters in the game sound like the exact same 5 people, so a little variety wont hurt the game
    1 point
  26. Kane99

    The Elder Scrolls 6

    Honestly, I just hope they don't release a broken mess of a game like they are usually known for. Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76 all came out messy. Even Skyrim which is a classic, was a broken mess on release, with bugs and glitches galore. I think Bethesda needs to release a game that is free from most bugs and glitches. They can't afford to have another Fallout 76 blunder happen, because that whole release was an utter mess from start to finish. They need to produce quality content and make sure not to release something that's bugged to the brim.
    1 point
  27. Yeah I think there could be a lot of work done to make your followers work better. The AI was kinda crap in those games, so it's to be expected. I think simply connecting that NPC to you, would work. But that's because of their game engine. I think they've worked a lot on that engine, or even replaced it, so maybe your NPC follower will do better in a future game.
    1 point
  28. Excluding Cobra Kai, I have seen all of them. I agree that the original trilogy can't be beat, but the one with Jackie Chan was good. I liked it a lot, and even have the DVD somewhere around here.
    1 point
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