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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2022 in all areas

  1. For $369 USD (Virginia sales tax factored in) I bought a Switch. No pictures yet, but they're coming. I only bought one game, WRC 8 and I already really like it. My Switch nickname is Celtic Fan.
    2 points
  2. m76


    I was brought up with religious values, but I never was a practitioner of any faith. For the most part I did not think of god at all. I don't know if there was a clear crossover point when I become an atheist. It's just that I realized the absurdity of the whole ordeal. If god is all knowing and all seeing, why does anyone pray for anything? It should already know what you want. They also say that god has a plan for everyone. If so, that again makes praying pointless. Do you presume to have a better plan than god? If god knows everything why do you need to confess your sins? And the most absurd thing is that all your sins can be washed away by asking for forgiveness from god. Not the people you wronged, who cares about them, it's god you need to appease. They also say god made humans in his own image. It seems to me that it is the other way around. Humans made god based on themselves, with all our faults and vices included. The abrahamic god, is petty, vengeful, jealous, has a fragile ego, and strangely holds to the exact values held by people around the time of his emergence. If god actually existed as described by scripture, I'd be working on bringing down the bastard, I'd not worship that cruel egomaniac. As for agnosticism, I think that is even less of a defensible position. I can pardon believers for being deluded or mislead, what excuse the agnostic has? If I said that there is a giant red ant in the middle of earth responsible for rotating it, that is not observable either, so should we go on living not knowing if there is an ant rotating the earth? Of course not. Without proof it's just an assertion. Assertions need scientific reproducable proof to evolve into theory. God has exactly the same amount of proof as my red ant: ZERO.
    2 points
  3. Let's get in here to congratulate Playstation 2 for being 22 years old today. It's given us a lot of memories to be happy for.
    1 point
  4. No kidding. Maybe when I was still a kid that would have been comfortable. But it just doesn’t work for me anymore. What is your current gaming setup to stay comfortable? That is true! Did you learn anything visiting the site that steered you toward a purchase? Have you grabbed the discount and used it yet?
    1 point
  5. You must be playing a different version than I am, because I don't remember John being able to keep anything that Arthur had. Then again, it's been a VERY long time since I have played the epilogue. I just reached it again recently, and I'm still at Pronghorn Ranch. Does the game wait to give it all to you until you move down to New Austin to build your own ranch? It feels weird to ask questions instead of give answers about this game, but I've only played the epilogue a couple times. It breaks my heart so bad when Arthur dies, that I just can't play that far into the game anymore. I always start a new game before then. But I wanted to play until the end one more time, so I went through it. I cried like a baby, but made it through. I'm going to do one more full playthrough for our gaming channel, but after that, I'll never play through all the way again. It hurts too much. When Arthur dies I feel like I lost my father, brother, and best friend. The one man I could love with all my heart.
    1 point
  6. Thank you both for understanding my complaint (a lot of people here seem to think I was complaining about skin tone diversity, which I was not, ugh) and proposing an explanation for it! That does make a lot of sense!
    1 point
  7. I dont mean to be an ass (well maybe I am being an ass), but Im sure he doesnt have access to Ps now based on the comments that we have made about the PS infinite service in another thread.
    1 point
  8. Shagger

    Monster Hunter Rise

    That one I'll sustain. The game is on Switch and PC only. Seriously @Head_Hunter, there is something very odd with a lot of your posts. What you have posted simply can't be true.
    1 point
  9. Let our night watch begin and may it not take too long....
    1 point
  10. The truth of the matter is that no one likes to lose in life in anything that they do for any reason whatsoever. So, I don't really blame them.
    1 point
  11. It was only the first part release of the Resident Evil movie that did interest me more than the rest. As for the game, it was the RE4 for me.
    1 point
  12. LOl again not opinion, PC being more upgradable than console is a fact. haha.
    1 point
  13. killamch89

    Last Game Played

    Been enjoying some Elder Ring - Not going to lie, it is frustrating at times but rewarding when you do get it right.
    1 point
  14. I love remake, but not all remakes are pleasing. If you watch out for GTA trilogy, even if it isn't a pure remake but almost similar, it disappointed.
    1 point
  15. Yeah - so many memories with the PS2. Devil May Cry, Primal, Need For Speed Underground, Fifa and so many other games. I feel kinda old lol.
    1 point
  16. Heatman

    Last Game Played

    Six Days in Fallujah is a game that I'm looking forward to playing as soon as it's released. It's scheduled to be out in December 2022. I hope it comes out then.
    1 point
  17. Which of the extras are the ones that are moving you toward a purchase? That is a great point! This is something that I tend to think a lot about, partly because I sometimes write advertising copy, and partly because it is just one of my interests. What features of their presentation did you enjoy most? I know, right? It would already be an amazing value even without the discount. The discount is just a bonus. So, I take it that you would get it if it was at full price even?
    1 point
  18. Not my opinion ASUS, MSI machines are far more powerful than any of your console. and if you make your own PC build then even better, not my opinion, but more of fact. No console can beat the custom PC build.
    1 point
  19. Not true. PC is more powerful than consoles any day. It's up-gradable and also it's one of the device for multi tasking too.
    1 point
  20. Although it's been a while I played strategy video games but Total Warhammer and Valkyria Chronicles were a good one for me then.
    1 point
  21. What causes this is lighting. Realistic lighting is a very compute intensive feature to achieve. And games only have rudimentary imitations of light. Even ray tracing is very limited at this point, it would require the computing power of gaming systems to increase multiple magnitudes to get it close to realism. Games have single point lights in most cases, and lots of baked in lights. Scattered light and bouncing light are not taken into account by most, and even when it is, it is imitated not natural. And this becomes most apparent on objects that are not part of the game world but able to move around in it. And that includes the player character. It is something that we'll have to live with for a while longer no matter how glaring. What I hate the most is that in many games the character will look different in the character creator than in the game environment, because the character creator uses a lighting model that has no relation to in game lighting. This is why I find it important for games to have the option to alter the character after starting the game, so you can adjust for these discrepancies.
    1 point
  22. I've noticed skin tones being a bit off. Too much yellows and reds. The yellow makes them look like they got hep c or something and the reds look like they got sunburnt. Even many times the whites are a bit pale. And when you want a little color, they get yellow. I guess it's hard to make a peach color because they don't know how to balance yellows and reds.
    1 point
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