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Is interracial marriage under attack by the GOP now?
The Blackangel and one other reacted to Lamarr the strelok for a topic
Whoever the fuck I choose to marry should be a Federal law allowing me to do so.And again we get false equivalencies with the war on drugs.A paper cut is different than having a .45 slug in your brain.I was in federal housing in 2011. I got caught with HALF a marijuana cigarette.(joint) I got served eviction papers.I went to a lawyer to see if I could overturn it. The lawyer said no it was federal law with no exceptions.He had a picture of Obama on his wall and I said it was surprising that he would allow BS like my situation would allow it.The lawyer said oh no,this law is from the nineties when Newt fucking Gingrich and the rest of the GOP assholes had their contract on America. That's it. I would have been homeless because of half a joint if I didn't have family in town.Do you want to talk about crack?Crack is punished 10 times as harsh as powder cocaine. I think it used to be 100 times as punishing but black and Democratic leaders have been trying to get powder and crack cocaine punished on an equal footing.The argument is crack is more addictive than snorting it. Which is not really true but let's assume it is.No one will convince me smoking crack is more addictive than using a needle to do coke. It takes about 5 seconds with a lighter to turn powder coke into liquid to use it with a needle.This is supposed to be about inter racial marriage.The idea that Dems and republicans are the same on drugs is easily dis- proven by decades of legislation.2 points -
Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas wins 1st place in women’s 500-yard NCAA title
Reality vs Adventure and one other reacted to Shagger for a topic
The only person in this thread that has presented any kind of scientific evidence on this to his high credit is @Crazycrab and based on what he's posted, @Jayson can't simply say it's wrong with a single sentence not referencing anything. Not to mention that he has been one of the most poisonous, insulting deflecting and arrogant individuals when it comes to debate this this that we have ever had. When somebody makes a point he can't challenge, he ignores then opens a new thread on the same thing and makes the same points again hoping that nobody will remember what asked before. But of course, everybody does because we're not stupid. So no, he cannot post a single, dismissive, arrogant sentence in the face of somebody like @Crazycrab who obviously spent a considerable amount of time researching and developing his point of view and expect to be treated the same, that just isn't how this works. He can't do what always does and just ignore and disrespect others views and keep ducking everyone like he's the only that can be right. At least you have the common curiously to acknowledge that you don't know everything you need to understand full how transitioning works, but at least you clearly know something about the actual subject matter, and I commend you for that. Even as a mod, it's part of my job to defend his right to express himself, but he has showed that to precisely nobody unless they agree with him without question. It is also my right to allow everyone around him the same right to express themselves, so I hop you can imagine just how badly this guy has damaged my patience. An overdose was cited as probable cause, but never fully proven. What is known is that it wasn't steroids, it was prescription drugs.2 points -
Is interracial marriage under attack by the GOP now?
Reality vs Adventure and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Women's Right to vote (Woodrow WIlson) Social Security (FDR) Minimum Wage Law (FDR) Unemployment Insurance (FDR) Rural Electrification Act (FDR) FDIC Bank Account Insurance (FDR) G.I. Bill Of Rights (FDR) Securities And Exchange (FDR) Marshall Plan (Truman) School Lunch Program (Truman) NATO (Truman) Water Quality Act Of 1948 (Truman) Peace Corps (Kennedy) First Man On The Moon (Kennedy) Civil Rights Act Of 1964 (LBJ) Voting Rights Act Of 1965 (LBJ) Medicare (LBJ) Medicaid (LBJ) Guaranteed Pell Student Loan Program (LBJ) Operation Head Start (LBJ) Motor Voter Act (Clinton) Clinton Budget Surplus (Clinton) Family And Medical Leave Act (Clinton) Affordable Care Act (Obama) Now name me a single republiKKKlan accomplishment.... If you can.2 points -
VGR Member of the Month - March 2022 Nominations
Head_Hunter and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
In the past, @DC didn't care. But then we started getting people nominating 5-10 people at a time. So now in the name of simplicity and fairness, he has limited it to one nomination per member. Sure you can nominate a member that someone else has already chosen, but that's rather pointless since they have already been nominated. Also there's never any kind of requirement to make a nomination, nor is there one to even vote. You can join in, or you can opt out. There have even been members who have asked to not be nominated. And if you are nominated, you are also welcome to vote for yourself. But voting isn't multiple answer. Like voting in any election, it's one and done until the next election.2 points -
"PlayStation Infinite", Confirmed as Plus Essential, Extra, Premium and Deluxe -June 2022
kingpotato and one other reacted to Darth for a topic
Here you go everyone, it has finally been announced. Personally, it doesn't seem too impressive to me at the moment so I will probably be sticking to the normal tier of PS Plus (or whichever one is the equivalent of the current one).2 points -
I don't think a discord channel is the answer. I actually see it becoming a problem. Too many topics, too much chat, all jumbled up together, even through different channels. It would end up just being another forum, but with the same problems only compounded and participation here would dwindle until people slowly stopped using the forum. I've seen it happen with good forums more than once in the past. What we could do is start to split topics when they go from auto mechanics to monkey brain pizza. @DC you could create a sub-forum for split topics to be moved to, so people could continue those conversations if they so choose, and at the same time let the initial topic become the focus of the conversation once again. Obviously we wouldn't move every discussion, and we couldn't move every discussion. But for the ones that go completely nuts away from the topic, it's an idea. That only applies to @DC and @Shagger I'm afraid. I'm on disability, and have nothing but open time. As for family, I have none except for @Rain Dew, my dogs, bird, and rats. So I'm in and out here several times daily, unless it's a day that I just don't feel like getting online and do something else instead. But those days are few and far between. Also, as was pointed out, isn't the General Chat forum supposed to be used for these kinds of things?2 points
My 2 cents for what it's worth : -> Get atleast one more Moderator or maybe 2, i think the forum is just way too busy for 2 people who have have a full time job and family stuff going on, you can correct me on that if i'm wrong. Either just give them access to the gaming part of the forum which is the busiest part instead of the whole board. -> I'm not really a fan of discord, so i'll just leave it at that. I find it weird to use and don't really get why it's so populair, but then again i'm old and ways off with modern technology. ->While we are on the subject the forum already has more then enough section so adding another section to just chat if you really want to do that go ahead but isen't that what the general chat section is about. -> I'd say the whole board could use a little overhaul, the subsection videogames and platforms could be moved together because in theory they are just the same thing. For the rest of the board i'll admit i don't ever really use it since i come here to talk about games with like minded people. The mainstream topics like what's going on the world i already discuss enough in daily life. ->Maybe on a last note a conversation is bound to go off topic at some point, it's only natural but some people keep going on and on about the same thing that's what irritates me the most. It's not that i don't care what you have to say but atleast add something usefull, for example yeah i know the ps5 is out of stock everywhere but must we go on and on about it. Do some effort to secure one instead of complainging online all the time. -> i really like this place and i'll be happy to keep on posting for aslong the site is around, sometimes a single post takes me half an hour or more (like this one) when nobody bothers replying i feel like i really wasted my time.2 points
I think a lot of things shouldn't be discussed on the Discord server if that's what was decided. @DC's concerns about traffic moving of the website is a legitimate concern. This would only work if posts on the Discord sever were limited to what we DON'T want discussed on the threads. The more impulsive chat points about games or whatever that don't really work as full on forum posts.2 points
I know that many of you have been expressing frustration over how "spammy" (for lack of a better word) some sections of the forum are becoming by a handful of people using the threads more like a chat. The forum gets flooded with off-topic posts on threads that really should have long since died but keep getting bummed because some people feel compiled to reply to them with anything. This thread is not about pointing fingers or blame, it is just about how to better organise the forum so that the threads can be more welcoming for the whole community. So people can post, for example, without worrying about there posts getting bummed down by people posting barley relevant, low value replies just to up posts counts. Four possible idea come to me. A "shitposting" sub forum for people to, well, "shitpost". A thread for memes, jokes and other irrelevant dribble to have fun with without impacting other areas of the forum. A re-focus on forum games. Upping post counts is essentially what these types of threads are for, but almost nobody on VGR tends to use them. For this to work, it would necessitate a change of habit that, to be honest, I don't really see happening, so I'm less sure about this one. A chat box added to the forum itself. This works well in theory, but could be difficult and time consuming to implement, not to mention hard to monitor and moderate, which is why I'd personally prefer... Opening a VGR Discord server. As well as a place for live chat, it would also open up the community to the opportunity to group up and actually play games together. Now, @DC, I remember we have had this discussion before and you didn't want to do this because you feared it would move traffic off the website, and I truly understand that, but this CAN be run and moderated in such a way that it would work, and may even attract new people to VGR. Still, that is just one man's thoughts. If you have anything to add or if you want to push one of these ideas, reply below.1 point
The brilliance of playable NPC in Watch Dogs Legion
StaceyPowers reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
This needs a special topic because I think it's the first game ever made where you can pick whatever NPC you want to play. It's pretty awesome to choose who you want to join your crew. It gives a bit of respect to all NPC's that populate the environment. I never want to run anyone over cause you don't know who they are. Everyone has value in that game. Part of the fun is just trying to recruit people you have an interest in. Sometimes you can see your crew members walking down the street. And your actions influence NPC's throughout London. I'm playing on the mode where if your character dies, they are gone for good. And it's amazing that kind of realism. I know other games have that kind of strategy in the Souls series, but this is more realistic. And every character looks different, and has different skills and background. It gives you a chance to fantasize and play the kind of person you wish to be. Especially in a dystopian broken corrupt world. Who do you want to be? So many looks. Putting myself in their shoes with everyone being so different creates so many different personalities. I'm hooked on it. What are your thoughts on that kind of interactions? I really hope other games adapt that ability. Well, that's one of the best damn things I've ever experienced in gaming.1 point -
The Playstation answer to Xbox's gamepass has been leaked, PlayStation Infinite. Not sure if the sources are true. Suposedly playstation uploaded the information to their main web page and then removed it right away. Image is not oficial, its only based on the supposed leaks Moderator Edit: New information posted further in the thread. Re-posted here for convivence. Credit to @kingpotato So yeah its finally out after many months of waiting and rumors. So basically its going to be 3 tiers: -Plus Essential: Which is pretty much the same price and service of the current PS Plus service, Monthly games, Online gaming and discounts Price 9.99 monthly 39.99 Yearly USA -Plus Extra : (This is the one that I liked the most ) Same features as before but this one includes over 400 games from PS4 and PS5 that can be downloaded , Price 14.99 Monthly 99.99 Yearly -Plus Premium: Adds the same features as before and this one is basically the combination of PS Now and Ps Plus and will have access to cloud gaming so you can play PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3 games but only through streaming. Now this service still only applies to the same countries were PS Now was available before so this service will not be available to all countries due to the quality of internet service Price 17.99 Monthly Yearly 119.99 -Plus Deluxe: This is the one for me xD This service is only for markets were cloud gaming or streaming is not that all possible, like Latin america and other countries. Essentally it will have the same features as Plus premium except for cloud gaming , there will be a small selection of games to download from PS1, PS2 and PSP (so no ps3 games😢) and of course it will be cheaper. I dont know the price in other countries but at least here in Latin america it will be 11.99 monthly and 76.99 yearly https://blog.playstation.com/2022/03/29/all-new-playstation-plus-launches-in-june-with-700-games-and-more-value-than-ever/1 point
The brilliance of playable NPC in Watch Dogs Legion
Reality vs Adventure reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
"Kill on sight" has so long been taken for granted in games. After I played Spec Ops: The Line, I can never feel the same way about that again. Watch Dogs Legion is one of the only other games I have seen find a way to call out this assumption/behavioural training.1 point -
The brilliance of playable NPC in Watch Dogs Legion
StaceyPowers reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
You are very right about Albion characters as well as Klan Kelly. When I scope things out I sometimes look at their bio summary to see if they are worth killing or not. lol. If they donate to bad causes or anti immigrant, that sort of thing I'll kill em so quick. And usually their surroundings give a good idea who they are, like if they are patrolling a torture zone, I'll kill em. But yeah, many of them you recruit, they say they want out of the game so as to not get involved with the harder or more sinister stuff. This kind of personalization for all characters including so called enemies is an outstanding feature.1 point -
The brilliance of playable NPC in Watch Dogs Legion
StaceyPowers reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
Wow, you are right about Mindjack. You can take control of anybody. That's a cool feature. Haha-I'm always wondering who I killed when I'm crashing into them fleeing the cops. And sometimes using the hijack car feature to drive them off the road to get out the way and it smashes into someone on the sidewalk; ooops!!! Nobody saw that right?1 point -
Is interracial marriage under attack by the GOP now?
The Blackangel reacted to Shagger for a topic
And the same thing to everyone else. If @Jayson brings up something provocative, but has nothing to do with the topic at hand, it is an attempt to distract you and derail a thread because he hasn't got the balls to actually face other people's points head on. It's cowardly and trolling. If he does that again in this, or any other thread, ignore him, repot him and, like I said @Jayson... I. PROMICE. TROUBLE. Is everyone clear?1 point -
Pit Bulls
Crazycrab reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Most dogs understand instinctively that the child doesn't understand what they're doing. When I was a toddler, I was mean as hell to our animals. They never attacked me once. One even went out of her way to protect me. The only ones that ever got mean were actually our cats. But cats are the spawn of Satan anyway. And there may be some wondering about what @Crazycrab said about poodles. That goofy ass haircut that you see poodles with today? That was actually developed by hunters to keep their joints warm and protected, yet keep them light and slick enough to move through water quickly. It wasn't developed by some pompous rich bitch.1 point -
Saddest moments in Videogames
The Blackangel reacted to kingpotato for a topic
Have you ever played Red Dead Redemption 2? If not then once you actually play the game you will understand. Its an emotional rollercoaster, the game does have a script worthy of an oscar in my opinion.1 point -
I agree something has to be done about this but at the same time I dont want people to be discourage to make any type of comment. One of my main complaints is that when a thread gets overwhelmed with unrelated comments the actual releated comments tend to be ignore and this is mostly because all of us tend to check and reply to the latest comments made and sometimes when this happens a lot of people tend to ignore the original post. I just had this issue today were I decided to create a whole new thread for the PSplus service update since the original had over 100 unrelated comments on it already and I was afraid my updated comment went unoticed, and thats the whole point some times I dont bother on commenting on some threads since its currently being used for something else unrelated to the topic so Im afraid of wasting my time making a comment that is going to be ingnored or majorly unoticed. But I do have to say Im totally against Discord, I dont use it and I dont want to use it, Just like DC said once, If we start using discord that is going to take away activity from the forum. More modderators might help but thats not going to 100% eliminate the problem. Adding a sub section to the thread might help but again thats not going to solve the problem entirely. I do agree that we need to start changing the habits of the users on the forum, even if we are not modderators we should encourage other users to stop making unrelated comments on the thread and focus on the original post. As well there should be an option to remove or delete those comments from thread.1 point
I love the percentage completed feature in PS5
StaceyPowers reacted to Shagger for a topic
The PS4 does have it was well, as do a lot of PC launchers and other consoles. It's actually quite common. Don't get me wrong, I do like it. There's something very satisfying about knowing how much of a game you've completed.1 point -
Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas wins 1st place in women’s 500-yard NCAA title
Crazycrab reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I remember watching her. And during her tenure as a WWE superstar, I don't remember her fighting even one of the WWE Divas. She fought the men. And kicked some serious ass doing it. I also remember her first Playboy spread, and a guy referring to her as a "linebacker with tits". That was one of the most misogynistic comments I had ever heard. If she was still alive, I would dare any man to try to take her on. And I would film the whole thing and put it straight up on YouTube. "Guy gets his ass kicked by a girl part 1"1 point -
Is interracial marriage under attack by the GOP now?
Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Now I'm fascinated. How the ever living fuck did the drug war get pulled into this?1 point -
Churches That Believe They are the Only Way
Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Is that the only word you took out of his entire comment? That's enough. It's not my job to police people's opinions or beliefs, but you need to get off the soapbox of talking about only abortion. This is not an abortion debate site or forum. If abortion is the only thing you care about, you're in the wrong place. You need to start talking about gaming as well. I know I'm not the only one to come here every day, and see you on a tirade about abortion. Either agree to disagree, or please shut the fuck up.1 point -
Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas wins 1st place in women’s 500-yard NCAA title
kingpotato reacted to Jayson for a topic
A situation like this isn't fair because obviously the athlete is more powerful due to the fact she hasn't been transformed enough into a female.1 point -
If you are not aware of the dashlane password manager, you may want to take a look at it.1 point
Yes the graphics of those games is extremely low and boring too yet they get demand as well.1 point
The web browser on the PS4 is really slow...
Knight Plug reacted to NightmareFarm for a topic
Console web browsers are pretty useless.1 point -
Fortnite favorite skin
kingpotato reacted to Knight Barida for a topic
This is lovely! That's gonna be my pick when I am asked to make a choice because of how cool that it is.1 point -
WWE 2K22 - To Arrive March 2022 - New Trailer
Heatman reacted to Knight Barida for a topic
Meditation is good, but why not try yoga? Yoga is an exercise that assist you to control your mind especially when a difficult moment is before you and you need to act.1 point -
WWE 2K22 - To Arrive March 2022 - New Trailer
Heatman reacted to Knight Barida for a topic
Agression and showing some signs of losing temper is welcome by me when it comes to gaming. Just don't destroy the TV please...lol.1 point -
I think a 'shit posting' thread might be the easiest way to go. The problem though is that people are interested in a gaming topic and get carried away. A sub forum wouldn't spark convo as well. I think when there is a gaming topic that starts to get carried away, there could be a link or invite to move that conversation elsewhere. And they can post there as much they want. Something like that I think is easier to mod. As far as live chat, that would take away from the number of forum posts and good things people say about gaming isn't saved forever for others to read. It would be cool to have though. But in no way whatsoever should politics be allowed in live chat. lol1 point
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Knight Plug reacted to Justin11 for a topic
xD, Capcom have done their best by given us RE series that has been in existence for over 20 years. Let's appreciate them for that, even if they've failed somehow due to inability of releasing further DLCs and remakes in some of their video game that wasn't up to par of what we expected.1 point -
I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...
Heatman reacted to Knight Plug for a topic
Sounds good. I have the latest Uncharted game. So I could try that. I really like Naughty Dog, for they have a commitment to delivering quality. This company is way better than Capcom is today.1 point -
The Worst Racism I Experienced
Reality vs Adventure reacted to Crazycrab for a topic
Actually, unless you provide evidence to back up your claim that homophobia is significantly more prevalent within the black community or that the homophobia within that community presents problems that don't exist in others that's pretty much exactly what your doing. Your singling them out for a prejudice that exists in every ethnic group.1 point -
Last Game Played
kingpotato reacted to Heatman for a topic
It can only be Bloodhound. I believe that Bloodhound is the best amongst all the legend in Apex Legend.1 point -
The Cruel King and the Great Hero
Knight Barida reacted to Justin11 for a topic
You got some animé video games you always come up, most of them are just funny more than the way their game-play appears.1 point -
Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas wins 1st place in women’s 500-yard NCAA title
kingpotato reacted to Crazycrab for a topic
I am aware of one particular experiment that was done with a competitive cyclist. The subject was biology assigned male at birth and her performance was tested (I think it was the 400m) before beginning her treatments. After completing hormone treatments her performance was tested again and they found that her performance had decreased by around 11%. This was the EXACT gap between current world records between men and women in that event over that distance. It seems that were similar experiments being done in various track and field sports and believe swimming as well producing similar results. I'm not taking this as a general thing, It's possible these kind of results won't be in every competitive sport. What I will say is if a sporting body decides impose any restrictions on Trans people competing then that decision has to be based on verifiable scientific evidence and not opinion. Not just for the sake of fair play but as to not encourage anybody to transition for the wrong reasons.1 point -
I would say violence, but I still feel uneasy towards real violence. In fact I don't think it has desensitized me as much as I thought. Because seeing real people get hurt isn't something I like to see. Video games it's no big deal, because it's not real, but seeing the real thing isn't as easy for me. I can handle Video game violence, gore, etc but real death is something I just can't do. I can't view that stuff because it will haunt me for days and I won't get sleep.1 point
Is interracial marriage under attack by the GOP now?
Reality vs Adventure reacted to Jayson for a topic
Where's the halo boxes for the democrats who pushed the US into the Vietnam War? What other good things did they do for the poor?0 points