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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2022 in all areas

  1. Leave @Head_Hunter alone guys! Remember the title of the thread is "What games do YOU consider to be a masterpiece?". If that's how he feels that's how feels.
    2 points
  2. With what I've seen you say, you're a true fan of A.C, because you got almost all editions apart from the two missing in your backlog. You still have enough time, anytime to get those ones. Their is no doubt to what A.C Valhalla, Odyssey, Unity brings to gamers, just amazing games. I am yet to play III Kings.
    1 point
  3. Good one 'Crab man, that's exactly how i feel, the options I mentioned earlier are masterpiece. GT 7 impressed me more when I got to play it , saw new vehicles added to it making it cool.
    1 point
  4. Odyssey is what I've become attached to; the lore, beliefs, scenery, Greece as the birthplace of democracy and olympics. I have the whole series except for the first one and Unity. I really love all the games. One thing is for sure is that I'll never delete the 3 kings, Odyssey, Valhalla, and Origins. I've also been wanting to get Unity so I'll have to start looking for it again.
    1 point
  5. I don't understand why any gamer with even a slither of common sense would buy this nonsense. Quite frankly @skyfire, @Head_Hunter and others who actually believe this should be ashamed. No only has science spent, or perhaps wasted, many decades and even more $millions on trying to link violent behaviour and video games together only to fail time and time again, you can't even see what the real purpose these bullshit claims are suppose to serve. It's scapegoating. Counting of people's stupidity to deny real problems they don't want to address. For example, this is a particularly popular scapegoat in America because politicians over thier don't want to believe that the high rate of homicide and violence have anything to do with the fact that anyone can get thier hands on a gun. They know it would political suicide to open up that can of worms, so instead they blame not just video games, but entertainment media and "the corrupted youth" that partake in it instead. They present these non-facts to the gullible, ignorant parts of society that want to led away from the problems because they don't want to believe the inconvenient truth either. Seriously what is wrong with those of you that actually believe this? As @Crazycrab pointed out, none of you present any proof, but just choose to believe this bullshit anyway? All you need is the ability to think for yourselves to see how ridiculous this is. Nobody on this forum is that stupid that they can at least do that.
    1 point
  6. Do you have any proof of this? I can't help but notice that none of the people posting here are ANY proof of this. The obvious reason that it is in fact baseless crap. The best the OP @skyfire can do is post research from Oxford University, one of the highly respected academic institutions on earth and say essentially "it's wrong because I disagree with it." No rebuttal of the evidence, no explanation or analysis of their methods to prove they are flawed, no contradictory data, nothing. One again there have dozens of studies, some lasting more that an a decade comparing tens of thousands of subjects from preteen into adulthood, and no direct link between video games and violent behaviour had EVER been found. Yet there are people who still believe in this link fuelled with nothing but pure speculation and excuses: https://www.theguardian.com/games/2020/jul/22/playing-video-games-doesnt-lead-to-violent-behaviour-study-shows The only thing that was found (as I explained earlier) was a link to aggression, but no more than playing competitive sports and other forms of competition.
    1 point
  7. Would it be OK if I suddenly decided to violently hate you?
    1 point
  8. Teen aggression has been around since the beginning of time. Video games has only been around 40 years. Plenty of people are aggressive who don't play games. What do they blame for those people's aggression? Why should a gamer be treated differently and overlook other things?
    1 point
  9. So funny, You're tied at the moment with @skyfire, we might have two winners this time, xD.
    1 point
  10. Most teens are left and exposed to playing violent video games. No doubt in the past for me, I was exposed to violent games as a teen, it didn't affect me all that much as an adult now.
    1 point
  11. This semi-conductor shortage is long reaching nightmare. I was at a job interview this past week with an engineering firm that manufactures refuse and recycling collection vehicles. OK, dumpster trucks and bin lorries, but this place was struggling to acquire components to meet orders for the same reason games consoles and PC component manufactures are struggling.
    1 point
  12. I have observed bots logged in on the forum before without interacting with anything or posting anything. I suppose this is at least what some of them were doing. If they don't post anything, they know we'll likely do nothing about them. Clever, but since no living person seems to paying this forum any mind, It hasn't really helped them much. What waste of time. Us going to the forum to see all this today is probably the most traffic they've ever had. You may as well etch your company logo onto a dog turd for the worth thier ad-space is worth, what's the point in any of this?
    1 point
  13. I agree. It's a bot that scrapes community posts. These communities are inactive/dead, no real users or legitimacy. It's not worth our attention. If it was a legitimate community then I would file a DMCA. It's just not worth it.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. I've looked into this forum. This plagiarism has clearly been going for quite some time. here are some of the examples I've found, including one from a moderator at this forum that copied ME two years ago. For a start, this very thread on VGR has been staight up copied on iGamingNews https://www.igamesnews.com/forum/threads/boss-fights-that-are-more-like-puzzles.64149/ iGamingnews https://www.igamesnews.com/forum/threads/generic-vs-name-brand-food-drink-products.63692/ On VGR https://www.vgr.com/forum/topic/14029-generic-vs-name-brand-fooddrink-products Somebody even copied the member of "VGR Member of the Month" thread without removing the VGR reference. On iGamingnews https://www.igamesnews.com/forum/threads/vgr-member-of-the-month-march-2022.64182/#post-64443 And here's the thread going way back that I wrote, so I know the VGR thread is the original. Not how only the text was copied, not the hyperlinks nor the videos, so this was copied and pasted to iGamingNews, not the other way round, otherwise the post on iGamingnews wouldn't look like this. This from a moderator as well, as aforementioned. On iGamingNews https://www.igamesnews.com/forum/threads/angry-joe-vargas-accused-of-sexual-harassment.7934/ On VGR https://www.vgr.com/forum/topic/7612-angry-joe-vargas-accused-of-sexual-harassment/ These are but a few examples of hundreds, maybe thousands posts come from serval different members and it's clear posts have been getting copied from us for quite some time. Maybe this is just how this "forum" operates, but copying our threads to make thier forum look more active than it really is. I even found one thread that was a copy of the thread title, but then the topic itself was just a link to the thread copied on VGR. https://www.igamesnews.com/forum/threads/the-legend-of-karen-chapter-4.64025/ So yeah, this is pathetic.
    1 point
  16. We can't force DLCs in, it depends on Capcom to make decision and execute it fast or keep delaying it till end of time.
    1 point
  17. Their are lots if video games to look into and enjoy wonderful experience on, than waiting for Capcom when you know they are going down gradually.
    1 point
  18. I'm no longer interested in waiting for them because I'm quite of it already because I believe that I have tried. If they like, let them cancel on it if it's possible for them to do.
    1 point
  19. Altair

    Arm Wrestling

    I don't know much about arm wrestling so I don't think I can really comment on this. However, it does not seem like a fair fight from what I'm seeing without knowing really anything about the sport. Thanks for the information. Very informative.
    1 point
  20. Why am I not surprised? The thought hadn't occurred to me that they may be spreading their disease through online games. Why it hadn't, I don't know. It should have been obvious.
    1 point
  21. Oh for fucks sake! Are we seriously still on that! Ok, first it's not Silent Hill. It was never Silent Hill It will never be Silent Hill. There are dozens, maybe even hundreds of games in this style aren't Silent Hill. It was obvious to anyone that wasn't blowing wildly optimistic fanboy smoke up their own arse that it's not Silent.... Fucking.... Hill! So please stop screwing yourselves over and looking like idiots. It was even confirmed by multiple sources that it's not Silent Hill, or that it has anything to do with Hideo Kojima over a year ago. Unless there is conformation from Konami that a Silent Hill is in production or that the IP has been sold to somebody else, Silent Hill is dead, get over it! The only reason anyone suspect's this game of being a scam is because idiot fanboys breathed to much into it letting themselves think it was something it never was. If it weren't for everyone would just accept what's going on right now for what it is. A game from a small studio that's having difficulty's like many small studios do. Here is a statement from Blue Box:
    0 points
  22. As a 28 y/o, pretty new to oculus. I am shocked with the amount of toxicity and other language op has mentioned actually polluting vr multilayer. And it seems it is mostly kids that are doing this. Really puts me off staying on any one game for too long. Just getting worse then better
    0 points
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