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VGR Member of the Month - March 2022
kingpotato and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
KP, this one is for 500 points.2 points -
What is your least favourite thing about your favourite game?
Withywarlock reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
What is your least favourite thing about your favourite game?1 point -
Candy Crush
Head_Hunter reacted to Shagger for a topic
If you feel there's something we need to do, report it. Don't openly discuss it on the threads without bringing it to our direct attention. This isn't the way we want these things brought to our attention for two reasons. First, what is often referred to as "backseat moderating" is not permitted by the rules. This in itself is for several reasons, chief among which is reason two here, it delays our response to the issue addressed. It's sheer luck that I even noticed that there was a concern about this issue at all. Either way, I could have, for example, looked into this right away, but not only just sheer luck having to kick in for me to notice the concerns, I then had to type all of this nonsense out to remind you two of the process. I'll look into either merging or deleting redundant "Candy Crush" threads, but from now on I will expect you and everyone else to make a report on it rather than discuss it on the public threads, is that understood?1 point -
The thread to post ratio on that site is disgusting. It's clear that they're just copying content and it's not beneficial to that forum at all because clearly no one seems to be discussing the threads they post. Place pretty much looks dead as well.1 point
I agree, at the end of the day is it really worth bothering, sueing that website is likely going to take time/effort and money seems like a waste of both.1 point
VGR being Plagiarized (incompetently) by igamenews
Head_Hunter reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Yeah - I was just about to recommend that. @DC can easily sue them because he has overwhelming evidence. I'd recommend that @DC get lots of screenshots and videos of the website and then send the cease and desist order. If they don't shut down, he can take it a step further.1 point -
They are remaking Saints Row 1 and getting released in August this year. That's a game I'm excited for. I'm having a blast with SR2. Seems like every time I play there is something new to discover. Fun at its finest. That's the first and only game in the series I've played, but I do have 3 and 4. I'm gonna play through 2, then play the remake, then 3 and 4. It's interesting that the entire series came out on the Xbox360, ps3 generation. I'm glad for the reboot.1 point
Has anyone lashed out at you for beating them in a game?
Lamarr the strelok reacted to Patrik for a topic
fortunately never, i don't know how those people try to take the competition and toxicity to real life and turn it into arguments lol1 point -
VGR Member of the Month - March 2022
kingpotato reacted to Crazycrab for a topic
I wouldn't suggest that idea if I were you... SkyFIRE Vs kingPOTATO, let's face it. Unless you have some obscure drug advantage, you are literally baked potato!1 point -
VGR Member of the Month - March 2022
kingpotato reacted to Head_Hunter for a topic
The contest is still tied, who's that one voter that will change the margin and decide the contest in the next 24 hours?1 point -
VGR being Plagiarized (incompetently) by igamenews
kingpotato reacted to DC for a topic
The site admin is likely aware of the issue. He/she is the likely the one who created the bot that plagiarizes the content. I'm not pursuing but I do appreciate everyone's concern and input.1 point -
What is your least favourite thing about your favourite game?
Withywarlock reacted to Crazycrab for a topic
Funny fact, in Ocarina of Time Deku sticks actually are more powerful than the starting sword!1 point -
Think Facebook will make their own console?
Justin11 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Their VR gaming setup is apparently rather popular at the moment. Since it's doing so well, I'm absolutely positive that they will have a full fledged console out sooner rather than later. Unless I'm out of the loop and they already have.1 point -
1 point
To clarify, I do live in the UK. And in the UK if one wanted to build a gaming PC to match the capabilities of, let's say, a PS5, expected to pay well over £2000, whereas the retail price of the console is around £500. If you needed a computer as utility, you can find a laptop for that purpose for £400 or less quite easily, so add that to the (retail) price of a PS5 and it's still less than half the money. And honestly, I think that's a smarter way to spend one's money. Most of the electronics and stuff we buy is made in China as well, so that's explain this. What can explain it is that I believe it is something to do with the way some countries tax imported electronics. I know this is why people in Brazil pay double the price for a games console compared to the US. Regardless of the reason, you could say that the UK and the US are among the lucky ones. Whether you are lucky or unlucky with the price of consoles where you live, it has nothing to do with the console manufacturer itself. They price thier hardware at a point where they barley profit from a console sale, or even make a loss, at least at first. They do this to get consoles into peoples homes as it's only then that they can start to make real money through subscriptions and sales of games and accessories. That's why they can afford to sell consoles cheap. PC's, including gaming PC's and components, are different. They get sold as a more conventional good. Nvidea, Intel, AMD, Corsair, MSI, AS Rock or whoever it is making these computers and components only make money on the hardware sale. It's not like Nvidia get a cut of a game sale from steam just because they made you graphics card, or Corsair get a slice because they made your cooling fans or power supply. They have to charge more than what to cost to manufacture, a burden Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo can afford to ignore because with thier consoles being inside peoples homes can provide a revenue stream. PC's can't do that because there will be serval companies involved the manufacture, even on pre-built computers. That is why PC's is so expensive. Yes, depending on where you live, consoles might be taxed to hell and not be any cheaper as a result, but these taxes can increase the cost PC gaming as well. For example, I'm fairly certain that PC components are more expensive here in the UK than they are in the US because if taxes and import costs.1 point
How dark do you like dark places/times of day to be in video games?
Head_Hunter reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I think it varies from game to game. I've been loving Hell Let Loose lately but I would abhor playing that in total darkness; I've only recently adjusted my eyes to seeing enemies as little pips in the distance (hitting them's another matter entirely). And yet I love World of Warcraft's Inky Black Potion (see below). Most of the time I like darkness to be pitch-black, on the proviso there's a reasonable means of tackling it (being able to craft/buy torches, lanterns of different kinds, light spells, and so forth). Don't get me started on what was and wasn't the old D&D games' 'infravision'. The problem with that comes when you can only play at certain times of the day, or your climate dictates that the game gets brighter/darker earlier/later. This was one of the major debates that took place in World of Warcraft: how dark should the world be? There were few arguments against darker nights, but that was mainly from self-confessed daylight players. To compromise, the developers added the Inky Black Potion, which would darken any sky for one hour for the imbiber. I like IRL day-night cycles in MMOs but I wouldn't want it for any other sort of game, especially at the cost of artistic integrity. Ain't no way the symbolism of midnight in Spyro 2's Winter Tundra - a metaphor for Ripto's reign and the player's quest reaching its zenith - is going away for realism.1 point -
E3 2022 cancelled
killamch89 reacted to Shagger for a topic
This has been a long time coming. Game publishers, especially the major ones and console manufactures, with good reason see more befit into just doing thier own announcements and streaming events. It's better for us as well I'd say. Publishers building thier development schedules and announcement time frames around ES is archaic these days and only causes problems.1 point -
What is your least favourite thing about your favourite game?
Withywarlock reacted to Kane99 for a topic
My favorite game would have to be SMB3. I think my least favorite thing in the game, is those annoying plants that are on the ground, touching them kills you. But you can wear that green bag suit you can jump on them. But yeah, I hate those things the most in the game.1 point