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Taking a brief step back for a little while
killamch89 and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I'm going to be taking a step back from the internet for a little while. Things are piling up and getting stressful, so I need to take some time to decompress. It shouldn't be too terribly long. But once I get my head in the right place, I will definitely be back. So until I'm back you guys will have to rely on @Shagger and @DC for all your moderation needs.2 points -
Would their be any way to add your xbox live gamertag or psn network id to your account, i could swear i've seen this feature on other boards before.2 points
The last thing we want to do is start deleting posts. And we would never do it just because we "don't like" what the poster says. This forum is about facts and opinions. While we moderate the forum, we have neither the right nor the privilege to moderate anyone's opinions. If we start going that route we will end up with a fascist forum ruled with an iron fist. Within a week, there will be no more members here. I don't want to see that, as I'm sure no one else does. We're about the free exchange of ideas. If however we do delete a post, it's because it was in direct defiance of the rules. Or it was overly offensive, or damaging. For example, if someone came here spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories about Covid, we would be on that like a pack of dogs on a 3 legged cat. I'm sure the rest of the forum would too. That person may be instantly banned, if @DC deems it necessary, or be suspended with a heavy warning. We don't want to take any kind of drastic measures like that, but if we have no other choice, we will do it. Also we don't delete posts without a PM to the poster letting them know and telling them why we deleted their post. @Shagger has deleted several of my posts in the past, and he always sent me a PM letting me know and telling me why. I'm not sure how I feel about timers or time limits. It seems like moderation beyond the scope to me. What we want, is for people to think before they post. Reply to the discussion if you feel you can make a meaningful contribution, or maybe don't reply until you feel you can. If I don't think a conversation is at some kind of point that I could contribute to the discussion, I leave it be. If it reaches a point that I feel I could offer something of some value, no matter how small, I'll offer it. For me personally, the vast majority of posts here are things that I can't offer anything that holds any value to the discussion. So I don't bother replying. We only want what's best for this forum. We're not the emperors of this forum. We're just moderators. We're going to fuck up at times. We're going to make bad calls. But we're human, and humans make mistakes. Well, @Shagger is human. I'm a vampire.2 points
Take all the time you need. Looking forward to your return. If there is anything any of us can do, let us know.1 point
Community Chat #1
Shagger reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
That's true for the most part, but occasionally you get one that's just an asshole and will bite. I've had a few. One even bit all the way through my fingernail and out the meat of the tip of my finger. He passed away a few years ago, unfortunately. But 99% of rats are sweet and loving. They love to cuddle, they love kisses, they love to play, and they love to explore. They're also easy to train. A toddler could do it.1 point -
Community Chat #1
Shagger reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Guys, rats are not vermin. They may invade spaces, but they also do a lot of good. For example they're scavengers among other things. They will eat decomposing bodies of dead animals around your property, which can actually make you sick. With venomous snakes (as well as any other snake), feral rats will often attack like a swarm and kill it for food. And snakes, like just about any other reptile, actually do carry diseases like salmonella, which you can get from just handling them. This includes domestic reptiles. Snakes and turtles are the worst about it. The only way a rat "condemns the food" is if they carry a disease. They are often just as healthy and disease free as you or me. They are also often cleaner, as they groom themselves all day. They love baths also. So even a feral rat is good to have around. Feral rats also save lives.1 point -
Do you pay apps so you can get rid of the ads?
Head_Hunter reacted to skyfire for a topic
Its not whether it catches or not. it's more like looking for free wifi from the range. and it tells you password of those free wifi spots.1 point -
Best Nintendo 3DS games
kingpotato reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
Alright let's go the 3ds i must say i had a hard time knocking it down to 10 games, especially since the line up of the 3ds is so divers. If you weed out all the shovelware garbage, you may have one of the best libraries of any handheld. Figured i'd include a picture because why the hell not. I'll just put em in random order, i'd must say it's been quite a while since i've played my 3ds so excuse me if i can't go into detail : Ridge Racer 3D -> This was a launch game and the one i picked up alongside pilotwings when i got my first 3ds a few weeks after launch. The reason i'm including it is because at the time it made the best use of the 3d effect and that was quite impressing. Not only that but it's imo the best racing game on the 3ds and will keep occupied for many hours. I'd even say it's best racing game on any portable system. Dead Or Alive Dimensions -> While this up for debate, This is the best fighter on the 3ds. Infact i'd call it my favourite dead or alive game, A good amount of fighters and a whole story that takes atleast 15 hours to play trough. I'm not 100% sure but the story covers the first 4 games if i'm correct. All in all what i like most about doa is that it's easy to pick up and play, i don't have the time to put hundreds of hours into a fighter to become good anymore. Anyways there is plenty to unlock that will keep your busy for quite a while. Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -> I don't think this got ported elsewhere yet, yeah what do you get when you combine the puzzles from the professor layton series with the more visual novel style gameplay from phoenix wright, yep this game. It seemlessly combines the gameplay from both series and blends the best of both worlds into one game. If you're either a fan of the series try it out. Super Mario 3D Land -> probably had the best 3d effect of any game on the 3ds. It's 3d mario in 3D, not much more i can add. Hell lot of fun tough. New Super Mario Bros 2 -> Again this may also up for debate but if somebody would ask me what is your favourite 2d platformer i'm going to say Sonic. If somebody would ask me what is the best 2d platformer i'm going to say New super mario bros 2. Albeit a bit on the easy side, grinding towards a million coins has never been so much fun and satisfying. Zelda : A link between worlds -> spiritual successor to a link to the the past, kinda looks similair to it aswell. Man what more do you want me to say without spoiling anything go f***ing play it, it's a classic. Doubt this will get ported to any system soon so what are you waiting for, go online and buy it before it prices goes trough the roof. Story of Seasons Trio of Towns -> Well if you like farming games and life simulation games this is the one to get imo. I had to include atleast one of these games in my top 10 so let it be this one. Not much else to add other then that the 3ds is the perfect platform for these kinda games. Be sure to have a lot of free time tough. Epic Mickey Power of Ilusion -> Castle of Illusion is one of my favourite sega games of all time, this is a tribute to it but dare i say it's even better. Old school 2D platforming goodness at it's finest. The mean reason i'm including it, it makes the best use of the stylus in any game i have played on the 3ds. While you're at it go check out the first epic mickey on the wii because that's a classis too. Hometown Story -> This is a spin off of the harvest moon games, instead of a farm you run a shop. Instead of taking care of animals and whatnot, you go on a adventure, well to put it shortly because since you must be bored by now. It's a hyrbid between a life sim/management sim/rpg, what kept me really going that the town grows bigger once you progress trough the game. You can also get married and whatnot. The side characters are interesting in their own right. Too bad whenever i bring this game up, nobody played it or has even heard of it, well you get a second chance. Fantasy Life -> Hands down the best game on the 3ds, by far the game i put most hours on the system. I'm going to keep it short and hopefully you'll take my word for granted. If you have any slight interest in a jrpg or life sim, you need to play this game. Be prepared to kiss your social life goodbye and if you have a partner better tell them to you won't be having time for anything else in the next few months orso. And there you have it my top 10 3ds games. Apologies for the no doubt many grammar mistakes. I've always wanted to say this atleast once in my life but be sure to like and subscribe and why not comment down below. Peace!1 point -
No zelda game should be remade, they have been milked dry enough already. I'd much rather like that nintendo put their efforts in a brand new game instead of rereleasing yet another one. Doesen't have to be zelda perse why not a brand new ip, clearly nintendo knows how to build a good open world. Green ranger use your special power and grab yourself a cheap wii u with a copy of wind waker, that version is most exellent, while you're at it grab yourself a copy of xenoblade chronicles x and btw all of the (early) portable zelda games are on the wii u eshop for one to enjoy.1 point
What is the console you would want most - excluding next gen
Darth reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
That's why Nintendo cut all ties with Rockstar, unless one of their racing games is available on Switch. But with GTA and RDR2 being Rockstar games, I would bet that they don't want any connection whatsoever. Even with the massive success of the DKC franchise on the SNES. Not to mention Conker's Bad Fur Day on the N64. But from what I understand, Nintendo is somewhat ashamed that they let CBFD get released for one of their systems.1 point -
I know it's not directed towards me, but if you don't mind i'll join in and say my favourites are since i have played em all : Ac 4 Black Flag -> While a departure from the original ac formula, the ship combat added another dimension and has probably the best main character after Ezio in any game. The world was a joy to explore and the story was great overall. Even the present story made sense since you were inflirtrating abstergo i'm not 100% sure but that part ended with a cliffhanger. I think with the ship combat as a main thing ubisoft could easily make a new ip out of it, i know they announced skulls and bones a few years back but we haven't seen anything or heard anything from it in years. Ac 3 Brotherhood -> That game pretty much perfected what made ac 2 so good, Rome is a joy to explore, the story is great. Ezio to this day is still the best main character in any ac game. The music was also pretty much spot on, only thing i could say negative wise the combat is way too easy, since you can pretty much just counter and attack and you never die really. They also added another dimensions that you can recruit you're own assasins and train them, altough the game becomes even more easier that way. Ac Oddysey -> I'm going to put this one above Origins and Valhalla, because it's the game i enjoyed the most out of the three. It had the best setting of the 3 and the best main character as far as i'm concerned, i played as kassandra and liked her much better then eivor and bayek. The world is a joy to explore and the side quests and dlc were actually fairly good something that cannot be said about valhalla, the mercenary's also added quite a challenge especially early game when you meet some that are 20 levels higher then you, so you have to hide or run at at any costs. The game isen't perfect but with dlc combined i'd put 200+ hours into. And as a bonest i'll include a 4th : Ac Unity -> Yep i should get my head checked, probably the most hated game in the series but that's because most people who slam this game never played it and just take whatever the internet says for granted. I played this a year after launch and if i'm being honest i diden't encounter any bugs at all, This was in my oppinion one of the first true games that did the ps4/xbox one honour, not only does it still look amazing to this day, Paris is beautiful especially by night, you have these crowded areas that we haden't seen in any game at all at the time. The game also encouraged stealth and offered different options to kill your character that was quite new at the time, something they dropped all together in recent games, where you can just murder 30+ people and still be alive doesen't really make sense. I think the story is also one of the better in ac games. The co-up i felt like that was forced on for the sake off it, so i never bothered with that would be my only complaint. In the state the game is now i highly recommend you give this game a change (or a second one) you'll be suprised how good it is.1 point
Best Open World Games?
Heatman reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
I haven't finished Brotherhood yet before getting to Revelations; and I have no doubt it's a great game. I did play the very beginning of Revelations once and Ezio was older; so I stopped to play Brotherhood since the story is tied. I was impressed with what I saw in Revelations though. I have it on both ps4 and ps3. Maybe I should just go ahead and start playing it!1 point