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Taking a brief step back for a little while
killamch89 and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I'm going to be taking a step back from the internet for a little while. Things are piling up and getting stressful, so I need to take some time to decompress. It shouldn't be too terribly long. But once I get my head in the right place, I will definitely be back. So until I'm back you guys will have to rely on @Shagger and @DC for all your moderation needs.2 points -
General Gaming Discussion
Knight Plug reacted to Boblee for a topic
I really looked up to that but it all ended up as a huge disappointment with a no holding announcement. There will always be another one. We move 🚶.1 point -
If you look at the titles you'll see the first one is "Lara Croft Tomb Raider" and the newer one is just "Tomb Raider". He made what he meant pretty clear if ask me.1 point
They had this on a forum I used to be a part of years ago. The basic layout was actually very similar to what we have here with the profile info of the person, forum handle, role, avatar, number of posts etc on the left with the post itself on the right. I took a snip of one of these profile displays. I've blocked out the information for obvious reasons, I just wanted to give @DC an idea as to how this might look.1 point
VGR being Plagiarized (incompetently) by igamenews
kingpotato reacted to DC for a topic
I am waiting for this thread to be copied. 😅1 point -
VGR being Plagiarized (incompetently) by igamenews
DC reacted to killamch89 for a topic
You know what would be more hilarious - if we had an actual spam thread with nonsense in it and they actually copy that.1 point -
Justin11 reacted to Prof elohstar for a topic
Good bro.. anyone you finally get, am sure you will enjoy it.1 point -
Interesting, only my account shows up on the site. The bots don't even show up on the tab, even though they posted five minutes ago.1 point
I have to give them credit, this is entertaining, it's like watching a monkey play with his own poop. It's disgusting, yet hilarious at the same time.1 point
New Witcher Game announced
killamch89 reacted to Shagger for a topic
I'm not a massive fan of the series, but there's no denying that this is an exiting announcement. I just pray that this doesn't turn into another Cyberpunk 2077, and that's a good reason for people to reign in thier excitement a bit. I for one have no clue what to expect from this, but despite the recent past CDPR are a good developer and I'm looking forward to this.1 point -
I think this generation of gaming will be much better than the last
killamch89 reacted to Shagger for a topic
I want to be optimistic, but I don't feel like I am. The business practices seem to just get worse with each new generation and I for one am not convinced the games themselves are getting any better. I do feel good about how these new consoles look at improving the gameplay experience with the high speed SSD's and ease of use, but ultimately it's the games that count and I'm not sure we'll really see a marked improvement.1 point -
OK, that's. This another that the crowed who post anything just to post some have ruined by turning it into thier own personal chatroom to shit post about things that are at best barley relevant to topic. This is the exact problem that's being discussed here. Here's the thing @Heatman, @Boblee, @Justin11 and @Head_Hunter, it always you guys. @egghead, for you it's even worse. You keep trying to bring NFT's and crypto into this thread when this thread has nothing to do with that. You even post this twice, I mean the exact same post; This set off alarm bells to me. I'm gonna look further into your post history and I find you've been trying to push this game and/or other crypto scams, you are going to be in a lot of trouble. Whatever the case, I am not allowing this thread to abused further. Locked.1 point
Best horror games ever
Knight Plug reacted to Heatman for a topic
If I would have my way, it's definitely going to be pre order for me, at least it's something I know that I can afford.1 point -
Well.. My fav games of 2021 are Psychonauts 2 and It Takes Two1 point
Ok, I'm confused and I think you two are going to have to be a little more specific. There have been several games and movies across both the original and rebooted franchises, and opinions about these can be quite... divisive. So is it this movie (safely assuming it's not the sequel): Or this one: If you ask me, neither film was as good as it's game. The first movie with Angelina Jolie and was just cheesy, sellout hollywood. The other one starring Alicia Vikander was a better movie, but a worse adaptation. I hold it to a higher standard since the story in the rebooted Tomb Raider is head and shoulders above the original.1 point
Community Chat #1
killamch89 reacted to Head_Hunter for a topic
I love dogs as pet, just that the ones I had in the past didn't last longer, illness took them away from me. They're two German Shepherd, it was sad to bury those two dogs back then. I wouldn't dare to take rat as pet, due to their pattern here in my demographic, they are trained criminals xD.1 point -
If you are taking any recommendations, I would suggest playing Mortal Kombat 11. It's going to make your day completely.1 point
Who are your favorite reviewers?
Knight Plug reacted to Heatman for a topic
I have been following Brett Hicks for a while but never really found his work that impressive but just averagely good.1 point -
Best horror games ever
Heatman reacted to Knight Plug for a topic
If Bethesda does a third game, it will be a day one purchase for me.1 point -
Milestone Thread
killamch89 reacted to Shagger for a topic
It's not a contest to see who has the most posts. On the contrary anyone who sees it that way is doing this all wrong. It's about being active and contributing, and that is not summed up by how many posts you've made. To be fair to @killamch89, he is a very valued contributor who posts in quality as well as quantity, and that's what we like.1 point -
Milestone Thread
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
@killamch89 posts his ass off. He is one of the most active members we have. He's here almost every day, and always chips in. I for one have gotten to enjoy reading his posts, as he always has something of real quality to contribute.1 point -
Squid Game
killamch89 reacted to Empire for a topic
I liked Squid Game. To me it was well written with the mystery, had a tense feel about it the whole way through didn’t answer everything obviously. Most of that’s up to the viewer to piece together in their own way. The last game where the two men fought each other with knives, what’s more confronting than that in reality.1 point -
Yes, knowledge is keeping long term memory, I agree that some profession requires you to remember information. However, my point is education is more than remember information. (our discussion is centered around education, right)1 point
Ha it wasen't that special to be honest i already forgot i posted that, it was video game collecting related what else could it be and if you're really wondering what it was, i finished up my japanese neo geo pocket system collection, one of my favourite handhelds of all time, yeah it's about time that i get a life :1 point
1 point
The new Macbooks are really powerful!
killamch89 reacted to Crazycrab for a topic
I'll say it from the start, I HATE Apple. Their products are hugely popular with so many dedicated hardcore fans and I've never understood why. Their greedy as hell with way overpriced products that don't even pack some of the most basic necessities in the box like charger's. Even worse they intentionally make it damn near impossible to repair anything forcing you to shell out hundreds or thousands of dollars for a replacement so that they can repair yours for pennies then sell it to somebody else. It's disgusting. With that being said I will still give credit where it's due this new line of M1 processers are very impressive, especially for a chip with only 15W TDP. Matching and even beating AMD's and Intel's best laptop chipsets using only a fraction of the power, especially on single core. I'd love to see what these things are capable of when pushed to a full desktop spec 80-100W TDP. If these scores are anything to go by they would absolutely obliterate the i9‑12900k and 5950x with 16 cores. As far as I can tell there is only one drawback to M1.... IT'S IN A MAC BOOK!1 point -
8Bitdo creates mouse with NES controller look and feel (2019 article)
Patrik reacted to killamch89 for a topic
It does make a great collector's item the more times that I look at it. The missing scroll wheel in the middle does bother me a bit though. As far as I'm aware, this is the only model unfortunately.0 points