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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2022 in all areas

  1. @kingpotatoI have actually made an input on this subject, maybe you missed this and I was labeled one of worst offenders So, @kingpotatoin light to that, I decided to remove myself from the talk but since you asked for my input again, you will get it. On the part of text chain raised by @Shagger, I can well admit that I do that and it's not like I'm trying to hurt the forum or anything but cos I am online and probably have another who's on the same thread, so the discussion tend to go longer than the usual. Yeah, I do know sometimes we drift off topic but that's a normal thing that happens in all discussion sections. As for shit post coined and marketed here, I will remove myself from it because I don't think I'm one to post jargon just for the sake of making a post. So, in the light of this issue, if the mods believe that a chat space would help the situation, I don't see any harm in trying it and if it works, voila, if it doesn't, another option can be explored. This is my opinion by the way and I expect not be attacked yet again cos of it. Thanks 🙇.
    2 points
  2. Remember this PlayStation horror game? The guy you play as meets a friendly little robot. Really good game for the time.
    2 points
  3. Shagger


    @Justin11 and @Yaramaki Well, there is quite a lot to get through here isn't there. @Justin11, this post of yours; Could be seen as an attempt to derail the thread. It's OK on this thread to mention Watchdogs as there is a link between that game and Driver. You could even go so far as to say Driver, or more specifically Driver 3, is the reason Watchdogs exists. I'll post more on that as a regular post once I'm done with this for anyone who is interested, but the point is there is a link. However, there is no link between Watchdogs and MotoGP, or MotoGP and Driver for that matter. They are different genre's of games and, to the best of my knowledge and research, they do not and have never shared a developer or publisher. Bringing this up here in this thread is bringing something completely unrelated. Honestly, you may as well have said this; And it's especially puzzling that, even by your own admission, you never played Watchdogs, so what did you have to add? We all become aware of specific game's reputation, but posting about that rarely adds to anyone's knowledge of said game, especially if they've played it and you haven't. It frustrates people who know first hand what a game is like. You had literally nothing to add, so make an excuse to post something then tried to make the conversation about a completely different game just to have something to say. In the world of forums, that's called derailing. An on VGR, it is a classic example of the "post anything to post something" mantra that has been frustrating the community lately. I can't speak for him, but I'm willing to bet it is that frustration that boiled over in @Yaramaki. So whilst I will not condone the actions of @Yaramaki (and we WILL talk about that), I can understand them. You, @Head_Hunter, @Boblee and others think there there is no harm to this? Well, here it is! Here is the harm, alongside a very familiar headache for me that goes along with it. If you want to talk about Moto GP, talk about Moto GP, on a Moto GP thread! If there isn't one, start one, it really isn't hard. I sense a very strange reluctance from those of you who post in this manner to start new threads for some reason I can't understand. You seem more content to spin other threads off course to better suit your subject manner. Now, @Yaramaki, like I said, your is frustration shared by many on VGR, but try to keep that reigned in. The following goes for everyone, If see something that you feel needs looked at by the mod team, report it. Calling it out and addressing it yourself on the public form will almost always only make it worse. Reporting someone is not an attempt to get anyone in trouble, it's merely calling something to our attention and nothing more. So you see, you were wrong; I didn't take action before this because I thought what you were doing was OK, I didn't take action because your mention of me in that post was the first I even knew about this. Since you have apologized and it seems resolved I'll take this no further, but I hope to leave this post with lessons being learned on all sides, Now, moving on.
    2 points
  4. So, for some stupid reason, it is impossible to delete individual saves on PS5 via the PS5 menus. But I did discover a workaround I wanted to share. If you go into the game you want to delete the saves for, you can just start saving over the old saves in many cases. It is not an ideal solution, but it does delete them and help you conserve space. This is very helpful if you are playing a game like Skyrim where you are going to end up with a ton of saves.
    1 point
  5. The Outer Worlds has a thing where if you activate a companion ability, it triggers a fleeting cutscene. I find it more entertaining than disruptive. What other games have this?
    1 point
  6. Are there activities in open world games you deliberately take your time with so that they proceed along what feels like a more realistic timeframe? I do this when building houses in Skyrim.
    1 point
  7. skyfire

    Phantom Breaker: Omnia

    I feel like this game is perfect for those who want to spend the weekend playing some action game on similar arcade lines.
    1 point
  8. Darth

    Rank gaming controllers

    I'm just going to rate the ones that I have used personally. These are controllers I have either owned or have tried out a few times. DualSense (the best for me) > DualShock 4 > Series X > Xbox 360 > PS2 > PS1 > JoyCons.
    1 point
  9. Thank you man, yes sorry seems I didnt notice your previus response about this, but thank you for further explaning your point. You are right discussions will always drift from the the main topic becuase thats the nature of a conversation,its normal and it cannot be helped and I do understand that you are not doing this with bad intentions. I believe that the thing that many of us here were complaining about is when it drifted for 2-3 pages long and that affected the topic itself. Yeah a chat space was already mentioned before, I dont know if that would work personally or if it will be beneficial. I think its okay if the conversations drift On from the main topic a little bit as long as they dont expand as long as they did before. Once again thank you for pitching in.
    1 point
  10. They did took all the precautions and time in the world when making the DualSense controller because I can't pick out any flaw in it till date.
    1 point
  11. I have made over 300 new friends from Top Eleven Football Manager online video game I have been playing. I do play the game always just to keep up with them, although we all now all connected to Facebook.
    1 point
  12. I picked up doing that from one movie and ever since then, it's been very helpful when it comes to reducing how dusts crops up on my games.
    1 point
  13. It depends on what kind of machines you buy - with Laptops, they tend to break down around the 4-5 year mark. With Desktops especially ones you built yourself, they tend to last way longer. Btw, I loved your article on PC gaming - it was well written with very valid points.
    1 point
  14. I'd say somewhere in between, the longer you are into a game and gain more abilities the easier the game usually gets. Besides games these days throw xp like their is no tommorow so you're pretty much maxed out by two thirds of the game. It may not be best example but most ubisoft games are like that, if you do everithing along the way, you pretty have unlocked every ability and reached the max level and on the standard difficulty their games are already fairly easy.
    1 point
  15. Justin11


    Yes, the topic is centred around Driver, already we're off, I'll come back to the topic, let me address something first before coming back to the topic lol. You aren't wrong in any way, you spoke very gentle, I'm happy you didn't attack me, you acted humble, I must applaud that. I might have gone off too, I use this medium to apologize, we learn from each other here everyday. I am not perfect, I make mistakes, I learn from them trying to improve. I learn from you too, you share quality posts everyday here at VGR, that's why admin of VGR nominated you in one of the VGR's member of the month award. If you weren't good at your posts, it wouldn't be possible then for the admin to spot you. I understand that, I do enjoy making short posts, not that I don't write long posts, but in forum like this, you share your knowledge as it pleases to you without spamming. I will try to read more clearly next time, to always to be on topic of discussion, and not going off, making others finding it difficult to proceed in that thread. I believe the issue is settled now, we can now keep this thread going with the original topic, which is 'Driver, xD.
    1 point
  16. Yaramaki


    Man where do i even start with this or should i even bother, you're clearly mad at me so i'll try to explain for what it's worth. You shoulden't take everithing that people say for granted, Look up a youtube review or a trailer and then judge wheter it's a game you like it or not, we've got all different tastes and you know that's fine since it's pointless to discuss somebody their taste. I for example i'm not into mobile free to play games at all, but do you see me blindly posting in a candy crush thread and saying that the game is shit, i stay out of it because it's something i don't know a lot about and quite honestly don't really care about. If you really feel inclined to post then you should start phrasing it otherwise for example : While i have not played the series and From what i have read about watch dogs it isen't something i would be into or like? That would makes sense instead of this gibberish : I try to read everithing clearly before i make a comment but sometimes i get annoyed by the time it takes me to filter trough all the nonesense some folks seem to love posting and the good quality posts get lost. Claiming you don't say shit i mean you're one of the most active user on vgr so that is another false claim. Where did i say i know everithing you may think that way but i still have a lot to learn. Besides I'm always open to learn new things in life, i even learned something from you @Justin11 you may not realise it yourself but when you posted that picture that you got a ps4 it made my day, i'm sure you were stoked as hell, like you know a kid that get's it's first console as i'm pretty sure you had that feeling. So what did i learn from you is that i should be more humble in life, i always take everithing for granted, while i work hard, make good money and have a good like in general that's not the case for everybody. In other parts of the world some people work much harder then me for a salary that is laughable low, you know next time i'll donate something whenever there is a good cause around that i feel okay with, instead of just ignoring it all together. One last thing you should really check out any watch dogs game, i'm currently playing trough the second game and must say it suprised me in a good way. Dude now that a ps4 you have an entire generation of games to catch on, what are you waiting for. Maybe my previous posts went a bit out of line so if you can forgive me please accept my apoligies, you seem like a good dude and i just wanted to give some good advice. I think @Shagger would have pointed it out already if i went overboard. Right now what was this thread about, oh right it's about driver
    1 point
  17. Very awkward indeed if you're starting as a newbie, you just described my feelings. When I started gaming, I wasn't enjoying my time playing those games I fancied alot as a starter due to lack of understanding how to apply the controller diligently as it supposed to be.
    1 point
  18. Serperior. He looks so regal. Hopefully he gets dual Grass/Dragon typing when the Gen 5 remakes come out.
    1 point
  19. Dusknoir is my favourite! Not too sure why. I first remember seeing him in Pokemon Rangers: Shadows of Almia and absolutely loved his design. If I remember correctly, he was also a pretty prominent character in the Mystery Dungeon games. I should really finish that some time.
    1 point
  20. I'd be carful with that. If you buy a new than stick that uses a different generation of RAM chipsets, for example mixing DDR3 with DDR4, they will not work together. Also make sure you motherboard can take the extra ram. Every motherboard has limit. Having two different sizes of RAM between your two sticks will work, but it's not the most efficient set up. If it were me, I would take @skyfire's advice and work a little harder then buy two 8GB sticks.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Working with horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 is one thing that I don't like to rush. Taking it slow makes it feel real enough.
    1 point
  23. I'm not a big fan of Pokémon but I happen to love Squirtle and Dragonite as my favorite. The happy of Squirtle makes me love it a lot.
    1 point
  24. The way dusts cover up my room divider set up with my console and TV makes me cover them up always whenever I'm not making use of them. It helps reduce how dirty they get over time.
    1 point
  25. kingpotato

    Community Chat #1

    That sounded very gay dude 😆
    1 point
  26. Dead space and resident evil series, are the option that I've played much more in the past and up this day I still fancy them, but this two were mostly the ones I involved in.
    1 point
  27. They can forget it as much as they want, I am settled with playing RE series, especially the 4 and 7, Amnesia, Evil within, Dead space.
    1 point
  28. I'm actually gonna give a shout out to our very own @StaceyPowers who wrote a good article on this subject for the VGR website and it's well worth a read. Find the article HERE.
    1 point
  29. Agreed but DualSense is in a league of it's own imo. It's ergonomically the best, visually also the best imo and then has haptics and adaptive triggers on top of that. DS4 is also nice then I would say Switch Pro is around the same level then the rest which either feel ergonomically dated to me(like the DS3 which feels really small now) or genuinely uncomfortable.
    1 point
  30. Contrery to popular belief, Hitler didn't have much more love for Christians than he did Jew's. He spoke in good favour to and about Christians to with favour with Germany's people and to help his alliense with Italy. That doesn't change the fact that @Jayson's version of the event is a dumbed down, half truth at best. Economic envy and his personal prejudices that propagated to Germany's people were certainly big factors but it was mostly about removing elements of society and genetic legacy that didn't fit his profile for perfection in humanity. Jew's, Muslims, people of colour, homosexuals and the disabled to name a few were all targeted.
    1 point
  31. I've been with racing games for so long now, ranging from GT series, MGPs, Asphalt console/mobile racing etc. I love to do lots of reckless driving practice against AI, which result in my motorcycle or vehicle exploding.
    1 point
  32. In GTA S.A, I love doing some kind of coding stuffs, especially in the PS2 era. I love to code turbo jacket, code aeroplane to fly to the airport within the territory of Miami.
    1 point
  33. Exactly, we always want some more, we can never be satisfied with anything as long as we can get more from it.
    1 point
  34. One thing that I have come to understand about human nature is that when they are given an inch, they take a mile. So, they will always abuse it.
    1 point
  35. Seriously, it's just going to be like putting on a movie and watch it play out because that's exactly what it looks like.
    1 point
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