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True, it is our job to remind people to get back on topic. That is a part of the job. But it shouldn't have to be. We shouldn't have to tell people to get back on topic. I understand that topics derail easily. But if we have to step in and tell people to get back on topic, then the derailment of discussion has gone much further than it ever should have. If a discussion goes off topic, and you want to continue that discussion, then make a separate thread in the appropriate forum and continue the discussion there. That way the initial thread can get back on topic. I know that @Shagger, @DC, and myself would appreciate that as it would make our jobs easier, as well as make the forum run smoother. And I'm pretty sure the entire forum would appreciate that as well. It would also end a lot of headaches for everyone here.3 points
Taking a brief step back for a little while
Reality vs Adventure and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I'm back. I needed that week to clear my head and address some things in my life. There's still a few things needing taken care of, but I'm clear headed enough to come back.2 points -
I actually think this question is more easily answered not by saying why consoles charge, but by understanding why PC services don't. When you play a game online, it not as simple as playing a game through the internet. The internet is the physical part of the system. The fibre optics, cables, satellites and so on that connect all these devices together. This physical network needs more than just itself to function, there is also software that allows people and devices to re-encode whatever information a person or device wants to transmit along the physical network known as the internet. That is what is known as a Wide Area Network (WAN). There is a number of different WAN's out there. More specifically, when you access online services on a PlayStation, the WAN that is accessed is called PSN or PlayStation Network. On Xbox, the WAN used is Xbox Live. These two were built and are being maintained by Sony and Microsoft respectively at cost to them. They own them, so like it or not they have a right to charge for people to use them. Whether they should and how much they charge is open to debate, but it is what it is. Playing online games on a PC, like through Steam or EGS or whatever, is a little bit different because the wide area network they use is called the World Wide Web. No single person nor entity can own this WAN, only bits and pieces of it, more specifically the domains of websites being hosted on that network. Each little piece of the World Wide Web get's maintained by those that own that little piece of it, so just like how no one person or entity can own the whole thing, it also means it is not the responsibility of any single person nor entity to maintain the whole thing, not like PSN or Xbox Live. So you see that Steam, EGS and other PC based game services can't charge you to use thier network (and trust me, this is the ONLY reason) simply because they don't own that network.2 points
Last Game Played
kingpotato and one other reacted to Family sedan for a topic
GT6. I've been binging on WRC 8 lately, but sometimes I find joy in revisiting GT6. I won the ten minutes of Rome with the special blue Corvette and then modded and raced an '86 Celica.2 points -
Your favourite racing game series of all - time?
killamch89 reacted to Justin11 for a topic
I am a big fan of racing games, their is no secret to that. I opened up this thread to keep it engaged with fellow racing game lovers. When it comes to my choice of racing games, I love 'Moto GP series a lot, I consider it my best racing game series of all-time. I take pride also around, 'GT series, NFS series, F1 series and Monster Energy Super-cross racing series. What's your own favourite racing game series? Motor GP Gran Turismo racing game image Monster Energy Super-cross 51 point -
I saw this advertised the other day and I decided to go ahead and download. It's incredibly addicting! I remember enjoying this game a lot in the past so I figured why not! Do you have this game downloaded on your mobile device?1 point
One more good art from the amanita designs. Machinarium is a puzzle based game and you would love soundtrack too. Check out the trailer.1 point
Atari, old system
Justin11 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I have several Atari 2600's and play them all the time. Mind your words regarding age carefully. You're talking to a woman here.😈1 point -
You can access the same menu, that's not a mod' only tool.1 point
The same menu can be accessed form a phone or tablet on the mobile version of the site, it's just the layout is slightly different. Here's how it is on my phone and I see no reason it should be any different for yourself. EDIT: Looking at this again, I've noticed how alarmingly low my phone battery is, I'd better charge this bastard.1 point
Your favourite racing game series of all - time?
kingpotato reacted to Shagger for a topic
For me, it's Burnout. The games were intense, felt fantastic to control, unique, great soundtracks and massive fun. Apart from Burnout Paradise, that game can suck a smelly toe, but the rest of them are great. Burnout 3 in particular is, in my humble opinion, the best arcade racing game ever made, and given the decline in the genre, will probably be best we will ever see.1 point -
Last Game Played
kingpotato reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
I just beat watch dogs 2 must admit it suprised me in a good way, only negative i can point out it's at times a little to hipster for my taste. Kind of want to get the season pass but it's 40 bucks like over my dead body i ain't going to pay that much for it.1 point -
Time for one more i always like bringing this game up, because it's the last game in what once was a legendary series. So it's time for some nostalgia. Import Tuner Challenge / Shutokou Battle X (2006 Xbox 360) First thing i need to get out of the way this is not a need for speed underground clone, the Shutokou Battle series has been around since 1994. If you don't know what i'm talking about maybe tokyo extreme racer or tokyo highway challenge may ring a bell. There is also street supremacy on the psp which is exellent that is also part of this series. Several different publishers published the games hence the different names. Also why they diden't went with the japanese cover is beyond me as it looks so much better. And here we are released in 2006 and published by ubisoft, yep back in the day ubisoft were willing to take a chance on something risky, they weren't afraid to release a few stinkers here and there. Is import tuner challenge a stinker, i'm going to say no it's not, is it a good game well that's up for debate. The game is your standard affair you start with a beginner car and beat rivals in turn you earn money to upgrade your car. Their is a story but all in all it's forgettable. The main objection is to beat all the racers in a gang and then take on their leader and if you win, you get their car. You drive around tokyo's various highways challenging various racers, earning some money upgrading your car rince and repeat for most people that sounds boring and i'll admit it is. Let's start with the good stuff import tuner challenge has by far the best car customization i have ever seen in a racing game, literally anything can be changed and upgraded towards different levels. The car selection is jdm cars only but that's not a bad thing imo, all the tuning parts are real licensed from various brands, you can put stickers on your car to make it look unique but eh why should you do that. Gameplay wise i had to replay it a bit since it's been so long, the driving is just not fun anymore, you can beat the ai so easy, even if they have the faster car you can just block them the entire "race". You win when you're opponent is a certain distance behind. Graphics i can look past it it's a 16 year old game after all but it sure as hell hasen't aged very well. The environment look bland and uninspired, there isen't a whole lot of traffic and you race always in the dark. Why do i bring this game up, i had a lot of fun with import tuner challenge when it first came out, was it a good game when it released maybe not, is it bad game i'll say i've played worse. I just wanted to highlight the last game released in a once great series, it probably diden't help that it was 360 only and by 2006 a lot of the once populair tuning scene was in serious decline. It also marked the end of smaller racing game series, because let's face it it's just gran turismo, forza, grid, dirt whatever licensed game like f1/wrc these days there is no more room for niche racing games in todays market. Should you go grab this, maybe if you see it a flea market orso for a few bucks pick it up and put it out if it's mysery. Otherwise no it sells for quite a bit of money on ebay. The japanese version is quite sought after aswell i've seen it going near the 100$ mark, no before you ask i did not pay that much.1 point
I have watched one of Star Trek movies and it was the short talking donkey was my favorite character in the movie.1 point
Petition for Sony to approve Days Gone 2
Heatman reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
I don’t know how many signatures it would take for Sony to notice. Few hundred thousand? Couple million? I think with the TLOU remake, Sony has no interest in Days Gone 2 right now cause that game to me is very similar to TLOU. And both are Sony exclusives. But at least the petition will give them a heads up that there are fans that want a second one.1 point -
How would you rank pokemon gens?
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
He's definitely not a fan or player of Pokémon games. The question is obvious reasons enough. There is no harm in learning a new thing even though he doesn't play the game.1 point -
Milestone Thread
Head_Hunter reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
I've been using the same avatar for like what over 15 years now maybe it's time to chance it up a bit i'm open to suggestions and Trust me you don't want to see my ugly mug every time i make a post 😉1 point -
Last Game Played
Justin11 reacted to Family sedan for a topic
Actually, the Ford Racing games were not rally games. They were mainly road course games. The only rally games I have poured a lot of time into are Mobil 1 British Rally Championship for the PC, which a relative in Ireland gave me once and WRC 8 for the Switch. There's one fictional rally game I have, but it's a poor depiction of rally, the cars don't steer and I forget the title. I consider my true racing backgrounds in gaming to be NASCAR, Test Drive games and Gran Turismo with a little Indy Car thrown in.1 point -
How would you rank pokemon gens?
NightmareFarm reacted to Justin11 for a topic
I know you're a guy, dear is used as common compliment here in my demographic for both male and female.1 point -
Double Dragon
Knight Plug reacted to Empire for a topic
I played Double Dragon II with a friend over netplay the other day, and the sprite flicker was pretty bad. I can now see why they made the first game one player becasue there's next to no flicker here. I mean, I would have preferred a 2 player mode, but I''m just saying that I can see their reasoning now. It's still a great game either way.1 point -
Last Game Played
DoABarrelRoll reacted to Heatman for a topic
I have come across that Wave Race 64 before but I never got to play it. How's the gameplay like?1 point -
Movies or video games which one you love more?
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
The events surrounding your day would determine what's going to be your pick for the day, if it's playing video games, that's good, if it's movies, that's also very good.1 point -
1 point
Last Game Played
Family sedan reacted to Justin11 for a topic
You're really up to something different with your racing game choice, you have two racing rally games you're playing, which is Ford and WRC 8. I'm yet to play them, I'll take a look at them to review what next for me.1 point -
I think this WITCH HUNT is too much!!
The Blackangel reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
He is a great mod and we all share in frustration of people posting nothing but bullshit all the time. This forum is for expression of ideas, not robotic chit chat. If you caught the shit end of the stick, man the fuck up. You want a regime, go to fucking Russia!!! Don't throw around that kind of talk lightly like it's nothing. I'm greatly offended and I'm sure others are too by that shit talk. I've been in your boat. And I realized I'm a conceited idiot. You and anyone else with the same mentality should look in the mirror. I've had respect for you, and I never would have thought you would stoop to this. Swallow your pride and man the fuck up.1 point -
Motorola Edge 20
Heatman reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I honestly didn't know that. I wasn't around in 1973, and thought Nokia had been the first. We didn't hear much about Motorola in the 80's. And by the 90's Nokia was king. Especially with this monstrosity. The changeable faceplates were nothing different than phone cases are today. This was my first phone, but it was a TracFone. It was all I could afford at the time.1 point