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Road 96
kingpotato and one other reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
I'll post an indept review once i get around playing it, it's the next game on my list after i'm done with watch dogs legion well that is if i'm not getting sidetracked, @kingpotato already got me into playing a couple of hours on my gba for the first time in well in a couple of years, so blame it on him if don't get around road 96 anytime soon.2 points -
Industry practices that you dislike/hate?
kingpotato and one other reacted to Shagger for a topic
I have spoke of this before, but the real problem with delays and games coming out unfinished and buggy is about game companies announcing release dates way too early. This is exactly what happened with Cyberpunk 2077, they announced the release date at E3 while all eyes were on them to start taking in preorders almost a year before said release. We all know what happend next, the game got delayed on less than three occasions for them to feel compelled to release the game full 18 months after that E3 announcement knowing it was still busted. If they had just waited to announce the release date when they knew they would have the game ready, that entire controversy could have been avoided. I fully agree @kingpotato, if a developer/publisher is faced with a choice of releasing a half baked game or delaying, delaying it is the best option every time, but they should some common sense and only announce a release date when they know that can make that date and have the game not nesserily perfect (It's asking a lot to ask them to find every bug in a modern game), but at least complete and fully functional. Do that, and very likely will not have to face that dilemma at all.2 points -
Industry practices that you dislike/hate?
NightmareFarm reacted to Darth for a topic
I don't have a problem with bots, to be honest but only if they make it clear that this is a feature and it's only for the first few games when you're new to it. If they're adding bots to every game when they don't have enough players, I definitely wouldn't like that.1 point -
Which turn based RPG should I play
kingpotato reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
I had a look trough my Gba games and you're missing three important games from your list namely tales of phantasia, sword of mana and riviera the promised land well for the gba that is, I also have Lufia: The Ruins Of Lore but i need to play it myself before i'm able to recommend it to somebody. You know what is cool, i haven't booted up my gba sp in a couple of years and the damn thing still work fine like it was charged yesterday, why o why can't modern controllers have this. I'll have a look trough my ds collection next time i'm at my parents place, there are bound to be some in there that are worthy of your or anyone elses time.1 point -
How long are you planning on playing games? I think this is a question that nobody can answer, unless you came from the future but you aren't now are you. When i read these kind of questions that you can't really give a proper answer to. I always ask myself the question how much have i changed as a person over the years, you know people change and their interest can become something completly else over time. I mean ask yourself what was into 10-15 years ago, i'm i still into the same things and what not? Their are several reasons why somebody would give up on a hobby, maybe it's the lack of time, just losing interest alltogether is another valid reason to consider. I could give a few examples on how my interests and how i changed as a person the past 10 years but i would be going way offtopic and don't want to do that however one consistent factor is that gaming has always been part of my life and i can see it to continue to be a part of my life for the foreseeable future.1 point
Industry practices that you dislike/hate?
kingpotato reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
There is a lot i dislike about modern gaming and a lot has already been mentioned like companies releasing half finished games and lootboxes and whatnot so i don't want to repeat the same things over and over, However my major beef with modern gaming has not been mentioned : ->Companies who don't care about the preservation of their games would be my top pick. How many games have disappeared from digital storeshelves to be forever lost into time well unless you got them when they were around, there is no legal way to get them anymore. How many games are already lost when nintendo closed down the dsi store and how many more will be lost when something like the 3ds eshop will be closed or sony closes down the ps3 and vita store, sure they got backlash for it and rightly so. I can't believe something like forza motorsport 7 and all it's dlc for example a game that's like only a couple of years old is not for sale anymore . Music and movies are preserved well, why can't they just do that for games. You See this is why physical media is so important.1 point -
I have never played any of them yet but I know a friend that's been playing them for a while now. I can easily get a feedback from him soon.1 point
Games with surprisingly long DLCs
Knight Plug reacted to Boblee for a topic
I have looked forward to the DLC for a while now just like @Candy Stickand I hope it comes out soon.1 point -
I would still thread with caution because of my experience so far with the subject being discussed. Bitten once twice shy.1 point
Industry practices that you dislike/hate?
kingpotato reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
I really don't like the direction games are heading in by giving more attention to online play and not the campaign. Online play is cool and all when you have good internet and w/o hostility from gamers. But it becomes an excuse to pass on creativity and story telling. It's a dumbing down of creative incentive. What I hate most is probably companies that provide digital games only available from that seller. That will eventually makes us pay multiple subscription memberships for games we want to play instead of having all games available for any console physical or digital copies (an exclusive here and there being an exception). There is a term for having to pay multiple gaming subscriptions and I forgot what it was. (anyone remember?) We all have burden enough for having to pay a bill for every electronic device we have. I don't understand how the average consumer can keep up with everything. I remember in the 80's all we had to pay for was a $10 phone line. And maybe a cable channel. Now think about how everything is making us more and more poor with more and more devices. So I'm against the direction the gaming world is heading in. We have a consolidation, or publishers buying up developers. Then we have separation of sellers forcing subscription. Future of gaming is looking expensive if you want to play a variety of games.1 point -
Industry practices that you dislike/hate?
kingpotato reacted to NightmareFarm for a topic
I also think delays have long since became very obnoxious as every AAA company does it nowadays, it's basically the norm when it should be the exception. I get that it's important for devs to complete games properly but they should just wait until they're confident about when the game will release before revealing the release date. They always hype consumers up and then do the bait and switch and say oh no it's next year.1 point -
Do you play your games silently?
Boblee reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
That's not a bad idea actually. I can think of some game music as ringtone.1 point -
This is what I was able to find on the trailer of Bloodborne on mobile. I hope it's enough to show or give you a better insight on how the game is designed.1 point
Why don't more celebs take jobs in video games?
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
You're welcome mate. The same thing can still be said about Christopher Lee. He was known as Saruman in Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Count Dooku in Star Wars Prequels.1 point -
I'm very sure that it was roughly between 36 to 37 hours long that it took me before having the game completed.1 point
When the first halo came out it was a groundbreaking game because you diden't have anything like that on a console yet, maybe it's just nostalgia doing the talking but i had some of the most fun playing the first halo with 3 other friends on a small crt tv, playing until the early morning we all had the og xbox so all we had to was bringing our own controller with us. Man those were the days. By the time Halo 2 came out, i don't know what happened most of us went their seperate ways and we all moved on with our lives. Now time have changed while i like halo, i just play trough the single player campaign and i'm done with the game. I've been wondering did anybody played Halo infinite? it's dropped down to a little under 30 bucks, is it worth spending the money on it for just the campaign or should i hold off on it?1 point
Sureah, it shouldn't be rushed, I'm crossing my hands bro, watching for the next 'Tomb Raider, I don't want it to be derailed like EA did with their Battlefield 2042 edition.1 point