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This is what he's singing in English interpretation.3 points
VGR Member of the Month - May 2022
Heatman and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Try his, or @Yaramaki instead of "IT".2 points -
10 years, with no new Silent Hill game...
Justin11 and one other reacted to Knight Plug for a topic
Capcom has occasionally done it as well. Umbrella Corps. Operation Raccoon City. M-Two who worked on RE3, are talentless, as they really made a mockery of the original from 1999...2 points -
General Gaming Discussion
Knight Plug reacted to kingpotato for a topic
How can they make a remake if they just barely released the game a year ago ? If you mean the DLC, yeah there was nothing but they did showed a trailer for VR2 version of RE81 point -
You're right about that and I also enjoy the performance too. The song is more entertaining for me in Spanish. It wouldn't be that cool if it's snag in English.1 point
With the votes I've taken my eyes to look closer, I don't think @Clasher can get close again @Yaramaki, unless miraculous thing happens on his side.1 point
Top 5 favourite JRPGs?
kingpotato reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
Enchanted arms was also released on Ps3 just a year later after the 360 version. Also Yakuza like a dragon is turn based instead of the usual beat em up style so i think you could classify that one as jrpg. It's quite an interesting list with games you don't see mentioned that often, Eternal Sonata great game nobody seems to have played, well atleast that makes two of us now. Just noticed i haven't listed my top 5 jrpg so here we go, kinda hard to nail it down to just 5 or maybe i need to do 5 old games and 5 new games but would that be cheating so a mixture of both then? I'll just stick to turn based games Phantasy Star IV -> Hands down my favourite jrpg of all time and as far as i remember the first jrpg i've ever beaten. It still looks good and is as fun as ever, like a hipster would say it has aged like fine wine. It's been ported to pretty every system inc modern ones so maybe you should give it a go. yes i'm Looking at you @kingpotato Skies of Arcadia -> Sadly mostly forgotten over time, this would be my top pick for a game that deserves a remaster/remake. Wheter you play it on dreamcast or gamecube you'll likely going to have a blast anyway. A timeless classic. Yakuza Like A Dragon -> Yeah i'm going to include it aswell, it's amazing how they changed the yakuza style and made it even better then it already was. They also replaced my favourite video game character of all time Kazuma Kiryu effortlessly. The new main protagonist Ichiban Kasuga is just a likeable and the support characters are deserving of their own game with their own back story yes they are that good. Final Fantasy 8 -> Kinda boring i know, i'll take it over 7 because it's the first final fantasy i played. Persona 4 Golden -> The main reason to keep a ps vita around, i'll just list persona 4 because i sadly haven't gotten around playing persona 5 yet, i have the game though, just don't know if i have the time to play trough it because i know once i start playing i'll hooked for the next few weeks.1 point -
I found this clip where some gamers are asked for their opinion on how either standing or sitting affects their gaming. It's an interesting watch.1 point
Community Chat #1
Justin11 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Our bulldog decided the previous one was a chew toy. She also destroyed several of our cartridges as well. The games we lost were Dead By Daylight, Mario Odyssey, Paper Mario Origami King, Skyrim, and South Park The Fractured But Whole. I didn't like South Park, so I'm not missing that one. But the others have me a bit pissed off. That's a lot of money to replace them. @Rain Dew enjoyed a couple of them as well, so we need to get the cartridges instead of DDL, so that we can both play it. If it was different, I would just buy them as DDL's but she wanted them too. I already have 123 DDL's. I would prefer to have a few physical copies of some games. In total we had 23 carts, but now we're down to 18.1 point -
10 years, with no new Silent Hill game...
Knight Plug reacted to Justin11 for a topic
Does it mean that 'Capcom did the games you mentioned poorly? I never played the games you mentioned @Candy Stick.1 point -
General Gaming Discussion
Knight Plug reacted to Heatman for a topic
That's one funny way to put it - Abandon Abandoned ๐.. So money was the main problem why the game is being abandoned? Hasan Kahraman should have prepared well before announcing the game.1 point -
General Gaming Discussion
Heatman reacted to Knight Plug for a topic
Welp... Blue Box Game Studios may as well abandon Abandoned. ๐คค https://www.gamespot.com/articles/blue-box-dev-behind-ps5s-abandoned-misled-fans-solicited-business-deals-in-toxic-chatroom/1100-6504049/1 point -
It's GTA 5 with 160 million copies. You can read up more better here. https://www.vg247.com/gta-5-sales-2022-financial-results#:~:text=Only a few months ago,at over 160 million units.1 point
10 years, with no new Silent Hill game...
Knight Plug reacted to Heatman for a topic
I don't usually always like it when companies outsource their games to other third parties. Look at what happened with Rockstar outsourcing GTA Trilogy.1 point -
It's just about 24 hours and it's all done. There isn't any sign of other contestants getting the push like Biden did in his election against Trump ๐. I'd like to see that happen here.1 point
That's awesome then. I like game series that's designed that way, it makes it easier to play from where you want and not being forced to follow a pattern. From the one's that you have played, which one would you consider to have the best plot.1 point
It's a simulator not a game ๐ I take it for real myself. I have over 1400 hours and before that 1800 hours in FSX ๐ Aren't cheap. SPent over $150 on aircrafts and that's just 41 point
Each one has a differnt story, you can play what ever you want. ๐ IF you want to start from the first then your choose. But I say that they are based on differnt points of view.1 point
General Gaming Discussion
Knight Plug reacted to Aniekwe for a topic
That's very interesting. Although both the games are good but I'm more interested in a new Final Fantasy Game.1 point -
Far cry 5, the loading screen with the wolf and thr stream is my absolute favorite. The music too.1 point
I think it is possible but you have to go at least a year without any gaming to be able to come back to it casually in my experience. I was able to go back to casual gaming after a year off but I'm only able to play certain games that don't trigger my addiction as much.1 point
Top 5 favourite JRPGs?
Yaramaki reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
The earlier mention of Yakuza is interesting to me because while it is a Japanese-made roleplaying game that's set in Japan, I never would've considered it a 'JRPG' as a genre. But then that's just one facet of the horrors of RPG discussion: what they are, and what they aren't, and then proceeding to call people gatekeepers. Much as I like Yakuza, I'm gonna be Today's Designated Gatekeeperโข and say it's not a JRPG in the sense of its style. That also means I won't be including another Japanese game that I very much like, Valkyria Chronicles. Enchanted Arms. By From Software, strangely enough. Xbox 360 exclusive, its combat was quite tactical and revolved around positioning on a grid. I don't remember much more than that. Eternal Sonata. I don't remember much about this other than its art style was gorgeous and the music was great (which it had to be given this is about a dying Chopin's final dreams). The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. Not got far through this one but I really enjoy it. Likeable characters, understandable mechanics and some great combat mechanics. The Adventures of Monkey Hero. I don't expect anyone to know this one, and it's only really on the list because it's styled after Secret of Mana (Legend of Zelda is also frequently mentioned, much to the chargrin of Zelda fans who don't consider the games to be RPGs). It got ragged on by critics everywhere but it's a fine enough game, and it has some catchy tunes throughout. Final Fantasy X-2. I'm currently making my way through FFX and it's honestly not that bad (though its story is hard to follow at times; nowt new there then), but X-2 was a game I adored to no end during middle school. I look forward to finishing X just so I can understand the plot of its sequel better. That's a list that's never been seen before! ๐1 point -
Would you take up video Gaming as a professional job?
Justin11 reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I've been a professional as a games journalist, but it comes with a lot of risk of burnout (here's one of my earliest and best write-ups on this forum on the subject). To stream for a living, no, I couldn't do it. I lack the wit, charisma and energy to pull off the amount of hours of smiling and joking required to keep people's attention for money. To test games, I'd have to be paid considerably more than the going rate to put up with some of the horror stories QA tells about the developers they work with. I might well give them a go one day, but I'm a mundane person who prefers mundane work. Then again even spinning and crouching on every conceivable pixel is a bit too boring for me.1 point -
10 years, with no new Silent Hill game...
Knight Plug reacted to Jasmin for a topic
Not a fan of horror games but I have played Silent Hill a few times and the game was exciting. I was not aware that they have not released any new games.1 point -
Would you prefer YouTube or Twitch for streaming?
Heatman reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I have to go with YouTube. I've never used Twitch before, but I know my way around YouTube, and how to get things done there. So I'm just sticking with what I know.1 point -
VGR Member of the Month - May 2022
Aniekwe reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Not everyone here has voted, and there's still 2 days left. While @Yaramaki has a strong lead right now, anything can happen in 2 days time.1 point -
General Gaming Discussion
Knight Plug reacted to Dannyjax for a topic
So, they finally decided to have something on RE8 and RE4, that's very interesting.1 point -
General Gaming Discussion
Aniekwe reacted to Knight Plug for a topic
Yeah. A new Final Fantasy game, and RE4.1 point -
Most educational games not made to be educational games?
Heatman reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
I learned a lot about how to kill a zombie; just in case.1 point -
Top 5 favourite JRPGs?
Withywarlock reacted to kingpotato for a topic
Jrpg's dude, as in Japanese RPGs like Final fantasy 7 remake or Persona 5, most of what you mentioned are not JRPGs1 point -
Death Stranding reviews : divided reviews
Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Kojima's stories tend to be very deep with a lot of physiological and mythological meaning integrated into the plot so it doesn't surprise me that some people wouldn't like the story because it'll take a lot of thinking to decipher. Nowadays, gamers are used to mainly dumbed-down games so when something like this comes along, they'll tend to dislike it because it forces them to actually think...1 point