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Suprised nobody mentioned the traditional shooter or shmup yet games ala gradius, r-type, darius and salamander just to name a few. Easy enough to get into but damn tough as nails to master since for shmup purist t's usually the goal to beat the game on one credit. Then there is the bullet hell shooter games ala radiant silvergun, radirgy, deathsmiles, dodonpachi and it's numerous releases, sometimes when i play these games i don't have a clue what is going on sometimes lol. I think for me personally it's going to be the real time and/or turn based strategy genre, i'm trying to get back into them but even games like civilization vi feel a little overwhelming for me, even when i finished the tutorial and started playing the game i already forgot half what i learned in said tutorial well maybe i shoulden't have taken a 2 week break from gaming. But i'm going to be stubborn and maybe go trough the tutorial again. Guess i'm more the management type of guy where i don't have to take battles in account and can just focus managing something. If we are taking online play in account it has to be the one on one fighters, the problem here is when you jump into a certain fighting game of let's say mortal kombat 11 or even better a more niche game from arc system works. The community that is now left from that game are just people who play nothing besides fighters and are usually experts at it, so for somebody new it would be very hard to get into as you would get destroyed no matter what, well unless you put hours and hours into it to get good at the game. on a final note since it's been mentioned in this thread, rockstar their games are designed that they can be beaten by anybody, if you fail a mission too many times you can just skip that part if you'd like and continue. It's just a lot of side activities like the sky diving in gta v that are a pain in the ass to complete. Also worth noting the frustrating controls at times like driving and shooting combined without crashing into something yeah not that easy. Shooting from a horse in rdr 2 is a lot easier then shooting from a car that goes over 100mph.2 points
Silly completionist things you did as a gaming newbie
Justin11 reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
When you were new to gaming (or a particular type of game), were there any silly, weird things you did as a completionist because you just didn’t know any better? For instance, when I first started playing open world RPGs, I tried to loot everything. Every single item.1 point -
1 point
Do you try to avoid a high civilian death toll?
Withywarlock reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
At this point, it all depends on the game. In Saints Row it's just plain fun and hilarious to kill people. In Watch Dogs Legion I'm more cautious because anyone can be your recruit. GTA games I have mixed feelings. In Assassin's Creed around temples, I try to avoid fighting the enemy because the innocent will get cut down too. To see them so vulnerable on their knees worshipping a deity, then engage in open combat next to them I just try to avoid.1 point -
Most Expensive Consoles Ever
The Blackangel reacted to Justin11 for a topic
That's bullshit just as you mentioned it, I can't spend additional 500$ when the initial price is '$500. I don't plug money, I don't see that as a wise investment. Assumed they didn't put such condition it could've attracted many people coming to buy PS5 and Xbox series X from them. At this time, I just have to wait and see how it goes in the future, if the scarcity issue gonna end, so we don't face this kind of condition to get a brand new PS5 or Xbox series X.1 point -
Two things I always, for some reason, buy together are a video game from Bethesda and pain.1 point
xD, I wouldn't forget 'Leap Frog Jumping game, Hide and Seek, Police and the thief. It is just popular amongst kids here in my country. Any child who didn't enjoy his or her childhood around this games is just restricted from peers.1 point
It's fairly extraordinary, but not exactly unprecedented. The odd thing here is how long he has hung in for in spite of the writing being on the wall for him for at least the last year. British Prime Ministers are frequently forced from office before the end of their term. Thatcher, Cameron and May all left under similar circumstances. Blair essentially retired part way through his last term. And that's just in the last 30 years or so. In fact, leaving office in a general election is the exception rather than the norm.1 point
Do you try to avoid a high civilian death toll?
Withywarlock reacted to Clasher for a topic
Lol, I don't really give a damn about who dies or who is spared. I'm all about the fun, it's a video game so I am not really expecting to feel any sense of emotion when I shoot down a civilian or some other characters in the game, unless it is specifically instructed in the game that I shouldn't kill that particular target and if I do I will have to start the level all over again just like what happens in GTA.1 point -
The strangest video game
killamch89 reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I've already mentioned Harvester in another thread, which has seemingly caused permanent damage to the site's two moderators' sanity so I'll avoid that nominating that one. @Yaramaki's suggestions are some of my favourites here, and some of them I really wanted to play (Mister Mosquito was one I desperately wanted but was difficult to find in my corner of the country), and the briefly mentioned Deadly Premonition is one of the few survival(?) horror games I can withstand even if I don't get on with its controls. Similarly to @killamch89's nomination of Sonic's Schoolhouse, there was Rayman Junior, a game designed to help improve Maths and English. It wasn't particularly advanced and the platforming was minimal, but it was decent enough to fool me into enjoying myself. Of all the mascots... I think my only unique choice would be Doshin the Giant. It's a game where you play as a giant yellow god with a outward belly button, who can mould the world around them for the betterment of their worshippers. If Doshin upsets the people enough, he turns into Jashin and can perform evil deeds such as breathing fire. It was an unusual god game and settlement sim to say the least but it does possess a charm few other games of its ilk do.1 point -
The first NFT game console has been announced
Justin11 reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I won't quote the article ver batim (though I strongly recommend people read it fully rather than just what myself and others quote), but here's some interesting tidbits that stand out to me: Such as...? So what is Web 3? Because right now "Metaverse" and "Crypto" are buzzwords used by people who want to impress investors, not actually move the World Wide Web forward like what came with Web 2.0. You can't just say "who doesn't understand Web 3" and then proceed to not explain what it is, which right now the Wikipedia page only confirms my suspicions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but does this therefore mean there's only going to be 10,000 of these things sold? If so this leads me to the next bit, How are you going to cover the costs if only 10,000 people are paying for these passes? Games consoles are sold at a loss: the games and accessories themselves make up for the losses. What "games built on different blockchains" are going to make up the cost of hardware that can run games at 8K HDR, 120 FPS, ray tracing whilst being accessed by a fingerprint scanner? Regarding the logo they say this much: OK, I guess...? You couldn't just change the logo anyway, just to be sure? Your brand isn't going to hit store shelves or wherever for another two years, you've got plenty of time to change it. Four guys and a 3D Printer, essentially. That's a romcom waiting to happen. ...you didn't speak to developers before you decided to make your console? Jesus wept on an 30p NFT.1 point -
Most Expensive Consoles Ever
Justin11 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
There were a couple games that were beautiful graphically. But they are few and far between. The only game I was able to find that was actually fun to play with the motion control was Mario Kart. The wheel accessory that you could put your controller into made it easier, but it was so fun to steer with a wheel instead of using a D-pad to drive, or in the case of the N64, a joystick. That may be true in most cases, but the old stuff still sells really well. There are a lot of us who prefer older games. I know I do. As for the price, the PS5 is definitely more expensive at the moment. Retail is $400 for the digital version, and $500 for the disc version. At least here it is. But you're going to be hard pressed to find one on the shelves. There's a place called Vintage Stock here that had both a PS5 and Xbox Series X on their shelves at the same time recently. But to buy one you had to buy both a brand new controller and 2 games. Which put the price close to $1,000. They wouldn't sell just the system. That's just bullshit if you ask me.1 point -
Family sedan reacted to Justin11 for a topic
Most games aren't that popular via local stores. At times the store keepers feels that the game wouldn't push for sales and they might record loss, cos they'll hold it long time without much sales. They always rely upon the popular games, since those games got popularity, they can easily sell them off, and make profit. That's just a few points of mine. You can search the game online, their are several options of online stores you can order from even in your locality and get it delivered to you within few days or even hours.1 point -
VGR Forum Wants Your Feedback
Techno reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
100% agreed with this. I'm not bothered by spoilers myself, but I do appreciate people keep spoilers to a minimum in general discussion no matter how old something is. Another forum to discuss that without adding [SPOILERS] and all manner of spacing would be great. A spoiler feature in post/edit mode would also be nice, like how Reddit and other sites do things by placing a black bar over text where you can click on it to temporarily remove it. On the one hand it doesn't take much to say "have you played [x]? Oh, in that case, I won't spoil it," and on other other hand there should be a place to discuss - without caveats, disclaimers or yabbits - games and all that will spoil them. I think titles should still be respectfully ambiguous like "TLOU2's Ending", but abandon hope all ye who enter.1 point -
Depending on the type of disability, this info may help somebody some day: VoiceAttack is less than $10 on Steam, and can be setup to convert voice commands into key-presses or joystick button presses. I'm not sure about VR hand controller buttons (yet), but many VR games also accept keybinds for some commands. Flight sims, etc. Message me if you need help with it. Disclaimer: I'm not an expert, but I know where they can be found!1 point
Lollipop Chainsaw Remake Announced
Withywarlock reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
It's a great game that will make you think wtf a couple of times. Just mindless dumb fun with some really dark sense of humour and imo one of the better games from suda51, eventough it gets a little repetitive after a while but the wacky characters make you want to continue playing the game and if you like hack and slash games this is a no brainer. Do play the game on a higher difficulty because on the lowest diffculty somebody with zero gaming experience would be able to beat the game fairly easy. I'll probably end up getting the remaster if it's priced accordingly or when it goes on a sale because let's face it, you can't charge full price for this.1 point -
Share Your Streaming Channel and Videos in This Thread
Clasher reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
Johnbonne Reviews was my review channel, now used to upload Let's Plays whinging about just about everything. Currently I'm playing Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly, and afterwards I plan on playing Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds. Not video gaming as such, but I also do D&D session recaps on this channel. Neither are monetised (if there are ads, it's due to copyright issues with music) and I only really make the videos for my darling, but if anyone's interested in watching the content, here it is.1 point