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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2022 in all areas

  1. The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire. I appreciate that some people won't like that they have to do the manual labour of, err, clicking on menus, but it stops being funny when they're the 101st person to say it. Just about the only unanimous praise it gets is adoption, which would be deserving of the amount of credit if childrearing wasn't something Fable did donkey's years before. I know I'll not make any friends by saying that it's the best expansion the game had. It's because of what it doesn't do that I prefer it: the only plot it has are plots of land. There's no cutscenes, no sidequests, no urgency and no worry about continuing where one left off. Rather it's the best expansion, possibly in the entirety of gaming in this particular regard, to provide a use for things that exist in the world, which encourages exploring it. It's something that irks me to no end about World of Warcraft, where each expansion makes the old content unnecessary to explore and indulge in. Patch 5.3 is one of my favourites because we see an old zone revisited for high-level play. Pet battles were one of the best things to happen to the open world in a long time, and nothing has quite scratched that itch since. ~ I'm starting to ask this more frequently of other users, but please could people state their opinions in the original post? Even if I don't always engage in the back-and-forth of what I'm requesting, I would like to at least have the opportunity than keep asking "and you?" or "what's your opinion?" If nobody reading the thread can come up with something on their own, the question's just gasping for air. Again, not to pick on you (I really do appreciate people creating as many threads as they do for Q&A), but it makes things so much easier.
    2 points
  2. How do you feel about games that are hundreds of hours long? I don’t mind it, but I do have to admit that shorter games are often refreshing for me. Epically massive game almost cause something like FOMO in me, where I worry I will just never get to experience everything.
    1 point
  3. Heatman

    Community Chat #1

    I'm sorry to hear about that mate. I do hope you recover from it sooner than later. It's a shitty virus but I know you're gonna beat it fast.
    1 point
  4. No way, I guess there was a game boy color addon where you could kinda get the internet. It wasn't much, but you could potentially see the weather, read the news, and even send pictures with the game boy camera. It was called the page boy.
    1 point
  5. Playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was quite very challenging for me when I started playing the game at first. I had to put more time into watching some of my favorite YouTubers on how to get with playing the game before it helped. Although, the challenges are still there but I know how to handle it now.
    1 point
  6. That's a good questions sometimes if the game in question is that good and you are enjoying yourself it doesen't feel like you just spend 100+ hours on a game. Life simulation which have become one of my favourite genres over the years games like stardew valley, my time in portia and story of seasons, just to name a few i can easily put over 100 hours in and not get bored or feel guilty about, not only because they are relaxing games in there own way but because you are always working towards a certain goalwheter it's getting married or boosting friendships, upgrading your house or barn, doing quests for npc's or just goofing around, just when you are about to get bored usually something new happens in these games that keep you playing for another 20 hours. Ubisoft on the other hand their games don't respect the players their time and this is where the biggest problem lies for me where a normal person just ignores certain quests/collectibles and moves on. For me no matter how boring it becomes at one point, i just want to clear out the entire map. Don't know what it is, it gives me some sick sense of satisfaction when the entire map is cleard of collectibles/ side quests and there is nothing left to do anymore. Afterwards i dread myself for wasting 50 hours of my life but i keep falling into that same trap over and over. I think the above mentioned Greedfall by @Withywarlock while i agree with most what he said it's the best game by spiders and i feel like give that studio a decent budget and they could probably come close to triple a rpg territority. It is a perfect example of a game stretching it for too long because a lot of quests have you just running around go to this person, then go to that person, why don't you ask the natives who in turn aren't willing to help unless you do this. Kill the same enemies you've killed a 100 times already along the way and it's just keeps going you also have to go trough the same locations a couple of times which diden't really help either, i think i spent close to 70 hours but the last 20 hours i had to force myself to keep continue playing the game. The games lore and characters are exellent and that is what kept me playing but after hearing the same phrases like a bit of poison on my blade or things are about to get dicy it started to get old.
    1 point
  7. This would have been a game changer if it came out in the late 90s, but I'd wage it would have been astronomically expensive if it was able to deliver all those features. On top of that it would definitely require a monthly service fee, even Sega Channel was a paid service. Or it might have been a huge flop. One of those "You guys aren't ready for that yet, but your kids are gonna love it" situations. Who knows!
    1 point
  8. Every year sounds bad, but 1984. The entire industry nearly collapsed under the weight of absolute shovelware. Activision had formed the year before and invented third-party development and sparked off a nearly two year slump in quality. The third party devs had no quality control. Corporate espionage led to companies not just making cloned garbage, but straight up copy paste stolen code. So few games were worth buying that there are actual landfills full of unsold cartridges.
    1 point
  9. Yaramaki

    Modern Epidemic

    I don't really know what to make of this since it's quite the mess of a post but i can agree to some extent, will probably have to quote it in a few parts because your post seems to be all over the place but it's an interesting one nonetheless. Maybe from nostalgia speaking they were, but that is just nostalgia for you while i have no problem playing a game from 1999 and get enjoyment out of it, the games i played when i was much younger when they were around still get my preferation then playing something new from that time period. Imo games from that time period haven't particularly aged well. Also when you have not much to play and you're dependable on what your parents buy you as far as games go, as a kid even a bad game you'll try and get the maximum out of it. Needless to say and i'll speak for myself i had plenty of time to play games in 1999. Which i can only conclude with saying my own standard for games in 2022 is much higher then in 1999. People who are now getting into gaming don't know any better, so for them it's normal the way gaming is today. Eventough a lot of gaming practices are shit shows only the minority seems to give a fuck i personally diden't myself either because i don't play multiplayer games well until some people here opened my ass what a cesspool it all is and you know what the biggest problem is that Parents don't seem to care when their kids buy skins on fortnite or spend it on purely cosmetic items. I've already went on a rant about this a few times so i'll leave it at that. From what i have played of Halo infinite's campaign so far it's best Halo campaign in years. I'm not trough the whole game yet but it's on my to do list and from what i have played so far it's actually good sure the story may end up being a dissapointment but we'll see. Can't comment on multiplayer so i've got no idea how that is but for the 22 bucks i paid for halo infinite to just play the campaign i'd say money well spent.
    1 point
  10. I forgot my AC .It's gonna be super hot tomorrow and I feel for anyone without AC.Even with a fan high heat is miserable.
    1 point
  11. Most games have sensitivity controls in the options menu, there are external apps and options within Windows itself some of which are explained in this post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67442029/how-to-customize-gamepad-controller-joystick-output-sensitivity-in-windows-10/70698591#70698591 There's also Thumb Stick extenders which reduce sensitivity by effectively "gearing the stick up". I use these and although they don't suddenly turn into an FPS master they do help. Most people find that a mouse is more precise when it comes to aiming. With a mouse you can move the aiming curser in a target, stop on a specific point, then move it again quite easily. The same action on a stick is considerably more difficult because sticks will always try to spring back to the neutral point. It's the nature of the peripheral itself. Controllers have some natural advantages to. Their more ergonomic, designed for purpose and offer far better control over an in game character's lateral movement. This is especially true when it comes to sneaking where you can freely control how fast the movement is on a stick but it's pretty much a binary move/stop or possibly a separate toggle for walk/run on keyboard. If you've ever tried to play a sneak build in Oblivion on PC you'll know what I'm talking about, it's awful.
    1 point
  12. For me, the worst instances of metagaming I experienced were: 1-Admin in a game that flat-out cheated in an event. They rest of the team denied it for years, and then fired him for doing it again later. 2-Friend in game was sexually harassed by her in-game girlfriend. Player of said girlfriend turned out to be RL boyfriend of another game admin. He got away with it with game admin's help. 3-I was working super hard for a faction in a game. Turned out head of faction's in-game girlfriend was an alt character of a highly-ranked member of enemy faction. No wonder none of our secret plans ever panned out. She was in on all our meetings =D
    1 point
  13. I lack having air condition in my room, that's one thing I want to add, since I feel hot at times due to harsh weather condition here in my locality. The ceiling fan makes hell of noise, I don't fancy it anymore 😂.
    1 point
  14. Heatman

    Community Chat #1

    A moderate rain fall is good, let's say for 2-3 hours shouldn't cause any flooding depending on how heavy the rain was. But nothing something like 3 straight long days, that's too much.
    1 point
  15. Nope - I'm not paying that for it. I'll waiting until the price drops to something like $5 to $10 before I'll consider it. Unless the remake is drastically different from the original, I wouldn't consider spending anything over $40 either.
    1 point
  16. AVGN did a video on all the crazy things Nintendo came out with for the game boy. Some of them were so far beyone insane, that I honestly can't believe they were even thought up.
    1 point
  17. kingpotato

    Community Chat #1

    I got covid, feels like shit, take care guys this pandemic is not over yet.
    0 points
  18. Heatman

    Modern Epidemic

    Gone are the days when creativity and uniqueness was the main initiative for game developers because it's very clear in what or how games used to be developed decades ago. All that have been swept under the rug for a whole of copy and paste of the same thing in another way. It's more about the money now than actually developing something that's really unique and worth what it's been paid for.
    0 points
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