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Noticed that i haven't replied to this thread yet so here we go i woulden't call them necessary mistakes i made as a noob since i still find myself guilty of doing the same things after all these years especially in rpg's Excessive grinding -> The first thing i always did whenever i started playing a new jrpg, grinding for a couple of hours in the first area of the game to the point where i'm 5-10 levels ahead of the enemies i need to face in the next area, Still find myself guilty of this apperently ever since booting up Dragon Quest 11 a few days ago and the first thing i started doing yep grinding lol. Making the game a breeze so far. Looking up something before playing a certain part of a game -> Something to try to avoid as much as possible but back in the day, i would look up guides or just read them from the gaming magazine rack of what i had to do in the game or ask my parents to buy me a magazine if they were in a generous mood. Holding on to every weapon -> Still guilty of this, but yeah pretty self explanatory this one, for example you don't need that iron sword in skyrim anymore but lets hold onto it for safekeeping or as a momento. Wasting money on items that are pointless -> Yep you already have 50 healing potions what do you do buy a couple more just to be sure or how about that weapon that does 2 more damage then your current one, sure that's 2000 gold of the 3000 gold your have, only to find the exact same weapon in the next dungeon. Saving after every goddamn battle -> saving 15 times in an hour check, it wasn't something uncommon i did back in the day.2 points
Probably a fun one to discuss yes or no? As topic title says what videogame franchises outstayed their welcome and should be put on hold indefinitely. Where and why did they go downhill? Let's just avoid the usual suspects like call of duty, fifa, madden and what have you as those are offcourse the more obvious ones. I'll start with my picks : Sonic -> Yes sonic, i'm kinda ashamed to put it in my list as a sega fan but clearly apart from the brilliant sonic mania plus, sega just doesen't know what to do with franchise anymore and they keep pumping out mediocre game one after the other. With a bunch of remasters in between nobody was waiting for and with the upcoming sonic frontiers game that is already getting slammed by the general public, i'd say it's time to give the blue hedgehog a well deserved rest. Warriors/Musou games -> Where to even start with this, there are just so many of them out there and pretty much a new one wheter it's a spin off or main game comes out every couple of months it's impossible to keep up with them. Offcourse recent entries may be more varied then previous ones but doesen't take away the series should be given some time off, because they all play the same anyway. If Dynasty warriors 9 has proven one thing by going open world is that omega force doesen't really know what to do with it anymore to keep it interesting for more then a couple of hours. Final Fantasy -> I'm not 100% sure myself wheter or not i should include it here but goddamn square enix has been milking the final fantasy dry all they can the past few years, like how many spin offs do we even have now, it's damn near impossible to list em all, like Final Fantasy Tactics, Dissidia: Final Fantasy and the recent released Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin coulden't be further away from the traditional jrpg roots of the series. I get it anything final fantasy is likely going to sell better but come on squar enix it's time you make the fantasy final for once and for all. Just start naming your games something different. Need for speed -> A no brainer to include Need for speed as Ea themselves doesen't really know what to do with the franchise either, ghost studios clearly isen't capable of delivering a good racing game. Well maybe Rivals can be classified as good but eh ever since the 2015 reboot which imo has one the worst car handlings in any game and on top of that the cheesy live clips in between that are supposed to tell a story eh no thanks. Later games are a tad bit better but the whole you vs the cops or vice versa it's getting old and in this day and age i think nobody is waiting for another need for speed, now that ea bought codemasters i don't really see much reasons to keep need for speed alive for much longer. Let's just say need for speed is a series that is living of it's past glory and imo should be put on hold for a atleast a couple of years. We can only hope the new need for speed by criterion is going to be better then previous entries but if it fails i'm afraid for the series future. I know i could go on and on but i've got to respect other people their free time, others i would have included are Halo, Gears of war, God of war and Resident Evil.1 point
Best Wordle Alternatives?
StaceyPowers reacted to DC for a topic
In response to @StaceyPowers published article, entitled "10 Games Like to Play in 2022" I wanted to ask the community members for their perspective on the best Wordle alternatives. My favorite Wordle alternative is Crosswordle - it's basically Wordle backwards. It's very mentally stimulating and a very difficult.1 point -
Videogame Franchises that outstayed their welcome?
killamch89 reacted to NightmareFarm for a topic
Call of Duty. It's almost impressive how they've managed to just release the same fricking game LITERALLY every year and still have a loyal fanbase willing to eat it up each time. Same applies to a few other mega popular series like FIFA.1 point -
Silly completionist things you did as a gaming newbie
Withywarlock reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Ok, I'm stepping in. This thread is being lost into a discussion about cheats. if that's what you want to talk about, then make another thread. This thread is about things you did as a n00b that were somewhat pointless and silly. It is not about cheat codes. If you want to continue to post in this thread, make sure it is on topic. If required we will lock this thread. I know I for one don't want to have to resort to that, but there are times when one has to do things that one would rather not do.1 point -
Studios you'd like to see take on other IPs
Withywarlock reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I'd like Capcom to take Castlevania, Silent Hill and Metal Gear from Konami because quite frankly, Konami isn't really interested in making videogames and instead make gambling machines for Casinos and these are three IPs with loads of potential and huge fanbases.1 point -
Videogame Franchises that outstayed their welcome?
Withywarlock reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Another honest addition - Halo. They've been consistently removing features from the more recent games every game and it honestly annoys the hell out of me.1 point -
What would you do?
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I'm definitely telling my friend but first I'd record some evidence using my phone so that the accused cannot lie about it or try to manipulate my friend. As a matter of fact, I've done this before but my former friend chose to believe his cheating gf than me and stopped talking to me but then caught her himself a few months later and then tried to apologize to me but I wasn't interested in hearing it.1 point -
You enjoy doing, but others look down on it
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I think this is a proper response to that line... That sounds like something Jeffery Epstein or Jared Fogle would say. But then again, J.K. Rowling always been known to say some pretty controversial stuff.1 point -
Hmm, I don't know. The game you shared doesn't really seem all too similar. The art style kind of, but the gameplay looks to be a lot different. But it does look like something a friend of mine would enjoy, so I'll have to share this with him. Thanks for sharing! 🙂1 point
VGR Member of the Month - July 2022 Nominations
Withywarlock reacted to Shagger for a topic
I'll offer up my nomination for @Yaramaki. This has been a major few weeks for him with the promotion to moderator, but he has really taken it in his stride and is still putting out some of the best content that he has done to date. Well worthy.1 point -
Share a game reference you think no one here will recognize.
Withywarlock reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
I've had to look up everyone's references so far =D1 point -
I have a request...
Withywarlock reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
You could do a lot worse then Ikaruga as it's still one of the best shoot em ups out there. It was also a good reason to keep your gamecube around for the longest time until they ported it over to modern consoles. I know of a ton of shmups that are worthy of your time, just don't know if they are on steam which i guess is what you are after, so let's have a search on steam on wheter they are avaible or not. However i'm a console gamer and therefore i can't vouch how they perform on pc. Crimzon Clover World Explosion -> Pretty recent release that has been recommended to me by a few people i know, since they were talking about it like the second coming of christ i decided to pick up the switch version. It runs pretty well, great bullet hell shooter that has multiple difficulty entries and is easy enough to pick up but hard to master, has some wacky mechanics i havn't seen in a shooter before. Yeah this seems like a good one to start imo. I don't know about the old school look as it looks more like a sega saturn game on steriods but you know old school enough. Darius Burst Chronicle Saviours -> Latest entry in the long running darius series, you can't go wrong with this series, i'd say it's probably my favourite franchise in the entire shooter genre. All games are top notch quality, i played this on the Vita off all places had a good time with it. However if you ask my oppinion you are better off with the Darius Cozmic Collection that includes 7 games inc my favourite of the series the pc engine version of darius plus. I've also found this Hd version of G-Darius on steam but i can't say it's good or not, costs 30 bucks tough. Ginga Force and Eschatos -> Going to list these together as they are made by the same company and are pretty much the same games, just the setting is different, had a lot of fun with these when they originally came out for the japanese 360. Story seems kinda wack from what i remember but overall worthy of your time and easy enough to get into. What suprises me even more the same company ported one of the rarest and best Bandai wonderswan games over to steam well what you know i learned something new today. i'm talking about Judgement Silversword offcourse. Raiden V: Director's Cut -> latest entry in the longtime running series and it's is suprising how much raiden games are avaible on steam, yeah i meanly remember this 5th entry as it was an xbox one exclusive in japan for the longest time until they ported it over to other platforms. Still can't say much about this directors cut but as i only played the regulair version which is a decent enough entry in the series. Of all the raiden games i played the third game and fourth game are my favourites. There is also this compilation of four earlier games of which i only played the first raiden game of on the atari jaguar no less lol those were the days, i should hook that thing up and give it some love on of these days. Bullet soul and Bullet Soul Infinite Burst -> Don't know why i waited this long since these should have been on top of the post, these are my absolute favourites in the bullet hell genre. Man they are perfect for beginners and aren't too brutal to get into and the gameplay is top notch, you feel like a badass in no time lol. Needless to say the music is top notch. I diden't even knew they were avaible on steam and were stuck in japan on the 360. Good to know so i can recommend them next time somebody asks the same question. I'd suggest picking up infinite burst over the original because it's essentialy an upgrade over the original game. Obviously no shmup thread is complete without mentioning some Cave games as they are the masters in the bullet hell genre but i just don't want to take up anymore of your time. But it's always good to reminisce every once in a while about a genre that doesn't get the attention it deserves. Hopefully this is a satisfying answer to your question Shagger and is what you are looking for. If you want to me to do a post of the above mentioned Cave we can arrange that aswell. It's also been fun to browse trough steam as it's a platform that i quite honestly never use.1 point -
Which would you choose and why?
killamch89 reacted to kingpotato for a topic
Either one is fine, I already look old and feel old xD1 point