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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2022 in all areas

  1. @Withywarlock and @Yaramaki are established and longtime contributors of VGR. They both have been on our watchlist for some time and were vetted extensively by @Shagger. Four moderators is appropriate given VGR's member count and post total and the overall exponential growth the community has seen over the past 4-6 months. Each of the four moderators are well qualified and deserving of their respective role. Furthermore, having a robust and experienced moderation team allows me to direct more time and resources to continuing to attract new members and grow the community.
    5 points
  2. Hey everyone, Today I have a couple of exciting announcements for you. The first is that VGR Forum now has more than 18,000 members! I am deeply grateful to each and every one of you who have contributed to VGR growing into such a tremendously successful community. My second big announcement is that @Withywarlock has been promoted to become our fourth moderator! He joins @Yaramaki, who was recently promoted, along with @The Blackangel and @Shagger. Withywarlock has long contributed thoughtful, detailed comments to VGR forum, keeping conversations going and spurring new ones with his insights. He also does a great job making us laugh with his witty observations. It is a rare privilege to have a forum grow this much while still retaining its loyal core of members and such a welcoming, friendly atmosphere. Each of our moderators has played a huge part in making that happen, and I know Withywarlock will do a phenomenal job in his new role. Congratulations, Withywarlock, and thank you! Thank you to all of our members for being a part of the VGR family. I am so happy with what we have built here together.
    3 points
  3. Could video games help us combat or adapt to climate change in any way, even by just raising climate awareness or demonstrating simulated versions of possible solutions (i.e. I would to see a solarpunk open world that shows off what a city of the future could be like)? Have you seen any examples of games that have already done this?
    1 point
  4. On average, how much time passes between you buying a game and playing it? I realize it might be quite hard to figure this out, if it is sometimes days and sometimes years! I think with me, it probably averages out to about half a year.
    1 point
  5. I have just completed part 2 for the second time and seen the ending a second time. I think it's already due time for a part 3 because the ending triggers me every time. I went in search of answers and I saw this beautiful triller by inevagel gamers and it looks so good. I hope the part 3 would become a reality soon enough I don't care how long to takes.
    1 point
  6. We haven't had too many food related threads around so why not have a thread about instant noodles, everyboydy knows em and imo the ultimate comfort food. So do you like them or not, why not, what brands and flavours do you like the most? I always keep some around the house for when i don't have much time to cook or whenever i feel like getting some. The beauty of instant noodles apart from being cheap is that there are so many brands and flavours around you can constantly try out something new. My personal favourites are just the good old nissin cup noodles, flavour doesn't really matter to me because they are all equally good.
    1 point
  7. The problem with the original games, is that they haven't aged too well. In terms of gameplay, graphics, voice acting etc. The older games just aren't as accessible as the newer games and I think that's why they do the remakes, to capture that audience that can't be bothered to play the original games. And the sad truth is that RE has to adapt with the times. It can't forever be the RE we know. It's going to probably get weirder, go into uncharted territory with multiple spinoffs and more. When I hear RE, I think endless possibilities. It doesn't have to be a zombie virus for example, it could be vampires, lycans again, etc. Didn't the last one technically have witches? Idk, I'm probably going on a tangent now, so I'll shut up.
    1 point
  8. It's absolutely allowed to thank someone. But this is technically the wrong thread to do it on. Either way, no one is going to have a problem with it. @Shagger also helped me out A LOT when I was promoted. I also want to thank him again for his help.
    1 point
  9. StaceyPowers

    Change one word!

    I ruined a lot of sex shouting "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim."
    1 point
  10. hey, I haven't been here that long but congratulations to VGR and also @Withywarlock on the new role! 👏🥳🎉 more success to come and hope the community keeps growing.
    1 point
  11. Congratulations to VGR and especially to @Withywarlock. This forum is on the move and on the up and it i an honour to have @Withywarlock take his place the team.
    1 point
  12. I'm going to nominate @Justin11 it should be worth mentioning that his posted have improved a lot lately especially if you look at the sports section, hopefully this nominaton will be a motivation that you don't need to make 30+ posts a day to be a good contributor to the vgr forums. Also would if it's allowed, like to give @Shagger a shout out and thank you for taking the time to explain how the moderating tools work.
    1 point
  13. Tell me about it. Yesterday I'd unlocked a new skin from my sniper rifle which was overly animated with a wavy purple effect. As nice as it was it was very distracting, and I couldn't use the weapon from the hip like I prefer (which in this game is surprisingly effective). There is an appeal to the toy and action figure-like character design for me, but it's hit and miss, and even then it's hard to tell character skins apart in the heat of a fight (especially in modes like Flying Splitball, Zombie VIP or Laser Tag) Agreed. The sound and other feedback is fine, I feel like I'm hitting things in those instances, but getting hit doesn't feel at all punchy. It's particularly dissatisfying when in the faster paced modes like Flying Splitball you're zooming all over the map only to get wafted by a bat and that be the end of your go. 😞
    1 point
  14. Yes to a point, Like the game called Undertale. It's not just overrated, the fandom treats it as if it were God's gift to the world. Pretty good game if you remove the fandom though.
    1 point
  15. Depends really, I brought games 10 years ago that I never played XD I end up building the game libery more then anything. Then there are games that I have played right away after that I brought the game. MSFS2020 is only sim that I play right after it got downloaded and stuck with it.
    1 point
  16. As the OP and Kane above me have said, it's hard to say. I have just over 2,000 games on Steam and I've not played a great many of them due to impulse purchases, download speeds and general disinterest. When it comes to physical media though? The soonest I can play it. Rarely did I wait long to play something on a disc or cartridge.
    1 point
  17. @Withywarlock Major reason being is that japanese people prefer using japanese brands rather then buying products from a western brand. Compare it a bit with cars, while they are around, you won't find many european and american makes of cars in japan and the ones that are usually on the more expensive side in other words cars not a whole lot of people can afford. You could say Windows is doing fine over there but the computers windows is running on is 99,9% of the time going to be on computer from a japanese manufacturer. Obviously microsoft diden't really try anymore with the xbox one, where the original xbox had Shin Megami Tensei: Nine alongside some highly experimental games like N.u.d.e and Dennou Taisen: DroneZ just to name a few exclusives. Microsoft really tried hard to push the 360 in japan in it's early days with games like blue dragon, infinite undiscovery, lost odyssey were all decent exclusives and tales of vesperia was also exclusive for a good time on the 360. To others, incuding myself the japanese 360 was a haven for traditional shooters. On the xbox one however you didn't have any of that, of the few japanese exclusive games there are were also released on other platforms. The only game that comes to my mind that is still an exclusive game is Azito x Tatsunoko Legends. I'm not really a fan of game pass because as a collector it takes away physical sales and if you ask my oppinion on gamepass it's just a glorified rental service but that is just my oppinion. No what microsoft should do is getting more japanese games on their platform not only exclusives tough, okay they finally got it that persona is a big deal and why the 5th game was so long exclusive to playstation i still don't get it. But games like the atelier series or take it the tecmo koei rpg's in general are not on xbox consoles give tecmo koei and for that matter smaller companies like Nis a sack of cash and convince them to release on xbox aswell that way you not only take away potential exclusives from other platforms but you also keep gamers who rather play their games on xbox on your platform. Like Ni no kuni why aren't both games on xbox. Offcourse having a genre defining Jrpg or something that would cater to a japanese audience would also help a lot in sales over in japan but i doubt microsoft is even interested in doing that.
    1 point
  18. Could they directly help with climate change? I don't think so. I believe there's better mediums for showing that, and even they can't probably help us all that much besides raising awareness. Action is required, and choosing not to play the video game would probably be better for the environment (albeit not by much in the grand scale of things) than playing for it. Don't get me wrong, I look at games like Frostpunk and think the scenario is dreadful but not entirely inaccurate, but it doesn't really have global warming at the heart of its message. Games can absolutely inspire awareness and action, but making a game specifically about global warming is still adding to the problem if that makes sense. I'm afraid so. Electronics are getting more energy efficient especially compared with each decade, and even when they do have a greater wattage the power consumed is worth the cost (though perhaps not the cost to the environment). Even so, it's not as clean as we think it is. Cloud computing from what I understand uses 3% of the globe's electricity (the figures differ with each publication), and a lot of the cloud is metadata: advert preferences, private information, tracking, et cetera. I think electricity's one of those things where because we can't see it as well as gasses or polluted water, it's not contributing that great a problem. Like the cloud: out of sight, out of mind.
    1 point
  19. Exellent choice @DC and @Shagger and offcourse i would like to extend my congratulations to @Withywarlock welcome aboard man.
    1 point
  20. Congratulations to VGR, for this latest milestone of 18,000 registered members. I am also happy with you DC, because you're working so hard to grow VGR to become so big, and you aren't far from that. Congratulations to our latest moderator @Withywarlock, we want to see more witty and thoughtful posts from you, just as you've been doing, and your role as a mod.
    1 point
  21. Well I didn't see this coming. Why the brand new moderators so fast?
    1 point
  22. I remember how a lot of the people who got busted on the show used the excuse: ”I came here to tell the 12 year old girl that she shouldn’t do this” ”Well we have your chat logs, that’s definitely not what it sounds like” ”No, you’re misunderstanding, I was trying to scare her” ”So why are you carrying a box of condoms?” ”cough cough, I’m leaving”
    1 point
  23. Random encounters in RPG’s. Part of it was my impatience, but playing a lot of those games that were early in having enemies visible on screen made it even more annoying. Especially when some of those games also expected you to grind. I can shut my brain down when I’m grinding in a game with random encounters, but having to leave the screen to reset the enemies over and over is obnoxious for me.
    1 point
  24. It’s short for baby boomer, someone born in that generation. Since my example was someone’s grandparent (or having older parents) getting hacked for using an outdated computer, I used it correctly.
    1 point
  25. Depends on the game. If it's something I got on sale, I may not play it for weeks, months, years or even ever. But when it's a game I want to play, usually the day of, or the next. Whenever I can get free time to play.
    1 point
  26. I think getting used to playing on mouse and keyboard and also controller. I got used to controllers growing up. But I didn't have much time with gaming on PC growing up, so it took me a while to get used to PC controls.
    1 point
  27. I don't know, I heard that electronics we use on a daily basis can help worsen the likes of global warming. Idk if this is true or not, but I heard that the electronics we use often aren't good for our environment. Don't quote me on that as I never fully looked into it. I don't think it can really help unless it's an educational game or something. I don't know how else a video game could help the environment or stopping global warming.
    1 point
  28. Where else can the franchise go though? I think fantasy works fine in a RE game. The virus has manifested differently before, so why can't it create supernatural beings as well? Or another virus that does it. Idk. I think they do this with RE, because zombies are played out, and boring now. Even though their last game had zombie like characters, I feel like they were mostly obstacles than threats. At least from what I saw. Plus you had lycans for goodness sakes. I think we're already into the fantasy realm in some regards.
    1 point
  29. Everything takes time mate - I'm sure that's what Netflix plans to do in the long term and they're working towards it. What you want them to do? pull a Google Stadia and flop? or an Amazon Luna and also flop? Remember that they're going head to head against Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo who've established themselves in the gaming industry for over 2+ decades. It's an uphill battle for them and they're not naive like Google and Amazon so Netflix will approach the whole situation more logically.
    1 point
  30. Im not sure if it this has been mentioned already but does somebody remember Xiaolin Showdown? I loved watching that on WB kids on saturday mornings
    1 point
  31. My dogs are the same way. Their stomachs are black holes when it comes to food. And god forbid I'm eating something that smells good.
    1 point
  32. I love the chicken flavour instant noodle or the one most people I know don't appreciate as much as I do which is the pepper soup Instant Noodles I like this one particularly because it is spicy.
    1 point
  33. Of course there will be a third in the series. When that is, I have no clue, but it's pretty much inevitable. Naughty Dog would be crazy not to capitalize on making a third in the series. They don't have to, but there's money to be made and lots of it. I wouldn't expect them to make a 4th though. If anything I think they will end it with the 3rd, and if they decide to make any future games, it'll be in this world, but will follow a completely different group of people and maybe be in a different setting. I'd be cool with that.
    1 point
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