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What are politics like in big MMOs?
StaceyPowers and 2 others reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
Guild politicking is a fairly big thing. I've been in numerous scenarios, not as dramatic as I'd like to make them sound from robbing guild banks, staging coups, running guilds and moderating merger efforts. The thing about most MMO systems is they're not democratic, and do bear with me as most of my experience is with World of Warcraft. Barring vote-kicking (democracy), it's usually meritocracy (rankings/ratings/gear), plutocracies (having the most money), or dictatorships (developers and guild masters) which governs the game's systems. It was particularly interesting in guilds: you can't outvote a guild master, the game doesn't recognise anyone but them to be the sole authority. Staging a coup won't work because they don't have to step down, and Game Masters (customer support) can't and won't take any action unless it's in very specific cases, usually regarding the guild bank or abuse. Guild Mergers were a fun time too, but 'merger' puts one-in-a-million of such occurances too professionally. As Preach Gaming once put it: "what I have seen work is a guild 'merge' where under the same title, where five people join thirty people and they fucking... join their guild." He goes on to say quite adequately, "just look at the UK right now: we have a co-Prime Minister... nope. Not really. There's only one guy who got to shake the Queen's hand, right?" Ironically that coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats was (unofficially) shortened down to Con-Dem, which if it needs spelling out sounds a lot like 'condemned'. Let that speak to any prospects of guild mergers. Beyond that, I can't think of many examples of politics coming about in MMOs. It's mostly ramblings in Trade Chat that, let's face it, won't go anywhere because it's happening in a video game chat channel, and guilds tend to have a rule about no politics in chat. And then proceed to ignore it. Sounds a lot like EVE Online. Yep, that's EVE Online, or "Spreadsheet Simulator" as it's affectionately known! 🤑3 points -
That is a slightly ironic post given that the AC series are both published and developed by Ubisoft, as in there not separate companies doing both things. In other words, the AC series is independently published, so technically they are indie games. I know what you mean by indie games though, don't get me wrong, but I just find it interesting how people through that term around without really understanding what it means2 points
Is there any such thing as "overhyped" or "overrated" video games?
Withywarlock and one other reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
Seems like i never replied to this thread but overhyped and overrated i'd call both terms equally bad for a videogame or for any product for the matter. From personal experience those terms are usually associated and used by people who have no clue what they are talking about, you know those idiots who can't form an oppinion by themselves and take every word somebody else tell them for granted. Offcourse it's way easier to jump on the bandwagon and slam a product that is selling well and becomes populair instead of trying it out for themselves and see what it is like and maybe get an oppinion of there own. Don't know where the above came from but it irritates the hell out of me, when i see somebody slamming on a game or a franchise they have barely or even never played because somebody else told them it was shit.2 points -
How do you feel when people claim gaming is a waste of time or for kids only?
StaceyPowers reacted to Kane99 for a topic
I thought of this after commenting on another topic. You know how some people, mostly adults and the elderly like to say "Gaming is a waste of time", "Why don't you do something more productive", or "Gaming is for kids" etc. I still hear these excuses about how people think video games are below them or something. Yet someone will watch 90 day fiance on repeat. I just find it highly hypocritical to call someone's hobby a waste of time. Like nah man, I enjoy video games as much as you enjoy binging your favorite shows and watching your favorite trilogies or hell, reading that novel before you head to bed. I hate when I hear people say that, because they sound so dumb. Today, gaming is one of the biggest things in the world. From streamers, esports players and casual gamers, gaming has grown to become a billion dollar industry. It kinda reminds me how people thought gaming was a fad or a gimmick back in the 80s. Now days people are working in gaming, streaming, playing in tournaments for millions of dollars and more. What do you guys think though? Do you hate when people say this stuff to you about video games? Do you ever respond with quips like "Well you watch tv all day"?1 point -
Zuma (video game)
Withywarlock reacted to Clasher for a topic
Zuma is a tile matching puzzle video game where you play as a frog shooting coloured and patterned ball out of its mouth to match with other ball with same patterns and colours, you plays as fast as possible so the balls doesn't outrun and pass through the gates of the temple. I enjoyed this game on PC and it was also available on mobile phone, Mac OS , PS2, PS 3 and Xbox console developed by pop cap games. This game was really popular since it's release in 2003 and even won game of the year award in 2004. I haven't heard much about this game in a while so I am curious to know if there is anyone here who still plays it.1 point -
1 point
Do you have any trait that you are not proud of?
Grungie reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
To me, it sounds like someone wanting to find out what a baseball bat tastes like.1 point -
What are politics like in big MMOs?
Gonassis reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
Mechanically, yes. If you want to look at the failings of politics in MMOs one needs only look at two systems: vote-kicking and the game's economy. New World was the latest game to screw up the latter, which Josh Strife Hayes has talked about in enough detail to show the worst MMO economy I've ever seen. In other games, and I'm terribly sorry for derailing this subject, but Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw did a presentation on factions in video games wherein he discusses how if there's only two they're either fascists or nutters; if there's a third option it falls into what I call Roberts' Trident: when a video game presents a third option, the middle one is the best. Without having really any experience myself, going exclusively off memes, it just seems to be a game where you're spending a lot of time watching the stock market, auction houses, rather than doing spaceship things and getting swallowed up by player-run trade consortiums.1 point -
What are politics like in big MMOs?
StaceyPowers reacted to Gonassis for a topic
once upon a time, I used to play text based MMORPG's then I remember fantasizing about a complex merchant-political system... Then I realized how complicated that would be, and I thought that would just remain a pipe dream. 😅 although I think one day something like that could still be implemented in a game of any kind, just maybe not in the way I imagined.1 point -
What are your thoughts on Boss Battles?
Clasher reacted to NightmareFarm for a topic
Exactly. It benefits both newcomers AND veterans rather than just gatekeeping the game from the newcomers and cutting down its consumer base. The only benefit of a lack of difficulties is so people who beat the game can wank themselves off over it.1 point -
What are your thoughts on Boss Battles?
NightmareFarm reacted to Clasher for a topic
Adding difficultly options wouldn't be a bad idea so that for beginners they could get to adapt to the game more slowly as opposed to starting at a already difficult level, you could go from beginner and as you advance you go higher in level.1 point -
What are your thoughts on Boss Battles?
Withywarlock reacted to NightmareFarm for a topic
I've dealt with many tough bosses but this is one of the few exceptions for me. I can't keep playing when I know I have to constantly fight bosses of that level of difficulty the entire game. Soulsborne games really need to include difficulty options.1 point -
General Gaming Discussion
Knight Plug reacted to Clasher for a topic
Now this is something to look out for. I hope it's not just a copy of RE2 with a new title, atleast some new features to spice it up would be great. I would check out for more information about this game.1 point -
One thing with online is that, it saves time and energy. Their is nothing more pleasing to me than sitting at home and making downloads and getting it straightway into my game log, and not moving an inch trying to buy one from offline stores. Infact I don't like much of an ordering this days, i just love to download direct from the game store..1 point
Video games are mainstream, so honestly anyone can get immersed.1 point
I think games right now is usually priced between $30 to $70 only a few goes below or above this price mark. I don't mind paying full price for remakes of video games if I am really interested in it though.1 point
Yeah if Ubisoft made the ideas their own, there probably wouldn't be any issues. The thing with Assassin's Creed: Odyssey for example, is that it's fine to take ideas and make them your own. But the way they went about it, not changing enough, shows they were lazy in the process. If they simply made their own version of the systems they borrowed, they would have been fine. I remember hearing about the RE story. It makes you wonder how many other games have taken images/graphics and other things from other forms of media and people. If I remember correctly to, with the RE situation, it took them a while to notice it. So there could be other games out there that do this exact same thing and have gotten away with it. Makes ya wonder.1 point
I made the post quoted below on this thread quite a while ago that sums up a lot of my feelings on this: To take it further, those people do have a point. Face it, playing video game's isn't productive. You'll never cure cancer or solve world hunger by sitting on your couch with a controller in your hand, but the same is also true of playing golf, watching TV or sitting by a riverbank with a stick getting piss ass drunk (Apparently, it's called "fishing", but as far as I know that's all you do). These things, like gaming, are called past times for a reason. The clue is in the name, they are literally ways to pass the time and nothing more. They are nothing practical, profitable nor helpful to anyone, it's just leisure. So the next person who talks down to you for being a gamer as an adult, ask them what thier hobbies are and if they answer with literally anything, they're hypocrites. If they answer with nothing, feel desperately sorry for them, but feel vindicated as you are the one with a soul.1 point
Do you have any trait that you are not proud of?
Withywarlock reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
It's been my experience that autistic people are often far more intelligent than the rest of the population. Brilliant in some cases. I'm not saying be proud of a disability. I'm in a wheelchair, and I fucking hate it. But it is what it is. I'm also dumb as a god damn rock. I edit and re-edit my posts probably a dozen times before I post them, as I know I've said something moronic somewhere in them. Most of the time, my brain is only for moving my limbs. I drop it somewhere just about every day, and just have to hope I find it before the frickin' dogs eat it.1 point -
Kids are turning to video games to help with their anxiety
Heatman reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I think this is a positive note to end on. I'll lock this thread unless the moderation team deems it unnecessary, as I'm of the opinion it's run its course and risks points farming. Thanks to everyone for their contributions, and if you are affected by the topics raised in this thread please seek professional help where possible.1 point -
Breaking Bad Creator Says He Tried To Make A Video Game Adaptation
kingpotato reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I'll apologise for the tone of this post as I'm hot and bothered, but not the message. Let's improve the quality of our contributions to this thread, and all others, please. I could see this working as a Telltale game given the amount of close calls the characters come to arrest, death or just having identities discovered. It was particularly interesting for Walter 'Heisenberg' White to maintain his civilian identity given he's married, his brother-in-law works in the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and he's a school teacher with one of his students being a meth dealer. The problem about the game is that it's done all it needs to do: any other arcs can and will be covered in a spin-off TV show because the Breaking Bad universe is too big to not capitalise on. So what would the game do differently? A fully digitised New Mexico? OK, but that's not going to work with the story of the show. With Jesse Pinkman on the run? What's he going to do that he didn't in El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie didn't? We go around shooting people as Mike Ehrmantraut? If he's not old, he's not Mike Ehrmantraut. There is a case for a Breaking Bad video game, but the immediate answers are the ones we're not going to get. I bet we'll get something like a Narcos-style game: isometric tactical raids on Los Pollos Hermanos, or a Tropico-style management sim with meth. He. Vince Gilligan. It says it in the title of the article and in Kane99's original comment. How will it be better by not being a Grand Theft Auto clone? What sort of game would you like to see Breaking Bad adapted into? That's pretty much how we got the games we do today. We wouldn't have Roguelikes/lites without Rogue. We'd have no Call of Duty without Doom. We'd have no Elder Scrolls without Ultima. We wouldn't have Grand Theft Auto without the Miami Vice game of '86. 'Cloning' in this instance does not mean a 1:1 copy; most users here mean 'clone' to mean an open world game set in the Breaking Bad universe, likely with a lot of gunplay and vehicle physics. Please could you elaborate on this comment? What makes you think what they "do or do not" "might be an epic or great result?" What is your opinion based upon?1 point -
This thread has run it's course, don't really see a reason to lock it nor is there any reason to keep it alive any longer but we're 8 pages in and you either prefer gaming at night or you don't. There were some interesting posts and i feel like it would be a waste to not keep the conversation going so i moved some post in a new thread here1 point
They would never leave COD behind. Even though this last release was kinda a bomb, there is still a huge fan base. What needs to happen is for a break from the yearly release. I think 2 years is a good way to go. What I think would be cool though, is if they remastered some of the classic games, not the modern ones, but more ones from back when the series started. Like the first and second games, along with a few others.1 point
Ubisoft have been sloopy when it comes to copying other game's mechanics and they were actually caught red handed with what they did with Assassin's Creed : Odyssey in copying both the game mechanics and used in The Witcher : Wild Hunt and Middle Earth : Shadow of War. https://vocal.media/gamers/assassin-s-creed-odyssey-and-the-perils-of-copy-and-paste-syndrome1 point
Lol Ads could be annoying Especially when you are deeply engrossed in watching a content and then it suddenly comes up. I can't actually say it's a good thing for Netflix to bring on their screen play but if that's a more viable solution for them they could try it out.1 point
Is The Last Of Us part 3 ever going to be a reality?
StaceyPowers reacted to Kane99 for a topic
I wouldn't say it's playing it safe, just that they know that the audience would be into playing more last of us remasters until a new one drops. It's just their way of holding fans over until a third is announced. They will release another remaster, probably for the second game before the third is even announced. Or they may do a double remaster for both games in one package before the third is ever announced. What I'm saying is this, a third is a very likely possibility, because Naughty Dog knows there is definite money in a third game. So does Sony, so they're probably already in talks for a third.1 point -
Netflix should really start to release bigger/triple A games
Gonassis reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
This is starting to go around in circles now. Let's assume for the moment that Netflix starts making bigger budget titles: what would we want to see them make? I for one don't know much about the world of Stranger Things, but I'd like to play in that setting's open world a la Deadly Premonition. It may require some creative liberties for the action-oriented audiences who want to fight things every now and again, but otherwise a kids-on-bikes detective style game might well work. I'd also like a Lucifer game in the Telltale style: compelling people to tell the truth for better or worse, managing work-life balance, solving crimes and guyliner galore. The Wolf Among Us has shown it can be done well enough, and I don't think it would break the bank (which sort of goes against the original question, my apologies).1 point -
Is The Last Of Us part 3 ever going to be a reality?
StaceyPowers reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
Naughty Dog sure do love to take their time with games, but at least they do it right. Both series were released at the end of a console generation. So a part 3 most likely will be when news of ps6 is about to be released. And it all also depends how well the TV TLOU series does. If it’s good then they will most likely keep the game series going. That would be awesome to have a 5 part game series all masterpieces. If Part 3 comes out 5 years from now, we will already be living in an apocalypse so they can easily use real footage to make it real as possible. A part 4 literally will livestream a nuclear fallout.1 point