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Introduction - Tonberry
Tonberry and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Killing 20 of you guys? Well I guess it's worth it to get the tonberry king. Is that you? Are you the tonberry king? Whether or not you are, I have to agree with @Shagger on this one. Just don't come up to me, stab me, and yell out DOINK, please.2 points -
I hate Tonberry's, they are pains in the ass. But, for you I'll make an exception. Welcome to VGR.2 points
When looking at the last game played thread i see people jumping from one game to another all the time. This makes me wonder how many games do you play simultaneously ? For me 2 games simultaneously at most because otherwise i'd never get around beating a game especially when they are story driven games if you take a break from those it's sometimes hard to remember the story. But usually i don't play anything else until i've beaten a game even if that means playing the same game for an entire month. What about you guys/girls?1 point
Hello, I am Tonberry. I was looking for a nice place to discuss video games and this place seems really chill. I like just about every genre of games, but my favourites are probably turn-based RPGs, Action Adventure-type games like Zelda/Monster Hunter/Souls, platformers and fighting games. Looking forward to chatting with you all!1 point
They don't look similar to me..... They look like they are from completely different decades.1 point
Thanks, and it's all good . Just happy to be here!1 point
Welcome to VGR! We look forward to seeing you on the forums! Once again my apology for the delay in activating your account. See you around.1 point
I really like Chocobos, and they're kind of the mascots for Final Fantasy games I'd argue? Lots of iconic monsters but it even gets its own games with a unique look. Other than that I really like Slime from Dragon Quest, and Rathalos.1 point
How do you feel when people claim gaming is a waste of time or for kids only?
Clasher reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
If people are dead set on gaming only being for kids, I want to meet the parents who would let their 7 year old play RDR2, so I can slap the shit out of them. The language, violence, sexual content, and alcohol/drug use is really something I would consider to not be lessons for a child of that age. I haven't played it, but I would assume GTA5 would be in that same boat. Then there are horror games. A child would be so freaked out that they would sleep between their parents for 3 months before going back to their own room. Especially with the more intense horror games. Games are rated for a reason. And many are geared towards adults. Because (typically) we are able to see the difference between the real world, and games. While some a re a real world representation, they're still games. If you have such an issue with gaming, then stick to Candy Land.1 point -
The Official video game spin-off thread
Withywarlock reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
You know since i didn't have much else to do today, kinda wanted to go out and do a long hike since it's cooling off a bit now, low and behold it's raining the entire day. I booted up Crash bash and played it for a couple of hours and goddamn look what you made me do @Withywarlock as i was supposed to be reorganizing my collection not playing old rubbish. First of all while its not great It's not that bad either to be called a worse spin off. The first 2 hours i had genuinely fun with the game, i played trough the adventure mode and after struggling for half an hour with a minigame where you have to ride a tank and blow each other up i finally made it to the second boss fight where the game suddenly spikes in difficulty, sure i probably could beat him if it weren't for the unfair 5 seconds your frozen each time you're getting hit, may aswell give up because you're getting pushed off the platform each time anyway. I'll probably give the game another chance if my gf her son comes over as i find these type of games are much more enjoyable with 2 people. Obviously Crash bash was made to capitalise on Mario party. Considering the game is 22 years old, it was a decent enough alternative for playstation owners at the time. The only problem with the ps1 you had to get a mutitap to play with 4 people, which probably not a lot of people even owned in the first place because it wasen't the cheapest accessoiry to begin with, where with the n64 we would just bring our own controller to somebody elses place to play local multiplayer.1 point -
Makes me wonder if i coulden't have come up with a better topic title but ohwell if you have any better suggestion please tell so i can edit the topic title, it's fucking hot out here and my balls have been cooked nearly a couple of times already today so what do you expect. So the question is what are some of your favourite video game spin-offs and if you feel like why not list some of the worst you have played? Obviously mario and sonic had way too many spin-offs some went on to become a huge succes and became their own huge franchise like mario kart, another franchise that comes to mind is square-enix their very own cash cow offcourse it's the final fantasy franchise. Maybe another that should be listed first as in being milked dry is tecmo koei's very own dynasty warriors which span off into more spin-offs then anything else. Fist of the north star, Zelda, Persona, one piece, fire emblem,berserk, gundam several other real time periods have also been featured they all got the musou threatment while arguable these are great games in their own right it's once you've played one, you played them all case. Speaking of Persona which started out as a spin-off from the shin megami tensei series which you could say is more populair then the mainline games by now had a few rhythm games, a 2d fighter and several 3d's spin offs. Before somebody points me out yes i"m aware there are also other shin megami tensei spin-offs like last bible, jack bros and and offcourse the often overlooked Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE. My personal favourite spin-off that isn't too obscure and hard to find would be 2018 Fist of the north Star : Lost Paradise which is a spin-off of the yakuza series, not only is Fist of the north star my favourite anime, lost paradise is also the best fist of the north star game out there. Offcourse a spin-off thread wouldn't be complete if the exellent judgment and lost judgment games wouldn't have been mentioned atleast once. There are more yakuza spin-offs out there with dead souls the only one released in the west seems like a game nobody really mentions anymore, while i had fun with it and the whackyness keeps it fresh it's not really a great game imo. Obviously sega should also make work of releasing the other two spin off titles on ps4 and if it's not asking too much while we are it why not include the 2 psp yakuza games in one neat package to the west. Let's end here knowing that i could add way more and will do so in the upcoming days, this is a thread that could have a lot of potential for a serious discussion so invite anybody who wants to join in on the fun go nuts.1 point
This is pure bullshit
Withywarlock reacted to Clasher for a topic
Please be informed that most people on YouTube this day are just there to make money off your views and the number of views they get would determine how much they get paid, so they can post whatever they feel would catch the attention of users and give them more views. But as the thread topic says "this is bullshit" and watching the video would only give them more views encouraging to them to put out more videos like this, so please if you are going through the comments section of this thread don't even Bother clicking the video.1 point -
i played with a Nokia before it sucked...1 point
Do you watch gameplay on YouTube?
Knight Plug reacted to Kane99 for a topic
I can't stand YouTubers or streamers that do that. It's why I never cared for pewdiepie and other content creators like him. My nephew was watching a YouTuber recently who was obnoxiously loud, and I don't get how anyone can get into that. The dude wasn't even funny in any way. When it comes to YouTube, they don't always notify you of new videos. I just check out the recently uploaded list though, so I usually catch everything I'm subscribed to. But there are times where I do miss content on YouTube at least.1 point -
Any league that's got a single team being too strong for other teams, where they win 90% of all the trophies in every season, that makes it a farmers league.1 point
Microsoft accuses Sony of paying developers to keep some games off Xbox Game Pass
Withywarlock reacted to Heatman for a topic
This is what competition in the game industry is all about and to be very honest, I'm not surprised at all by the moves and counter moves both of the companies are making in order to fortify their control and dominance in the market. From the way I see it, this fight is going to go on for a very long time and Sony wouldn't back down or they would end up surrendering to Microsoft. They have everything to lose.1 point -
This is pure bullshit
killamch89 reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I'll go through their reasonings and see if we can find some sense out of it. Here's hoping I can save people a click, but if you feel the need check out the video itself, be warned of how utterly hyperbolic it is. It uses evocative imagery and haunting music to disturb the viewer, which is not an argument for anything they're talking about. So first of all, they don't cite their source which is an immediate red flag. Statements from these questionnaires include 'I can see myself getting into a relationship with my character' and 'I consider my character a friend of mine'... but we're not told how that relates to the questions. They're flimsy quotes that may not even be real. Players of higher character attachment apparently had lower self-esteem. So are these characters causing them to have lower self-esteem, or is it that they can't get attached to people in real life because of low self-esteem (perhaps brought on by bullying, abuse, trauma, etc.?) It's true video games have been blamed for mass shootings... but blame mercifully does not automatically mean proof. This person does not provide any proof. The National Science Foundation has often praised video games and has been in favour of them, discussing accessability options for blind gamers who wish to play racing games, and discussing creativity. I've seen no such article for this person's claim though. Not much to say on this one. It's one thing to ask someone to pour hot sauce into a bowl for someone who doesn't like it; it's another to, y'know, murder someone. Epileptic Seizures: "The link between video games and epileptic seizures began to cause concerns from the early 1980s. The first documented case of a video game triggering epileptic seizures came in 1981. Shortly afterwards, console manufacturers required game publishers to include epilepsy warnings in the manuals, for games released on their devices. Seizures occur when a lack of neuronal regulation causes nerve activity to sync up." I think this video has lost all credibility with me when they quote the British hate-rag, The S*n. Yes, video games have been known to cause photosensitive seizures. This has been a disclosure in most games for at least a decade. ...and watching television, and using computers and laptops, and using virtual reality (VR) headsets, and reading print for too long. Problems with Bones and Muscles: "Medical journal The Lancet published a case report in 2004 which mentioned the PlayStation thumb in a 9-year-old boy. Rapid game play had caused friction between the thumb and the controller which had led to numbness and a blister. Frequent tendon injuries to the hands and wrists of Nintendo players have been dubbed ‘Nintendonitis’." Link to the letter to the Lancet here. I looked for examples of the blisters and swelling they listed, and could find only one, which err, doesn't look all that severe. At best it shows how crap the Dual Shock 2 was. Video games don't make people fat: eating too much cake and not moving enough make people fat. It's often said "abs are made in the kitchen" because of diet's influence on your health moreso than exercise (which is still vitally important; 20 minutes of pleasant breathlessness each day, folks!) Tragic but video games are not entirely to blame. People need to be responsible with their physical activity and leisure time. There are addictive things in video games and people are trying to clamp down on it, but this only gets in the way of those efforts. ...and that's where the video ends. No flipside, no attempts to balance the conversation, no real conclusion. Jesus wept in an RGB gaming chair.1 point -
Xbox Is Testing Game Pass Family Sharing
Withywarlock reacted to Empire for a topic
Wounder what will give up first, the people or the system 😛 I was curious what the price would be, yet might depend on country too. However, $25 a month sounds like a reasonable assumption. Right now ultimate in UK is about $13.30 a month based on a euro 12.99 costs I found googling . So based on that, might be less or more. I can see it going up to $29 per month in US. I hope it's on. $19 a month but we will see.1 point