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  1. No offence but why bid on something you have no intention of playing or using anyway? I've got a certain moral that if i'm not interested in something leave it for somebody else who is, it's called having respect towards other posters. This is the first time i made a bid on something as it's a visual novel and you know that is right up my alley.
    3 points
  2. First off, the game that @DC gave away (Like I'm sure all of the games he has given away as part of the points system) was in the form of a digital code and, as part of the system, you have to provide proof you have redeemed said code in the "Post here when you get your reward" thread. So no, you can't just sell them off. The system wouldn't exist in the form it does if @DC wanted you to do anything with these games other than play them. Second, @Yaramaki didn't win that game by "bidding more". This wasn't like the Auction No. 17- $15 Amazon Gift Card currently going on. There was a set price for the code in points, first come, first served. Check that thread for Aquadine on Nintendo Switch and you'll see the difference. Lastly, and to expand on what @Yaramaki said, even if the system in place was meant for you to sell the codes you bid for, that would be unethical. Not only is it dishonest, but it also denies one of your fellow forum members the chance to grab a game that they actually wanted. Check out this thread for Tyrant's Blessing for Steam that I recently partook in. Given that I had already got another game called Hard West 2 through bid for rewards that was very similar, I was very reluctant to go for it and would only take it if nobody else was interested: As you can see, in the end @DC felt nobody else was interested, so I got the code, but that's not the point. The point is that it's expected for people to bid for these rewards because they want them, any other motive is not appropriate. I actually held of commenting on that thread for days to give somebody else the chance to claim that game, the thought of claiming the code to then sell it never even crossed my mind. The fact you think that it's OK to claim a reward then just sell it off is, quite frankly, alarming and I'm very concerned. Just in case it is not clear, claiming an award to then only sell it off or exchange it for credit to buy something else in NOT what the Bid for Rewards section is for, so don't even think about it.
    2 points
  3. Are you talking about this thread or the last game played thread? Like i said before people seem to hopping from one game to another in a matter of days which i find strange so hence this thread? Also is the number of post so important for some people, it's something that i never understood who cares about how many posts you have. Edit looks like i have reached the magic number 666 now 😈👿 But since i'm repeating myself and we start adding games we played recently how about i chip in with what i played during the summer. Dragon quest 11 echoes of an elusive age : Currently taking a break from dragon quest, i'm right near the end of act 1 maybe about 35-40 hours in, did grind a lot tough making the game a total breeze so far. Will mostlikely resume playing next week orso. Pokemon Arceus Legends : I've beaten the main story, all i need now is to get the remaining pokemon, which no doubt will require me to look up a guide online and i can already smell you can only get certain pokemon under certain special conditions unknown until you look it up for the 35 hours i put into it i've had fun with it even if it's too easy and the side quests are boring as hell. Monopoly : my go to game when i'm staying at my gf her place, we are about 20 hours in and are still playing our first game of monopoly, unlike real monopoly you can't really cheat and nobody has to be the bank so that's a bonus. You'd be suprised how good board games can be on your tv. The Council : Man what should i add about this game, a more adult version of life is strange with more puzzles minus the strange powers. About halfway trough the game, kinda aiming to complete it by the end of the weekend as work starts again on monday after a 3 week break. Got stuck on a puzzle for 2 hours tough and by the end i had to look it up as i'd probably never figured it out anyway. Aquadine : This will mostlikly my next game i'm going to play @DC gave a code away yesterday for Aquadine trough the bids for rewards program so it would be disrespecting towards him if i woulden't touch the game. Offcourse there are older titles that i play here and there whenever i get a big box from japan but those are mostly for short burst of time and is meanly to see if the games are working before shelving them.
    2 points
  4. here is my top 10 for the 2022/23 seasons, what are yours? if you can't list 10 just do a top 5 and if that isen't possible just list who will become champions. 1) Manchester City 2) Liverpool 3) Arsenal 4) Tottenham Hotspur 5) Chelsea 6) Newcastle 7) Manchester united 8 ) Aston Villa 9) West ham 10) Leicester city I think mid table will be a toss up between leicester and wolves and why not Nottingham forest. But ultimatly going with leicester in 10th place.
    1 point
  5. It's all good, bro; I'm not entirely attuned with legal matters either (which is why I'm trying to study them). But once again, what you were referencing earlier was more like a character defamation case, and how much "public view" something had is undeniably factored into a lawsuit in that regard.
    1 point
  6. esports us kind of video game career just as we have in real-life sports events. I enjoy streaming esports e events, if I get the chance to make a career there aside soccer, I'll go for it.
    1 point
  7. Thanks for pointing that out and in addition to the games which I had recommended initially, with Moguri mod in other Final Fantasy 9, it's a very good option. Half-life 2, Doom 3, and Dark Souls 3 are good example to pick from when it comes to games that you can mod to play.
    1 point
  8. Only 2 or 3 at most if i'm casually playing an online game on the side. Any more than that and I lose focus.
    1 point
  9. Yay for me, I actually have an opportunity to try this game at last. I was reluctant to buy it given the mixed reaction the game had and buy the time I decided was interested, the community had dropped of somewhat. This is good for me as I know I'm not the only gamepass user who hasn't tried this out yet. I'm not that surprised. The game went multiplatform ages ago, so whilst I see he irony, this isn't that shocking.
    1 point
  10. Justin11

    This is pure bullshit

    I've corrected myself from the personal attack I used against the guy on the thumbnail. He might not be the one speaking directly through the voice over, their is nothing the media can't bring up.
    1 point
  11. Yeah i tend to agree with most that has been said here even tough silent protagonists that and the main character losing their memory are a stable of a lot of jrpg's , i'm currently playing trough dragon quest 11 and you know the silent protagonist or hero/luminary whatever you want to call him it would add much more dept to the character if the hero had a voice. I think nintendo is guilty with a lot of their franchises to be honest why the fuck does Link never say a word and while i'm busy let's slam the recent pokemon games why on earth aren't any pokemon games even have voice overs. Is it that hard to give the npc's a voice in the game instead of just the text we get now, it's 2022 for gods sack stop being lazy and always chosing the easy route with pokemon games. The first two fable games also had a silent protagonist if memory serves me right. While it could have add much more to the character, fable real strength was the beautiful world and humour somewhat half decent quests and story. They changed it up with the third game which many people consider the weaker entry so i don't know really. Don't know what else there is i could possible add, for older games and lower budget games it's tolerable and maybe text heavy games i could give those a pass but for games anno 2022 you would expect a little more while i don't mind playing as a silent protagonist as long the hero has a strong personality i'm fine with them not saying a word and there lies the problem it's very hard or damn near impossibe to give a silent character a likeable personality. Hell many devs fail to come up with interesting and likeable characters despite being fully voiced, let alone they could come up with good silent ones.
    1 point
  12. That's understandable, I myself don't have proof for my claims but it wouldn't surprise me if people were just posting to farm points. In fairness, the thread doesn't begin with or promote further discussion. Like I say it's harmless, but if I were to post each time I changed game (which is every few hours on a weekend) I'd having warnings coming out my ears for spam. I somewhat agree with you. I share the opinion of the late Totalbiscuit, to paraphrase, "casual gamers are people whose gaming revolves around their life, and hardcore gamers are people whose life revolves around their gaming." As I say, I understand why people change games, I was speaking to the low-effort posting of that particular thread. Thank you for your explanation though.
    1 point
  13. Interesting but I can't actually know why people keep switching between games but for me I play a video game based on my mood and what I feel would be convenient for my state of mind. There are different kind of video gamers which in my own terms I call: 1. The religious gamers who play a particular game judiciously until completion before moving on to the next. And 2. Casual gamers who just gets a bunch of games that feels interesting and play them simultaneously or interchangeably without bothering about which comes first. I hope this helps to clarify a little more why some people are found joggling between games.
    1 point
  14. I just look at what you are into and also go with what the trend is 🙂 I mean you can mod a old game out that makes people want to go back too and become famous at it or make mods for GTA like we all see more and more nowdays
    1 point
  15. The difference between amiibos and skylanders is that amiibos figures feature timeless classic characters, something that cannot be said about skylanders + you know it's nintendo. You just know their hardcore fanbase is going to scoop them up and want to get as much as possible. A quick ebay search trough sold listings you'll notice some have sold for a couple of hundred dollars offcourse has to be brand new. Now i know why a particulair japanese 3ds set goes for so much money apperently the amiibo included is one of the rarest out there. You know this makes you wondering why disney infinity flopped, like you couldn't possible have more iconic characters then from disney themselves or maybe i'm giving disney a bit to much credit. In the end i always stayed away from amiibos and the toy to life genre as i didn't want to start collecting even more crap and 3 rooms of my house are already full with videogames and consoles and whatever else there is. Then i haven't even talked about all the stuff that i haven't moved from my parents place yet lol. Sure i've got a few toy to life starter sets myself but i bought them all on clearance. Speaking about clearance this makes me wonder does anybody remember Starlink : battle from atlas from ubisoft that released in late 2018, i don't know who at ubisoft tought it was a good idea to release something like this when the whole toy to life trend pretty much died already?Funny thing is i still see these starter sets in toy stores all the time for as low as 10-15 bucks that is what i paid for the one i have atleast.
    1 point
  16. @Heatman @Justin11 I hope you're recommending these games based on their modability as that's what the OP's asking for. If they would like other games in general, I'm sure they'll ask for those as and when they're ready. ~ One of the most popular games for modding is Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War, which in the same breath has to have mentioned the Ultimate Apocalypse mod. I don't make the rules, but I am legally obliged to say it contains Titans, Baneblades, and so on and so forth. Otherwise, in addition to Blackangel's suggestion of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the older two games - III: Morrowind and IV: Oblivion - are heavily modular should you want to add stuff to them. Hell, you can even play Oblivion in Skyrim, and Morrowind in Oblivion with the Skyblivion and Morroblivion total conversion mods.
    1 point
  17. That isn't true either. They've (whoever 'they' are, which is a conversation for another thread) always been 'greedy' (see the Video Game Crash of 1983), greed being another word that is ruinous to discussion because it's too satisfying to develop on and creates circlejerks. I will say we saw an uptick thanks to the greater emphasis on online functionality (online subscriptions which are no longer necessary; DLC; Season Passes; Online Passes; Battle Passes; 'Beta' Access from Pre-Ordering, et cetera), but let's not pretend that their customers haven't provided custom to continue doing this. Unlike '83, we're still waiting to smugly say "pride comes before a fall" (and I'll be there with everyone else here.) Putting workers at risk is indeed awful and you're right: lead designers and publishers don't often care, and production can go downhill as a result. We're just repeating the same points though. Now that this has been addressed, we're going to bring this back on topic: what are people's thoughts on boss battles? Anyone who wants to talk about greed or laziness can do so in PMs or another thread, and that goes for me also. As ever I invite people who haven't yet contributed to the topic at hand to do so, or those who have contributed to add something new to discussion. Thanks to all who have made their contributions so far.
    1 point
  18. Ah okidoki. That makes more sense. I'm not too interested in a new Perfect Dark. Didn't like the last game that came out, and didn't care too much for the original game either. Was more into goldeneye 64. Arkham Origins: Blackgate was more of a spin-off if anything, was more of a 2d sidescroller from what I remember. I don't think I ever played it though. I believe that was Conviction. I really enjoyed that one. I think the first game is still regarded as one of the best. I sadly never fully played it, but would like to. Oh god I hope not. If anything studios need to take a little bit longer to release games. There's too many games that have released in the past decade that clearly needed more work before they released. Cyberpunk 2077 and Fallout 76 are two games that come to mind right away. I don't think it's ever good to rush game releases, it promotes crunch and I don't think that's fair to the developers to have to work night and day to make a release date.
    1 point
  19. These developers have never cared so much about how gamers feel and it's why they keep making unnecessary changes to games that seems to be perfect in every way. Sadly, they are calm because they are very sure that gamers will always buy the games no matter what functionality they remove or add to the game.
    1 point
  20. All due respect; that is not true. I study law, and the context in which you could sue someone (in relationship to the above scenario where your team mates rigged a tournament), it has nothing to do with whether or not there is a large public interest in any particular event. People sue others in small claims court when the public doesn't know about it all the time, so one of the players that was potentially victimized in a rigged tournament could relentlessly sue others -- especially in a situation where the tournament jackpot (not just the "prize pool") involved him or her possibly winning something like $18 million dollars in a perfectly legal and legitimate way by victory in tournament. There also happens to be a massive interest in tournaments these days, but that really wouldn't be a factor at all in terms of lawsuits, unless it involved stuff like character defamation, libel, slander, etcetera, I guess. Perhaps that's what information you looked up, was information on character defamation laws? That would be correct if that's what you looked up. Like if one of your e-sports team mates was going around (in a theoretical situation, I am intending to stay on topic) and saying that the other team mate is doing something very terrible on a regular basis, or that they have done something very terrible or whatever (pick a number out of a hat). If the first person starts saying stuff to like 1 single person about e-sports person 2, then the "damages" of the case would be minimal and potentially dismissed from a court of law because there was not enough public view of the false information that was spread. Basically the Judge or Jury would look at the case as whether or not the persons reputation was even affected by the spread of false information (slander/liber/whatever), and people that are youtubers/twitch streamers, etcetera are pretty easy to snag on stuff like this if they go on terrible rants regarding other people. Most streamers are actually pretty solid with this type of thing and they just do their thing and jump off. Talking trash about someone they're playing online is not slander, as that is 1st Amendment/opinion/Freedom of Speech (at least in America), and I don't think I've ever seen a streamer (outside of 1 or 2 instances) where they were going on a significant rant about literally anyone else. So a civil suit would apply in the "rigged tournament" scenario mentioned above provided the two people were in the United States (I haven't gotten to foreign law/international court study yet), but criminal charges are all over the place in this stuff involving e-sports fraud. Other countries have literally arrested and charged cheat makers in some cases and there was a really big name (that I personally didn't follow because he was one of those "LEAKERS") that got identified past his pseudonym and pursued legally by Nintendo. I say good for Nintendo and they should keep it up. What crimes are involved in the rigging of tournaments, however, is stuff that could involve a wide plethora of crimes.
    1 point
  21. If people are dead set on gaming only being for kids, I want to meet the parents who would let their 7 year old play RDR2, so I can slap the shit out of them. The language, violence, sexual content, and alcohol/drug use is really something I would consider to not be lessons for a child of that age. I haven't played it, but I would assume GTA5 would be in that same boat. Then there are horror games. A child would be so freaked out that they would sleep between their parents for 3 months before going back to their own room. Especially with the more intense horror games. Games are rated for a reason. And many are geared towards adults. Because (typically) we are able to see the difference between the real world, and games. While some a re a real world representation, they're still games. If you have such an issue with gaming, then stick to Candy Land.
    1 point
  22. Welcome to the forum! To answer your question, a lot of PC games allow for mods, at least when it comes to the single player component. Online is a different story and I would advise not ever modding an online mode in most games, as you will likely get banned. But if you focus on the single player side, you should be fine. Still though, I'd read their rules and terms and conditions before setting up any mods, at least when it comes to newer games. For example, you can mod RDR2 single player, but Rockstar doesn't allow you to mod multiplayer. They also reserve the right to ban you even if you use them on single player, but you shouldn't. With that being said, I suggest RDR2 single player for modding. And like the blackangel said, Skyrim is one of the most modded games around.
    1 point
  23. One of the most easily modable games from what I can see is Skyrim. So you might check it out.
    1 point
  24. First things first, welcome to VGR. I've move this thread to the Gaming Sub-Forum as that is a more appropriate host for this thread. As for your request, all I can suggest is check out this thread here for some inspiration in terms of finding modable games. I also know of a game called SHENZHEN I/O that might appeal.
    1 point
  25. yeah but some of us like to go back and keep playing some of the stuff on older consoles and handhelds. i went to go play a legos game on mine that i can't get on my switch the one day and it wouldn't let me connect to the wifi to update my device and i can't get on and play without the update so it became unusable.
    1 point
  26. I witnessed the game you won from DC as a result of bidding more. If you don't like the game which you won from the bid, you can sell it off, and use the cash for another game that pokes your interest man, their is nothing much there. DC gave out that game because he wants to, and he doesn't care if the winner went on to play or sell it off, lol.
    0 points
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