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Why Does 40% Of Gen Z Identify as LGBT?
The Blackangel and one other reacted to Lamarr the strelok for a topic
I usually don't bother with these types of threads. Sorta like talking about particle physics to a toddler.MK Ultra didn't have anything to do with being straight or gay.I'll give you an example of toxic masculinity. It's when a piece of shit blames a woman for getting raped because of the way she dressed. There are plenty of other examples but I'm not doing your fucking research for you.And alex jones is real news to you? He's too busy worrying about paying the parents of a massacre he denied even happened. But that makes sense because it seems you're obsessed with testosterone.The right just loves being told how tough they have it.So emasculated.Poor things.You've been watching too many boner pill ads.I'm a straight white dude over fiddy and I still have plenty of testosterone.Bigly. I didn't even bother watching the original vid because I'm sure it's a skewed poll or whatever they pulled out of their ass.The thought of choosing your sexuality is just silly.I would LOVE having a debate with a republican but they've slowly lost their fucking minds over the years.I'll end here because the dude may already be banned and I'm wasting my time.2 points -
VGR Member of the Month - August 2022
kingpotato reacted to DC for a topic
Please cast your vote in the poll above for this month's Member of the Month. The winner will receive 500 VGR Forum Points. Member of the Month is generally awarded to the individual who had the biggest impact on the VGR Forum. This is generally in the form of contributing the most amount of posts in terms of quantity and/or quality, but can extend to referrals/promotion and other efforts to benefit the community. Voting closes August 2 at 10pm EST. You may vote for yourself and you are encouraged to ask your friends to sign-up to VGR and vote for you!1 point -
You're right about how evil HIM was in the early seasons of Powerpuff Girls in the 1998 version of the series specifically making the first appearance in episode Octi Evil. On the other hand, Mojo Jojo happens to be my top pick favourite villain in Powerpuff Girls after his mutation.1 point
It's just like how the technique of jump scare affects me in some games especially the horror one's. At one point when I wasn't used to it, in games like Outlast, Silent Hill and Until Dawn, it was technically difficult to play the game at first.1 point
I get that feeling very well and it's why you kind of played more games in the genre that you would be able to pick out from the many exactly what works for you. Without trail, you wouldn't really be able to know and not even after reading reviews about the game.1 point
I have had similar experience with such kind of people who rates anime lovers low and to be very honest with you, I don't give a damn about what they say because it's completely useless. I'm even in one anime forum and I'm enjoying my time there.1 point
I'm not going to stand on pedestal and declare that it looks better, but it doesn't look the same. The colour palate and lighting in particular are so drastically different that it barely looks like the same game. Again, I'm not saying that it looks better nor worse, I still haven't made my mind up about that, but the vision for this remake is clear. It's trying to look more like the sequel with a duller, but more detailed approach to the graphics and people are well within thier rights to love or hate that. I did extensive reviews on both The Last of Us and The Last of Us: Part II, so I can say with confidence that I know these games better than most and would describe this remake as justified, but unnecessary. It's a masterpiece both with or without these changes, so I'm not mad about them, I just feel like I don't need them either.1 point
I wonder if games like the Man of Medan, The Quarry and Until Dawn would make a survival horror list. I mean, they are kinda survival in the point and click sense, but I don't know if they qualify as traditional survival horror games. I mean it does have survival elements in each one, because failing certain parts results in your death. Do you think these games could be on a list like this? Maybe the best survival point and click story driven games.1 point
VGR Member of the Month - August 2022
Empire Of Sight reacted to DC for a topic
Voting closes tonight at 10pm EST. We have a tie between @Kane99 and @Empire Of Sight.1 point -
What's the absolute worst game you've ever played?
Crazycrab reacted to Lamarr the strelok for a topic
"Code Veronica zombie lap dance". I almost pissed myself when I read that. Keep up the good work Crazy.👏1 point -
It is a very fresh take on superhero shows that made it so appealing for all audiences. I love how the earlier seasons especially had such clever writing that subverts your expectations and filled with lots of witty humor. Plus, HIM is just one of the greatest villains of all time, hands down.1 point
Actually, I ended up messing up and missing out on getting Black Frost, so I feel like starting all over again on the "Easy" difficulty this time, with a proper walkthrough telling me how not to miss out on all the routes/collectibles I can get. I had a really tough time just yesterday with a battle where the JSDF soldiers were escaping and I had to stop them while trying to crack the skills, so that was a pain. Stopping them was one thing, but it's so easy to miss out on cracking the skills you want because you need to have the characters you tagged at the beginning of the battle to defeat the enemies with the skills you want; anyone else who defeats those enemies means you've lost the skills. It's frustrating. I was never really great at strategy games, so it makes sense why I'm having such a tough time. lol I generally avoid RTS and 4x games because of this.1 point
Count To 1000
Empire Of Sight reacted to Heatman for a topic
I just got a new tractor 🚜. How good does it look? 😉1 point -
What's the absolute worst game you've ever played?
runswithspatulas reacted to Heatman for a topic
Some video games doesn't just click with you no matter what you do or how many times that you try to force play it. It's happened to me with quite a few number of games and I knew right away that there's no point in try to push it.1 point -
I generally don't tell people I watch anime, because even in modern communities, especially Discord, people still make fun of you for being a "weeb." It really doesn't hep that I'm also a big visual novel fanatic, and VNs tend to be labeled as "weeb games with naughty anime girls," when nothing could be further from the truth.1 point
What's the absolute worst game you've ever played?
Heatman reacted to Gabrin Cold for a topic
I didn't find any worst game till now.🙃1 point -
Why Does 40% Of Gen Z Identify as LGBT?
The Blackangel reacted to Crazycrab for a topic
Military personal often learn musical instruments as part of drills, it helps maintain synchronicity when marching. Music and dance not exclusively a feminine arts, never have been. That is NOT how it works! Ever heard of Gender Dysphoria? Trans and gay people don't wake up in the morning and suddenly decide their are of a different gender and/or are attracted to members of the same gender. If that were true anyone one of us including you could just "flip the switch" anytime and have a weekly tradition of "Gay Thursday", you know that's not the case. Gender and sexuality are something a person can just "decide". If it was I fucking guarantee no one would be queer, I mean who the hell make the choice that opens up the floodgates for this kind of social stigma willingly? Nobody that's who. Post your sources or GTFO. I'm not going to just take the world of someone who, by your own admission, is bias. I do know that the people in your camp literally lie about this sort of thing all the time. I did hear a story recently where a drag artist was doing a book reading for some kids at an event. The parents were present, it wasn't in any way sexualised, he was just reading a children's book. Of course they had to take the opportunity to claim that these children were being "groomed" which was complete bullshit. Your not "studying", your just regurgitating propaganda. If you were studying you would have read up on Gender Dysphoria and at least have made an honest effort to understand the other perspective but you clearly didn't. Now your leaning on pure exaggeration and to be honest, it seems a bit, unnecessary. I live in the UK where there is a cost of living crisis where the cost of basic amenities like electricity and some select food items have nearly doubled over the past 6 months. it's got nothing to do with gender identity or any moral issues that you trying to tie into it. Unless you, of course, link your sources which seem to be consistently missing from all your posts. Also if your knowledge is ahead of the curve could you tell me what the winning Euromillions are tomorrow? I'd be be happy to split it with you!1 point