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The queen is dead
killamch89 and one other reacted to Shagger for a topic
Just got told about this from my better half. Honestly, I won't shed a tear. I have little love for the royals, frankly the most significant thing Queen Elisabeth II did for Scotland happened about half an hour ago. Not that I'm happy or anything, any death is tragic and my respect and condolences, but I find it difficult to feel sorry for a woman who lived a life of obscene opulence and luxury up to age the age of 96. The only tragic thing about this is that this idiot is now king.2 points -
General Gaming Discussion
Withywarlock and one other reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
While i don't read many ign reviews or watch their youtube channel, i feel like a lot of reviews in general should be taken with a grain of salt as A lot of reviews have to be rushed out of the door to be published in time, there is no way a reviewer could have played everithing a jrpg has to offer. Over the years i've started seeing reviews as more of a guideline rather then something to solely base your oppinion on wheter to purchase a game or not. There are so many websites out there that review games, so many youtubers that do stellar reviews of games i feel like the truth is always in the middle. Read reviews all you want and judge for yourself i'm your are going to like this game or not. It's probably a no brainer that you know yourself best of all wheter or not you are going to enjoy a certain game or not. You don't need a reviews for that. I've yet to pick up digimon survive and sould hackers 2 considering they got physical releases on xbox aswell i should make work of that sometime soon because i want to support these releases on getting a physical release on my platform of choice. I'm not even going to bother reading reviews for both games, because you know atlus their games have always been good amongst the very best the jrpg genre has to offer, same counts for the digimon games can't think off a single bad one i played over the years apperently digimon survive has many visual novel elements which is probably a good thing, to distant themselves from the clueless who would call it a pokemon clone. To get back to reviews I'd be more interested that companies start doing another review half a year or a year later after the game launched and give it another final score,many games get slammed because they are not finished and rightly so but take a game like no man's sky or final fantasy 15 and review the entire package that is what i'd interested in how the game performs and if anything is fixed etc etc. I'm usually a year behind when playing videogames so well maybe an idea for ign for people like me to follow up on their supposed shitty reviews lol.2 points -
Best video game analysis videos you’ve seen
Justin11 reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
I wanted to start a thread for sharing excellent video game analysis videos. To kick things off, I will share this amazing mathematical analysis of the ending of Stray (SPOILERS, obviously):1 point -
What is one unique music of a movie you really like?
melanie_marie27 reacted to Matan_z for a topic
So my music is the theme of Harry Potter, since I was a little kid I was always enjoying watching the Harry Potter films and repeating them again and again. And this music always gives me goosebumps, every literal time I hear it it amazes me. That's perhaps because of two reasons: one it is very nostalgic to me two: it's a brilliant music. So what about you what is a music you really like from a movie/series?1 point -
Game Awards returns with new category
killamch89 reacted to Kane99 for a topic
The video game awards will be back this December, is anyone excited? I'm more interested in the reveals more than anything, but they will be adding one new category. That new category being best adaptation, as in video games turned into movies, tv shows, comic books and other such media. So you probably won't see the likes of The Last Of Us make the list, but I'm sure they will include the Halo show, that Resident Evil show and I imagine there are a few other game adaptations I'm forgetting. Anyway, feel free to discuss what games you think will also make the Game Awards this year. https://www.ign.com/articles/the-game-awards-returns-in-december-with-a-new-category?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A Trending Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR2m5-9UI_yYzXZZyrHagCYvSDPw72xVk0kngiZAT4HNrUsHweM7QVLMY0Y1 point -
Source - https://wccftech.com/state-of-decay-3-is-being-made-with-unreal-engine-5-and-help-from-gears-of-war-devs/ It looks like State of Decay 3 is in the process of being made, and they are going with Unreal Engine 5, so I'm psyched to see what they come up with. I honestly didn't like State of Decay 2, bugs kinda broke it for me, so I stopped bothering with that game and haven't played it since. I hope State of Decay 3 turns out to be much more improved and more fun. Are you going to be buying this game?1 point
Queen Elizabeth II is dead. She passed away on the 8th of September. May she rest in peace, she was a good queen. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/09/08/world/queen-elizabeth1 point
Gelsenkirchen where Schalke's home stadion is located is like a 4-5 hour drive depending on traffic away from where i live so it's not that far by other countries standards, you know uefa cup final 1997 i saw both legs of the final live on tv as an 11 year old, seeing my fellow country man, marc wilmots scoring the final penalty against inter to win schalke the uefa cup, ever since i've been a fan of schalke as it's a club that is always the underdog and you know i always liked the underdog team whenever the odds are against them. i'd rather stay a neutral supporter when it comes to my own countries football clubs as i don't find the belgian pro league all that exiting to watch to be honest.1 point
One of my favourite Star Wars games is a PS2 game called Star Wars Jedi Starfighter, sequel to Star Wars Starfighter. As the names suggests, it's a flight combat game that's heavy on story that can be played as a single player or cooperatively. The game is set at the same time as Star Wars Episode II and tells a parallel story where you switch between (as player one) two different characters. First a Jedi council pilot named Adi Gallia and a Feeorin pirate (and protagonist of the previous game) Nym who form a reluctant alliance to take down a dangerous mercenary group working with the Trade Federation and Separatist movement to unleash a new weapon of mass destruction on the forces of the Republic. The story is more action packed, memorable and relatable than the movie it's part based on with a variety of the mission types and craft to fly (especially in co-op) and with objectives that vary depending on the difficulty setting and between single player and co-op modes giving more replay repay value than you might expect. The game is a joy to control whilst still offering a fair challenge with decent voice acting and follows the Star Wars movies very closely is terms of look and style with good graphics for it's time. There's even a multiplayer that probably won't hold up well to modern standards, but it is fun if a bit basic. It's one of my favourite games under the Star Wars brand and I find it's often overlooked and very underrated.1 point
Easy, I wasn't being serious. It doesn't bother me at all, you can do what you like when it comes to mods and cheats on single player games.1 point
Videogames have always helped me trough some of my most rough times in my life so far eventough i don't really like to talk about it that much When i was playing trough the first State of decay my grandfather was very ill and died a week later after i started playing it so that will always be a game that i consider synonyms with the death of my grandfather. While i enjoyed the game thoroughly i never got around playing the second game maybe that is the reason because i'm scared to. My best friend died of leukemia when we were both 19 years old, adult life was just about to begin so i'd say pretty much any original xbox game we played together during our teenage years helps me get trough hard times, i still have his old xbox with all his saves files and every once in a while i race against his old ghost files in games like rallysport challenge and project gotham or boot up a game and try to beat his scores in tony hawk or continue where he left off in offcourse without saving, i know it doesn't mean much but it keeps my memory of him alive, he gave me one of his most priced possessions a week before he died eventough i find it ugly as fuck it still has a prominent place in my house i'm sure i posted a picture of it before in a thread somewhere. The good thing is that i'm still friend with his parents and i ended up dating his younger sister for 2 years but it just felt awkward because we came together trough sadness, we left on good terms tough, since i'm godfather of her son. Man i would like to mention a few more games but damn i'm getting tears in my eyes so i'll have to end here.1 point
Have you staked on your favourite team before?
melanie_marie27 reacted to Justin11 for a topic
Lol, meaning your boyfriend back then put you on the front foot of betting, right? someone too motivated me playing betting on soccer events, even till this day, I'm still playing but not like before.1 point -
Best video game analysis videos you’ve seen
StaceyPowers reacted to Kane99 for a topic
I don't watch much as of late when it comes to video game analysis. Though I would like to know more channels that feature documentary style gaming videos. Kinda like the Gaming Historian. Others I like that I would recommend are (All of which I'm subscribed to): Did you Know gaming - Does a lot of documentary style content about games, some you may not even know about. Larry Bundy Jr - I think talks more about bad kickstarters, bad games, and other such things. LGR - Retro PC tech and retro gaming. Most focus is on the retro games, old PC devices/peripherals and old PC builds. Matt McMuscles - Discusses bad production of video games in his What Happun videos, where he goes in depth why a certain video game (or other media like movies, tv shows, etc) fail to live up to the hype or fail completely. Metal Jesus Rocks - Does content on retro game collecting/game collecting in general. May not be really about analysis. But I believe he worked for Sierra in the past and has discussed some gaming history on his channel. Modern Vintage Gamer - Does more content about retro hacking and retro games. My Life in Gaming - Like if PBS made their own YouTube on video game history. Rerez - Reviews of usually awful games and devices, really fun channel. Slopes Game Room - Kinda like a semi-documentary/mixed with top tens The 8-Bit Guy - Does content about retro PC tech, and has some game content here and there. The Act Man - Does mostly reviews and content on gaming topics. The Game Chasers - They have a documentary series where they go hunting for retro video games and action figures. I highly recommend checking it out. It's like American Pickers, but for video games. The Game Theorists - Discussion about gaming theories. Sorry, this kinda went down to a rabbit hole of suggesting too many, and probably some of these don't really fit the whole video game analysis. But I think most of them do, as they do kinda show game history in the process.1 point -
You're doing great! It's a tough language to learn for sure. Even I am not particularly fluent in Mandarin despite being a Chinese since I haven't used it in such a long time, often being an English speaker myself. Just for the record, it's "bu-yao," not "pu-yao." 😉1 point
Best video game analysis videos you’ve seen
StaceyPowers reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I've always liked Chris Davis' videos. His Isometric RPG retrospectives are incredible, delving deep into the history of the development, the problems occurring and the quirky solutions required to overcome them. Noah Caldwell-Gervaise is another great YouTuber who is rivalled by Davis', who also does RPG retrospectives. Lorerunner is also a good pick for someone who does nice videos that appear rambly but are full of sage wisdom when it comes to literature critique and game design. Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw does Extra Punctuation in both written and video format, where he takes a particular topic of interest and breaks it down from his perspective of a reviewer and games designer. He's also willing to critique his own games. However, my absolute favourite video series and the one that got me through Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin was... "In Defence of Dark Souls 2 - A Measured Response," wherein MauLer tears down another YouTube's defense of a hideously broken game. For about 9 hours. There's merit to the idea that if you require that long to discuss something you're not good at discussion or debate, but there wasn't a word wasted in those 9 hours from the host. It's my favourite piece of media to direct someone to when they want to know about good games critique and discourse. EDIT: How could I forget Karl Jobst? You know a YouTuber's good when you have no interest in the subject matter unless it's solely this person talking about it. Great analysis and reporting upon speedrunning history and news.1 point -
Games that don’t contain a lot of prejudice
Tonberry reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Animal Crossing is a great shout - It never came to mind because I've only played one or two games.1 point -
MultiVersus Surpasses 20 Million Players in One Month
Withywarlock reacted to killamch89 for a topic
It's not so much free to play as the gameplay which is actually fun to play. It's a somewhat valid alternative to the Smash series and that's not something to take lightly.1 point -
MultiVersus Surpasses 20 Million Players in One Month
Withywarlock reacted to Kane99 for a topic
I don't think being free to play automatically means it will do good though or that a lot of people will download it. There are many free to play games out there that have come out and didn't become popular enough to survive. But it does help entice people over to check it out.1 point