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What was everyone's favorite reveal/trailer? I'm really looking forward to the new Kojima game on Xbox, curious to see what that game is going to be. I hope it's really scary looking too. Other than that, nothing really interested me. Maybe Tekken 8, but I don't care a whole lot for fighting games. Yeah I figured there wouldn't be anything about a new Silent Hill or a remake. I don't think Konami is going to make a new game in the series anytime soon. But, hopefully I'm wrong.2 points
killamch89 reacted to runswithspatulas for a topic
i have tried to play minecraft like 6 times. i just don't get it. i don't understand what i'm supposed to be doing. i've tried every single world mode there is. it's my understanding that you can't mine for what you need in creative and i'm just at a loss. i simply don't understand what this game is about or what i'm supposed to do and i finally have given up. the only mode i can get the controls to work in is creative. the other modes i can't even get my character to jump up on anything. i'm not a stupid person but this game makes absolutely no sense to me. to me it's the equivalent of roblox. i tried that too. didn't get it either. the game has just left me confused every time i've played it.1 point -
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom announced comes out on may 12 2023
kingpotato reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
In case you missed it but man talk about a suprise Nintendo finally announced a release date alongside a new trailer. Apparently the sequel to Breath of the wild is going to be called Tears of the kingdom. Man this got me exited, anybody else hyped?1 point -
So GTA 6 just leaked. Over 90 videos can now be found on YouTube that shows off Vice City. I'm not showing anything here because Take Two is copyright striking everything. Source: https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/23359292/grand-theft-auto-6-gta6-leak-90-videos-released-online Moderator Edit: I edited the link to remove the google redirect as the link apprises to be broken with that included. I would recommend that in future when you post links to a news source to take the URL from the source website directly and not copy if from the google search page because google can alter, move or remove the link without notice.1 point
new games coming
Ajibusu reacted to runswithspatulas for a topic
are there games coming to any of the platforms you play on that you're looking forward to purchasing and playing? i saw two that i think i will want when they come out. one is called story of seasons: a wonderful life. and the other is called lego brick tales.1 point -
Movies you ALWAYS watch when you see them on TV
killamch89 reacted to melanie_marie27 for a topic
You know those movies you rarely think about, you never order, yet, when they're on TV, they somehow become extra-special and you refuse to change the channel.. I have a few, and yes, most of them are classics. Twister Urban Cowboy Monster's Ball The entire Halloween series (except H-3) Blair Witch Steel Magnolias Unfaithful Revenge Twilight 😝😬 (I know) Titanic Independence Day Bad Santa ...and I'm sure there are many others. Which TV movies are keepers for you? 🙂1 point -
Approval granted buddy. Let's keep it to the latest discussion around this season UEFA champions league.1 point
Gaming has gotten better this decade imo
killamch89 reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
It's always been that way. The 'bedroom programming' of the late 80s/early 90s remains impressive but is heavily romanticised especially when brought up during a controversy in today's gaming. It's easy to forget how arcade machines traded artistic integrity to gobble up people's quarters. Home console adaptations of arcade games were similar: a very short and punishing game that only has a long lifespan due to the fact that it's so hard to reach the end. Not to mention the video game crash of 1983, a catastrophic event which - thankfully (and bizarrely) - has not yet been met in games history. We can rightly point to big publishers, but it's too easy to single out three (who, in my opinion, don't register anywhere near as awful as Tencent and Konami) and call it a day. What makes them worse than they were a decade ago? Who has improved, who has surpassed them as worse? Gaming's rogues' gallery is a lot more visibly complicated now than at least a decade ago. Agreed. The implementation of online components is a double-edged sword, allowing convenience for both makers and consumers of video games. We can buy, collect and play games easier than ever before... and we can also get them patched just as quickly if the developer(-to-publisher relationship) is so inclined. Which of the two below is more desirable? We go back to the days of games unable to be patched through launchers, requiring them to be fixed through dialling up a bulletin-board system (BBS), having them delivered by snail mail, or waiting for mods/expansion packs to introduce bug fixes? That's if the developer can afford $40,000 to update it. This would however mean that some games may never release because delays are not enough as the project is too much for the developers for whatever reason (financial, competence, time constraints, all of the above), and will not be officially fixed. We stick to what we have? I prefer option 2 because consumers are as informed as we choose to be. Previews, reviews, interviews are available from all manner of sources depending on your preference, discounts are more frequent and consistent than have ever before been in the industry, and refund policies are constantly improving as we usher in a potential all-digital age. Most of all patience has and always will be free, and we have enough games in existence to play whilst we wait. This isn't to excuse broken releases but there's enough people out there with modding experience, enough money going around for safe bet games (ironically they're the ones that frequently and indefensively have issues...) and again enough information to just wait for someone to fix it. If the game doesn't have someone who is enthusiastic about it being fixed, it probably wasn't worth the ire about it being broken in the first place. Until we collectively get our acts together, patience is the only solution and we ought to use it while we still have mod access and clasps on our wallets. Agreed. Games journalism, if it could be called that, was horrendous when it first started out. I'd call it laughably corrupt if I had proof of said corruption; the consistently glowing reviews in magazines were suspicious and in my opinion clearly made as marketing material rather than serving their readership well. Since Jeff Gerstmann's firing from Gamespot, publishers walk on eggshells to curry favour with expensive review camp events and other exclusive goodies. I won't get into the independent versus mainstream, both have their merits, demerits, romanticising and demonising. I will however say that it's going to be an uphill battle to continue uncovering mistakes: from the beginning the industry did a very good job of not only controlling the message, but creating it. There needs to be a lot less cloak and dagger, and I think the first thing we can do about that is not abusing developers and publishers because they're not giving out release dates. More needs to be done besides parroting press releases, and since the Totalbiscuit passed away few seem to have a clue on how to do that.1 point -
Games you'd want to take with you to the grave
Heatman reacted to kingpotato for a topic
I dont see the point of taking a videogame to my grave. For obvious reasons you wont be able to play it and if they dug up your body years later the physical game will be unplayable1 point -
Gaming has gotten better this decade imo
HowHammerYou reacted to NightmareFarm for a topic
Yeah, I don't get why everything needs to be open world these days.1 point -
Gaming has gotten better this decade imo
NightmareFarm reacted to HowHammerYou for a topic
During 8th Gen, devs focused way too much on using the consoles' power to render increasingly massive worldspaces at the expense of every other aspect of their games. As a result of this, the few games that bucked the trend (such as Until Dawn) tend to look far more visually advanced than open-world games which released 5 years later. The open-world concept, which had been fun in 7th gen when worldspace sizes were far more manageable, grew to become one of the greatest blights video games have ever seen. Thankfully, I've begun to notice a trend very recently where big devs seem to be moving away from the open-world concept or at least reducing the sizes of their worldspaces. This makes me very happy.1 point -
Gaming has gotten better this decade imo
Withywarlock reacted to NightmareFarm for a topic
Devs have been chasing profits over quality since gaming started. Also many games were in atrocious states when it comes to bugs and the overall optimisation side of things if we're looking at 7th gen which is about a decade ago now. Drakgengard 3, inFAMOUS, Metal Gear Rising, Assassin Creed 3, etc.1 point -
Community Chat #1
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
He's quite mischievous but he is fun to have around and very obedient. He's also highly intelligent because some of the tricks he learnt was by watching me asking his father to do the same thing.1 point -
gaming and our connection with others
runswithspatulas reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Your stance towards multiplayer games is understandable - Nowadays, multiplayer games have become so toxic, that I'm not half as interested in playing rounds with randoms anymore. I mean, it's just a game and people need to lighten up.1 point -
Gaming has gotten better this decade imo
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
This - I couldn't agree more. The mentality of gaming studios has become more focused on profit instead of quality (EA, Ubisoft, 2Kgames) so that really isn't an improvement. Games being released with lots of bugs and then being subsequently patched after release is also a step backwards from a decade ago. With the rise of social platforms which allow for independent gaming journalism, gaming companies can no longer cover up their mistakes by manipulating mainstream gaming media.1 point -
Community Chat #1
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Yeah, his sister doesn't mind but whenever I take out my smartphone to take a picture of him, in his eyes, it's the equivalent of me turning on the hose and getting ready to bathe him XD1 point -
Most consistent gaming series?
Akun reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Somewhat guilty as charged lol - luckily, I didn't rush out the door and buy Cyberpunk 2077. Luckily, I got a free key but I'm glad I didn't pre-order the game because it'd have left me with a bitter taste in my mouth again. The Witcher series has suffered from the lack of optimization on PCs - When I had my previous gaming desktop, Witcher 3 used to make my 1080 TI start to overheat and at the time, 1080 Ti was the most powerful consumer GPU next to the Titan.1 point -
Community Chat #1
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
He's here actually but I have to keep him inside for a bit because his sister will constantly want to play with him and he's still limping quite a bit. The vets claim it should go away in due time but I've been spending some time with him. I don't know, I have to ask him because every time I try to a picture of him with my phone, he just keeps running around 🤣🤣🤣1 point -
I guess Super Mario Galaxy, but I'm not a fan of motion controls so I never use them.1 point
new games coming
runswithspatulas reacted to Ajibusu for a topic
I will be waiting to see what Lego Bricktales bring to the table. I watch the trailer here and I am pretty excited about my October will be.1 point -
Empire Of Sight reacted to runswithspatulas for a topic
i am 56 yrs old. i'm not interested in investing hours and hours pouring over youtube videos trying to figure out how to play. i tried survival mode and was dead in approx. 5 min. froze to death. lmao! i think it's best i let the idea go. haha!1 point -
Yeah if the prices aren't too much higher, I think this would sell like hot cake. And to think, I could see some people selling their original models to get some money to go for the new model. Even if it was $100 or $200 extra, I think they'd still be worth it.1 point
Gaming has gotten better this decade imo
killamch89 reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I think it's more that the focus has shifted from chasing graphical fidelity to chasing other trends, probably because there's more to marketing a game now than high resolution screenshots like touting hours of content, monetisation means, and other not-unique unique selling points (USP). There's still a lot of homogenous dross in the so-called AAA space, and when they choose to spend as much as they do it's only natural they try to make that money back by playing it safe. I don't want to suddenly turn this into an indie reverence circlejerk but the indie scene has blown up considerably. It's done well to shake off the reputation of being just faux-16bit platform games with attempts at tugging at one's heartstrings. Now there's a lot of fun ideas being developed, and there's much more empowerment to put those ideas out there even if they're not particularly well executed. Allowing anyone to use an engine like Unreal or Unity, no longer having to rely on a limited selection such as Quake, Source, or RPGMaker, is a huge plus for aspiring game developers. There's resounding celebration for middle-shelf games from the likes of Spiders, one of my favourite studios. I put this down to people missing rough edges and jankiness minus the game being broken. With how middle-shelf games are turning up, the terms 'Indie,' 'AA,' and 'AAA' ought to be revised. I won't say the industry has improved, but the communication of its faults has, if only slightly. We're now far more aware of wrongdoing with crunch culture, tax avoidance, sexual misconduct and more. It's a given these things were happening a decade ago but we at least know about it now so people can be better advised and aware of what our money gets us, stress casualties and all. I can't say that gaming is better for me or the people producing our games, but at least we know with certainty where it can improve.1 point -
Most consistent gaming series?
killamch89 reacted to Akun for a topic
The Witcher games, perhaps. Its consistency in quality is why people propped CD Project Rekt as their god... much to their later dismay.1 point -
Tokyo Game Show 2022
HowHammerYou reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
Personal two highlights for me so far : Announcement of two new yakuza games and a release in the west of Like a Dragon: Ishin! or Ryu ga Gotoku Ishin! as it was previously called. Microsoft who finally gets it and is starting getting more and more jrpg's and other more japanese titles on their platform, why are you only realising now that western players like their jrpg's, you should have realised that 10 years ago. Here is hoping a lot of these games get physical releases because yeah microsoft, people still buy their games on a disc in 2022. Overall if anything is to be believed 2023 is shaping up the be one of the best years in gaming, well i'm sure a couple of games are going to be delayed but damn 2023 is going to be so much better then this year.1 point -
GoldenEye 007 is finally coming to Xbox and Nintendo Switch
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I don't know how to feel about this either. Goldeneye 007 was a monumental game, and pretty much universally loved. But sometimes for a game to remain legendary, it needs to stay where it was to begin with. I'm not saying that a remake/remaster is necessarily a bad idea. But the odds of them screwing the game up by adding too many junk features, or removing something the gamers felt was critical are just way too high in my opinion. I say leave it alone and leave it where it is. Or if you're desperate to bring it back CHANGE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Give the gamers what they remember and love. Update the graphics if you have to change anything, but just give us what we loved. Personally I won't be playing it on anything new, because I feel that the N64 graphics are part of the charm. The crux of being a classic gamer.1 point -
What would you like to see added to the forum?
Withywarlock reacted to Techno for a topic
This isn't all that serious but I found a Github addon for a arcade and I think it's a funny idea for an update. Anyone else wanna play pong clones on here?1 point -
Community Chat #1
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Technically speaking, you're right. But when someone you love is unable to come home for "a few more days" those days feel like a lifetime. Trust me on that. We're going out of town for about a week here soon, and I'm already having separation anxiety due to being away from my pitbull for so long. I'm looking forward to getting home to see her again as much as I am to the trip, if not moreso.1 point -
Good Anime Streaming sites?
Empire Of Sight reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Overlord SPYxFamily Golden Kamui Attack On Titan Black Clover1 point -
Good Anime Streaming sites?
Empire Of Sight reacted to Justin11 for a topic
That's for star wars anime' trailer...1 point -
Last thing i lost was some weight and i'm not hoping to find it back.1 point
Games you'd want to take with you to the grave
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
If I was to list all the games that I would want to take with me, we would be here all day. So instead, I would rather take the system itself. That being said, I would take an NES with me. But if I absolutely have to pick a game it would definitely be Legacy Of The Wizard. Not because it's a favorite, but because I have been playing it for more than 30 years, and STILL haven't been able to beat the bastard. Those crowns are impossible to find. I have found only one crown so far and I have to find FOUR OF THE GOD DAMN THINGS! This game has been making me nuts for more than three decades. It has earned the right to make me clinically insane for the rest of eternity. wait a minute.......... "make me"? Too late.1 point