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Remember to register to vote.
Techno and one other reacted to CastletonSnob for a topic
As you know, America is having some VERY important midterm elections this year, so remember to register to vote! And if you already are, get everyone you know to register to vote! https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote2 points -
What would you like to see added to the forum?
DC and one other reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I completely understand where you're coming from, but I'm the sort of person who wants proof it builds the forum (which I don't think even DC can provide because how does one measure such a thing?) and I also don't think people need to be rewarded for posting. Posting should be its own reward. Don't get me wrong, I love internet points. I frequented r/fatlogic as the Reddit karma was intoxicating, but it wasn't a requirement for my continued contribution. But if Reddit were to disappear I'd happily find another forum helping people debunk fat activist rhetoric and myths about obesity. I initially joined this forum not for points, but to lend my experience as a recently former games journalist and an interest in the industry. It has been rather rewarding engaging in discussion and trying to probe beyond the surface of the topics presented. I 100% agree. If the system is to remain it must be reworked. As of right now the only immediate answer I can think of, until we each get more ideas to bounce off one another, is to totally reset points. Have some silly prizes to spend them on, maybe some sort of "Veteran Member" or "Goldmember" badge for underneath your profile picture before they disappear, and we can start again.2 points -
gaming and our connection with others
runswithspatulas and one other reacted to Empire for a topic
I've made friends playing games but it's never lasted much longer than the game. I play mmos so I've had friends for years in the mmo. But when I moved on the friendship ended. But then I don't voice chat. So our interaction was never as deep as those who chat while online. I have a friend whose been friends for 10+ years with some online people. They meet weekly online to chat and play games2 points -
gaming and our connection with others
killamch89 and one other reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
I've never really played online much, i did it for a while during the early 360 days until i realised it was nothing for me and it's safe to say i rather play games on my own and create my own version of what is fun to me. I don't really have a problem with communicating with others as i'm a fairly social type of guy who can talk to pretty much anybody about whatever but i do however as you state it yourself don't really feel the need to be social, there are times where i'd rather be alone and just want to do my own thing wheter it's playing videogames or doing something else like go out hiking solo for an entire day. You shouldn't see it as a problem when somebody wants to spend some time alone or just want to be left alone alltogheter, no on the contrary it's a good characteristic to have.2 points -
What would you like to see added to the forum?
DC and one other reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I think this only further increases the wealth gap we've both noticed, and also encourages bad forum etiqutte. I've talked at length about the low-effort posts on this forum and the clear reasoning behind why it happens. I still stand by the removal of points and prizes entirely, but until that time comes I'd rather we have something that encourages good conduct. Your idea of referrals is a good one (with the caveat that the points are only rewarded after the referred person has made a significant enough contribution to the forum). Perhaps re-limiting the amount of reacts given per day and rewarding those whose content is positively reacted toward? Might be an idea for prizes where only those below a certain figure can spend points, or things that cost less. I like Steam's way of doing its Points shop: you can buy profile picture borders, mini-profile backgrounds which are animated, and so on. Could be a nice idea to be able to buy cheap forum themes: a Halloween theme, a Christmas theme, showing avatars with jack-o'-lantern borders or Santa hats, with the VGR logo at the top caked in snow and fairy lights. Seeing as there's rarely any prizes I want I tend to amass a ton of points, so more customisation for the forum would be grand.2 points -
Have you ever hid things in your cart based games?
killamch89 reacted to Kane99 for a topic
Back in the day I knew a kid who would hide money in his video game carts. He had a torx screwdriver or whatever was needed to open up NES, SNES, N64 carts, and I guess what he'd do, is when he got some birthday money or anything else, he'd put it inside the games. I guess his brothers often stole from him, and even though they'd play his games, they never stole them. So he was always assured it'd be a safe option. I never did that, but I did once hide a note I got from a girl in the back of my PS2 expansion slot (for internet, or a HDD). I wasn't using the console then, but I put that note there to hide it. Honestly it's not a bad hiding spot for other things too. 😄1 point -
Alright so me and @Withywarlock have begun a long discussion on this and I feel like this topic should be it's own thread. Don't be afraid to post your opinion. As for starting this topic, I feel like the first problem is the rewards. I fully apricate DC's effort on rewards, however I think the lack of a proper shop is hurting the site. I'd love to buy more than just video games, and as Warlock suggested, things like customization would be a great way to reward members without building up competition. A shop would be a great first step in reworking the points system and could make VGR a better place for all.1 point
What would you like to see added to the forum?
Withywarlock reacted to Techno for a topic
(I have nothing to say on the first paragraph) I personally don't think removal of points and prizes would be helpful. I do think they help build up the forum. I understand that people post just for points. But think that throwing away the entire reward system will just hurt the forum as it's a way to reward good members. Now in saying that, I do think we should start thinking about reworking it (heck, I might create an entire thread for a discussion like that). The system goes too slowly for good posters and speeds up for bad, spammy posters. If I make 5 quality threads, I'd be rewarded the same as a spam poster that posts 5 threads that are basically the same. I like your customization idea, as a person who thinks a actual shop page could be a way to fix the rewards problem, it would be away to reward members without the problem of scarcity. I'd think some signature options could be just as interesting. The biggest problem with this is that I don't know what the forum is on software-wise, so I can't exactly say what could be done here. Some very good points, and I do think we need a much bigger discussion on this as a whole.1 point -
My channel isn't monetized with ads, already YouTube have filtered ads all over my videos, milking from my contents already and leaving me with nothing, 😂. That's bizarre, but their is nothing I can do, but continue to push for my channel growth. I have 565 subscribers at the moment via my soccer niche channel, my aim is to hit 20k before 2022 ends, then monetize the channel.1 point
gaming and our connection with others
killamch89 reacted to Tonberry for a topic
I'm fairly similar I think. I've always described myself as an "extroverted introvert" in that when I open up to people I can be very lively and social, but it's also very draining and sometimes I enjoy just being for myself for an entire week, playing Red Dead Redemption 2 or some other big single-player adventure. I do like playing online, but mostly with real-life friends as I enjoy the social aspect more than the competitive aspect. There's a difference between being lonely and just wanting to be alone sometimes and that's totally fine :)1 point -
Where i live the series x is becoming more and more avaible i've seen it in a few stores here and there where you can just grab one, even a couple of local online stores like bol.com have it in stock. Ps5 on the other hand i've yet to see one for sale well at normal retail price.1 point
Cool thanks now let's keep the champions league talk going. Let's talk about what team suprised you the most so far(only one answer to that but still) and what team let you down the most ( again only one answer to that in case you are wondering they are wearing red colors and are from the uk ).1 point
Lost Something?
killamch89 reacted to Yaramaki for a topic
Lol i gained quite some weight during the covid period since all you could do was eating way too much for your own good, drinking beer/wine and playing videogames. Thank god i could still go to work or it would have gotten way out of hand. I lost about 60 pounds, little over 25 kg since covid restrictions ended and i could go out hiking again. These days i hike about 25-30 kilometers on a weekly basis to keep my weight under control. Maybe if i give up booze and unhealty eating habits as in eating fries atleast 4 times a week combined with a bunch of other unhealthy crap i'd see even more result but so far i'm satisfied with losing the weight i put on during covid and then some by just being able to go out hiking again.1 point -
new games coming
runswithspatulas reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Hmmm...This is a good question. Well mine would be the following: The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom and Starfield The game looks alright but because it's a Bethesda game, I know that the modding community will be hard at work so I can't wait to see what kind of mods they create for it.1 point -
Good Anime Streaming sites?
Empire Of Sight reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Ehhh...If you want to believe that is fine but we can agree that the Boruto anime is absolute garbage. The Boruto manga is actually somewhat good (better than decent - its more like a low-tier good) but kids in Boruto are so freaking OP...1 point -
gaming and our connection with others
runswithspatulas reacted to Heatman for a topic
I don't have any problems with playing both online in multiplayer games and also playing solo by myself alone. But if you ask me the one which I enjoy the most, it's going to playing alone because it cuts out all the nonsense that I would have do deal with playing with others.1 point -
gaming and our connection with others
runswithspatulas reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Your stance towards multiplayer games is understandable - Nowadays, multiplayer games have become so toxic, that I'm not half as interested in playing rounds with randoms anymore. I mean, it's just a game and people need to lighten up.1 point -
new games coming
runswithspatulas reacted to Ajibusu for a topic
I will be waiting to see what Lego Bricktales bring to the table. I watch the trailer here and I am pretty excited about my October will be.1 point -
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom announced comes out on may 12 2023
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Agreed - I just got Breath Of The Wild the other day and I absolutely love it! That being said - this game looks absolutely incredible and I can't wait to see more of it as the release date approaches.1 point -
What would you like to see added to the forum?
Withywarlock reacted to Techno for a topic
Something I'm beginning to notice is the difficulty of building up points. Especially for newcomers, while I understand that points mainly come from posts I would like to see some extra contests that would make gaining points more bearable. Something like a contest for most posts, most referrals, surveys, etc could help make the playing field a little better. Especially because I feel like the forum kind of has a gap in wealth. There's just a large gap between users and I fell like contests could help make the forum more fun for newcomers.1 point