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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2022 in all areas

  1. Just putting it out there: I'm more than 150 pounds/70kg, so maybe I'm not fat enough to speak about this. That being said, I've always tried to not inconvenience others with my own flaws or insecurities. I don't think I have a sense of entitlement in that manner. So if my weight is causing someone else to be sandwiched in between me and another overweight person... I'll usually take the responsibility and move somewhere else. It's my problem, not theirs. Them being annoyed about being touched by a stranger in that way (or being a literal human sandwich on a flight) has nothing to do with weight, especially if they had a history of being sexually assaulted. It's not fat-shaming. People really need to stop calling out discrimination when there is none. It dilutes the meaning of the words and makes them meaningless in the long run, because if everyone is a discriminating bigot, discrimination itself has no meaning. Use these terms correctly.
    3 points
  2. Getting ready to carve your pumpkin? For a chance to win cash or points, enter the VGR pumpkin carving contest. To enter, just carve any gaming-related design you want into your pumpkin together with the letters “VGR.” Then, snap a photo to share with us here in this thread by October 30. All members of the VGR community will then have a chance to vote for the winner. The first place winner will receive $25 via an Amazon gift card. All other participants will receive 1,000 points (which can be redeemed via Bid for Rewards) just for taking part in the contest. If you have any questions about the VGR pumpkin carving contest, you can post them here or PM me. While you are at it, you will want to drop by our Trick or Treat thread where you can participate daily for a chance to win a trick or a treat! Happy Halloween, everyone!
    1 point
  3. DC

    Fail to grasp?

    I think it's important to call out friends who behave like this, otherwise the bad behavior is only reinforced. I call it "an opportunity for corrective behavior". If there is no improvement, clearly the friend (individual) does not respect you and your time and it's time to move on from that friendship altogether.
    1 point
  4. Kim Winchester

    Ask Kim!

    My username is a Supernatural original RPG character. Thanks for asking!
    1 point
  5. Akun

    Fail to grasp?

    It gets pretty annoying, I agree. I'm usually on time, but my ex-bestfriend would usually be 10-15 minutes late quite often. That said, I didn't really complain much about his behavior (partly because there were other aspects of his behavior that were far more problematic), and I didn't really mind waiting while playing my phone or my Switch. 20-30 minutes is pretty egregious though, and if I have to wait that long, I'll probably head home by the 20th minute mark or just head to a local fastfood at wait for him there instead. I'm already not physically fit, so standing on one spot for 30 minutes is not my idea of a good time.
    1 point
  6. Grungie

    Fail to grasp?

    Some people don’t understand being on time. I’m not gonna bitch at someone for being 5 mins late, but there’s always that one person that’s 20-30 mins late.
    1 point
  7. That's the problem I have with porn. The positions among other things, are something women don't do outside of porn. I don't know a single woman who actually enjoys the pile driver position. No blood flow = no orgasm. And no woman I know likes having a guy cum all over her face. I've also never met a woman willing to take a guy at both ends at the same time. And not all women are bi or lesbian, so don't expect us to all eat another woman. Also, anal is not common. I'm not attacking porn as a whole. I've enjoyed adult entertainment from time to time. But the positions and stamina it takes to keep going are things that an injury can put you out for years to come, or even retire you. If she's having a rod put in her back, I'm sure she is going to have to look for another profession. You have to be flexible in ways that a rod in the back would keep you from doing. She's probably having to look at office jobs now.
    1 point
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