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It looks like a new service called PlayStation Sars is coming to the US soon, but it may be coming with some displeasure. According to the article above, some people in the Stars program get better support than people who aren't on it. People in Japan aren't too happy that the highest tier users in this program get better support. The players in a tier 4 for example, can get past the support queue. Which many are also annoyed with.
For those wondering what the service is, it's essentially a reward program for gamers that complete campaigns and activities.
My view on this is simple. I think if you're a paying customer you deserve to get the same support no matter what. Even if someone pays more towards a service or does more. If you pay money, you deserve support just as much as the one who pays the most. What do you think about this? I'm all for reward programs, but support needs to be equal among all paying customers imo.