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Is gaming a 'worthless' hobby?
StaceyPowers and one other reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
It's definitely NOT a worthless hobby. It's pretty much the way of the future. You have communication with others through gaming and making friends; it can be used in schools to help educate; it could have therapeutic effect through VR; there is the art of photography using the photo mode feature; there are job opportunities; there is competition gaming and also through esports; there is military training and could be used for all sorts of job training through simulations. Playing for fun is just one of the many things that's great about gaming.2 points -
I used to be someone who focused on my gamerscore, especially when I was achievement hunting way back. I am at the moment at 73,238 and I haven't gained any more achievements to be honest since earlier this year I believe. If I am playing a game and I get an achievement that's great but I don't tend to focus on my gamerscore as much now as I used to. Getting to 100,000 would be a great achievement though 🙂1 point
Also a big thing of worry, is that many sites can't verify how others got the codes. So some people could be stealing the codes, selling them and running with the cash. That has happened before. To the point that it even banned some users accounts for buying the games. If you ever do buy from a website, make sure it's something like GOG. You should take caution when buying from any online store, especially ones that allow users to buy/sell their own codes.1 point
I wouldn't say it is. Just like I wouldn't' say Xbox Achievements are that important. Back in the day when they first started it, sure I was interested in getting all those achievements/trophies etc. But I don't think it's necessarily ever was important to me. I just like racking up a big score for all the games I played. :D1 point
I don't own any Arcade1Up Cabinets no but they do look awesome and it is something I would love to get myself one day if I was ever able to and had the room to as I feel it would be cool to have a huge gaming room with these included. I have always wanted a gamer room and I know my kids being gamers as well would love something like this to be honest.1 point
Beat-Em-Ups you'd like to see make a comeback?
Smokey reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
A modern The Warriors game or something similar would be cool. I doubt they would ever remake that game though because it’s based on such an old movie that would also never be redone. It’s just a thing of the past.1 point -
It's always a fun time when you hit the top spot but such a bummer when you find out that someone managed to knock you off that top spot in the end and it's always a pain to be able to try and get the top spot back as well no matter how hard you try. I mean I still try when it happens but it usually seems to take forever!1 point
I think i9's and other high thread count processors are really intended for production purposes like audio production, video editing and 3D modelling. In some cases a high core count processor can be a little slower in games.1 point
I have definitely had an interest in the Steam Deck but at the moment it is not in my budget. Being able to play certain games away from my PC and have access to my steam library handheld sounds pretty awesome to me. I know that some games are just not compatible for it and I think that is the only thing putting me off as well. I would definitely have to do some more research into it and what games are available before I considered jumping on it.1 point
I knew there were emulators out there to be able to player older games from older consoles on your PC but it's not something I have ever used to be honest. The only thing I have ever used on my PC has been bluestacks which allows you to download apps from Google Play Store on your PC and play them through your PC which is ideal if you don't have a device capable of running certain games.1 point
It's hard for me to say as I haven't even been able to use an i7 nevermind and i9 but everyone seems to be raving about the i9 so it must be good I would have thought. Personally I don't see myself getting a PC with an i9 for a long time due to the price not matter how great it may be and if an i7 works just fine for newer games that would be my go to for now.1 point
As much as this would have been great to have on the original Xbox I do believe that broadband fast enough would have still been too young to manage online gaming in such a way that it would have been strong enough to manage. Yes, it would have really helped them but I feel them waiting was the better option in the long run whilst technology got better.1 point
Chrono Trigger was another game I never got the pleasure to play unfortunately but I do hear that it was a really great game back in it's time and one I regret missing and not playing. I know there are ways I could still play it I believe and I would love to be able to experience the game at some point when I have the time. Watching YouTube videos on it I definitely feel that I would enjoy the game given the chance to play it.1 point
I have in the past sold old consoles and video games back to my local games store for store credit that has helped me buy a newer game or console in the past, however it started getting more difficult when I would hand down old consoles to my children when I would upgrade so I have not sold any consoles for a while to get newer consoles, instead it's been that I have bought them outright for say myself or as gifts for my children for say Christmas.1 point
I honestly did not know that they did a game like this so it must have been one that I missed. It looks like the kind of game I would sit and play though as I have played many games similar in the past. I often sit and look at games that I missed when I was younger and sometimes wish I could go back and play them after missing out. This definitely seems like one of those games for sure!1 point
Is gaming a 'worthless' hobby?
killamch89 reacted to Shagger for a topic
Playing video games will never cure cancer, reverse pollution nor undo Hitler, so like it or not the statement that playing video games is a waste of time rings true, at least to some extent. However, the same is also true of golf, model trains and the effort one puts into building a sex dungeon. In other words, it's a hobby, a pastime, the clue is in the name. I suppose it is possible to achieve great things by being passionate and dedicated to a pastime, but that's not the point of a hobby. For example, the leather pool/snooker cue tip was invented by a bored French prisoner, a prisoner who ended up asking for more prison time to develop his invention. But that's not the point, the point is that whilst hobbies may allow the space for inspiration, they aren't necessarily the drive behind it. They are just ways to amuse oneself. They are not there to hurt anyone, but they are not there to help anyone either. Video games are the same, just like any other hobby. No more, but no less.1 point -
Looking back at this brought a whole lot or memories back for sure! It just goes to show how much the controllers have changed over the years and how much you don't fully realize it until you see one from a while back and see the changes made. The price tag is definitely not one I am too keen on but it is something I would love to get my hands on if I was able to and had the funds.1 point
Last Game Played
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Castlevania SOTN It's one that I'll never give up. I freaking love it. It's hands down one of the best Castlevania games ever made, if not THE best one.1 point -
If I was to say I have never made any money playing video games I would be lying as from 2017 - 2022 I took on content creation and I did make money throughout those years doing just that, playing video games. In terms of any other ways to earn playing video games I have always been skeptical about those and will often overlook them because I worry that they will not be all as it seems.1 point
There are two games that I would love to be able to spend a day in if I am honest, one of them not so risky and the other a little risky. Fortnite I think would be a really cool game to be part of, I guess because I play it so much I feel that it would be a cool thing to experience being part of the game, my only worry would be the storm and the endless amounts of problems I could run into being in the game. Another game I would love to spend a day in is Animal Crossing New Horizons. Just to be able to spend a day there taking in the sights and just being part of it would be amazing. Again this is a game I played a lot so that is a lot of the reason I feel it would be cool to be part of.1 point
This is actually a very interesting one and one I can not say myself I have ever thought of even though it may be very much possible to achieve. I feel as though I would struggle to decide what kind of world I would want to end up in and also what character I would want to be. I feel if I was to choose any character, would myself be an option as I feel that would be cool to experience if I am honest.1 point
I'll be honest and say that I honestly have not played Devil May Cry even though I have had an interest in it. Even when I was younger it was never a game that me and my brothers even got or was able to play and I do feel as though I kinda missed out to some extent as so many people say how much of a great game it is. It's going to have to be a game I play just to say that I have and to have experienced it myself.1 point
Streets of Rage 4 blows every other beat-em-up on switch out of the water for me. it’s just as fun alone as with friends. it’s just so polished and it feels effortless to get into the flow-state and just be playing and playing. it’s absolutely gorgeous and is a clear labor of love on the developers’ part, just oozing quality and polish. And I was not even born yet. with the game back in the 80s1 point
Dumb Ways To Die
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Go to Walmart and yell out "Hey stupid!" and see how many people look up.1 point -
Not too long after I got my PC I had an issue with the USB ports on the top of the case, they had slipped and needed to be put back in place. Being that my PC was still under warranty I was able to send it back for repair. I was without my PC for nearly a week due to the repairs but luckily I had a laptop that I could switch to for the time being to be able to continue working and doing anything else I needed. If I didn't have the laptop option though, I would have more than likely spent my time either gaming or watching TV shows if need be.1 point
At the moment I have an Elgato stream deck, Elgato HD60S and an Elgato Wave 3 all of which are serving me well and I have had no issues with that weren't an easy fix to be honest. My capture card I have had since around 2018 and the same with my stream deck and both are still working perfectly fine. My Wave 3 is something I got a few months ago but so far I am really happy with it and don't have any issue with it. I am interested to see how Avermedia fairs against Elgato though so if there ever was a time that I needed to replace my capture card, I probably would go with Avermedia.1 point
General Gaming Discussion
Smokey reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I mainly watch GTA V Redline RP streams as they're some of the most hilarious ones on YouTube.1 point -
I agree and even now some of the achievements needed are a lot more as well and many do not stop at 1000 gamer score now but continue for quite a bit more. I don't know what the highest gamer score is now for a game but I know I have seen some for as high as 1250. Hunting for achievements now is very time consuming, in some cases I would say the challenges for them can be very time consuming just for one achievement in a game.1 point
When I had my 360, I would sit and spend a lot of time completing games and then going back through them to complete certain things to unlock achievements. I remember I had quite a few games that I had 1000 gamerscore on that I would work through until I had completed them all. Nowadays I don't tend to achievement hunt as much as I used to and only do, I ever really get achievements now if I am playing a game and come across them. I would love to go back to achievement hunting like I used to but not having as much time now is the biggest issue.1 point
Yeah I enjoyed the destructiveness of the game. Surprising ahead of its time imo. But that boss battle I stopped at made me mad haha. I'm pretty sure I still have a save file, but it's that boss battle and idk I if I can put myself through that again lol. Same here. I haven't played Sekiro, but it did remind me of the rooftop moments of Tenchu. I remember playing the original Tenchu on PS1 back in the day, and having a blast jumping onto roofs and jumping on enemies. But I always sucked at these games lol.1 point
Being that I am a huge fan of this character and the games and have been since I was younger, the one I am hoping to see at the Game Awards is Crash Bandicoot - Wumpa League. It's been rumored for a while now but as of, yet nothing has been released by the developers at all, so I am hoping it's because they are keeping it under wraps for the announcement on the 8th. Either way I will be looking out for this game.1 point
I mostly played the first one, don't recall if I ever played the sequels. I remember playing the first one with my brother, sister and friends quite a bit, but I wasn't very good at them. Then again I'm not very good at most beat'm'ups like that.1 point
Can I has??? lol just kidding. I always wanted to get a PSvita and a PSP growing up. I still wouldn't mind getting a vita as you can probably do a lot of stuff on them. But yeah, that's awesome you found them. They're all in good shape and no damage?1 point
Best 3D sonic game maybe, but I think the original 3 games are the best of the bunch. Once Sonic hit 3D, is when the series started to take a nosedive. I know people love Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, but the games to follow didn't do so hot. Especially when you get to Sonic 06 and some of the other games. But yeah, I'd say best 3D sonic game.1 point
I remember Streets of Rage very well; it was an amazing game and was a game I played myself quite a bit with friends. I believe you can now get it on Xbox I think with Game Pass it was with at one point unless I am mistaken as I went back to it a little while back and it brought back a lot of memories when I played it again. If I had more time, I probably would play it a lot more like I used to when I was a kid but unfortunately, adulting is a thing.1 point
I feel like I missed out on this game as I see so many people saying how good a game it is and that it really was where the 3D sonic games peaked. I unfortunately did not have a Dreamcast growing up and was only able to play using a friends at their house which was only sometimes for a few hours, and this wasn't a game I managed to play because of that. It's definitely a game I would love to check out now though if I was able to get it and the console, but I fear that it would cost me quite a bit to do that now.1 point
It's always amazing when you get to clearing stuff out and you find something you either forgot you had or something that you haven't seen in a while to be honest, especially when it comes to something like games as after a while some games can be hard to get hold of if the console is pretty old so having them in your collection means you have them and after a while they could become quite rare. Perfect if you like to collect games as an avid gamer.1 point
It probably would not happen if I were honest as much as many people want it to and would love to see it happen, but I would love to see both Simpsons Hit and Run and Simpsons Road Rage come to Game Pass at some point in the near future. There has been so much talk between gamers about wanting these two games to make a comeback, but it doesn't seem to be happening at all at the moment which is a shame. I could imagine seeing these two games on Game Pass would be a huge hit for many.1 point
There is a lot of talented people who have started out making fan games. It's why I wish Nintendo should hire all of these devs who made their own fan games based on their characters. I hope fan made games are still a thing into the future, because it can be a fun way of finding new talent.1 point
Exactly, which is why I don't get when Nintendo and some others decide to squash the work they put in. I get if they were to profit from the games, sure. But most of these were free and available to people to mess around with. I bet they would have been fine if they didn't use any of their characters likenesses. Maybe then Nintendo would be lax about it. I think their excuse is that they don't want anything to take eyes off of their games, so they ban these fan made projects because they feel it could undercut their profits or something. But I doubt that it'd even be much at all. Because they're Nintendo and people will never stop buying their games.1 point
I would love to see Simpsons Road Rage or Simpsons Hit and Run brought back or remade if I am honest. I remember especially with Simpsons Hit and Run I loved that game and spent so many hours on it just playing through, completing everything. I think in the end I finally completed the game 100% I had that much fun with it. To be able to go through it again now especially after it's been so long since I played it before and go back to it in better quality on a newer console would be awesome. We can only hope they choose to remake them or bring them back someday.1 point
Not being much of a PlayStation user anymore like I used to be back when PS1 and PS2 were around, I can't say that I have many trophies at all. I know I have some trophies for some games that I played on PlayStation but without looking wouldn't be too sure exactly how many. Off the top of my head, I know games like Fall Guys and Call of Duty Advanced Warfare were some games I did get trophies in but many of the games I played have been on say Xbox.1 point
I will admit that in the beginning when the Xbox Series X and S were released and the PS5 was released it did seem as though PS5 would do better with how many sales it had compared to the Xbox Series S and X, but I feel a lot of the reason sales were behind for Xbox was because of the lack of consoles they were able to distribute and sell due to the pandemic. Xbox definitely did seem to creep up though a little while after and I would say in the end Xbox did just as well as PlayStation in terms of sales. So many purchased the PS5 first and then at a later date chose to jump on either the Series X or S and that soon boosted sales. I feel that if it wasn't for low stock still even now to some extent both consoles would be doing a lot better in sales than they are now. Definitely feel that neither party lost out thought and both companies still seem to be thriving.1 point