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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2023 in Posts

  1. I’m no scientist so I don’t have the answer. I do know the ability of empathy. When you lack empathy you become a follower of every single violation of humanity that is possible. So how does this relate to technology? Well, think about the tech you use everyday. The loud NOISE is what I’m getting at. Your pets have a higher sense of hearing. If you are in a smaller housing area like an efficiency or a bedroom then please get head phones for entertainment needs. Put your pet in another room if you want to get loud. And don’t ignore your pets. Thank you. I take a bow.
    1 point
  2. Hey Rossiya, you know what would help revitalizing not just gaming but all industries? Not engaging in expansionist imperialist warfare. Just an idea. A state run and funded game publisher? Just imagine all the great games designed by committee.
    1 point
  3. Does anyone else think that Russian officials wanting to start a game company with the ambition of becoming "The Russian EA" is a bit like them getting a new filmmaker to go to Hollywood with the ambition of becoming the "Russian M. Night Shyamalan"?. You think they'd aim to be a little better than that!
    1 point
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