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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2023 in all areas

  1. Or Pavel Datsyuk being a pilot in Galaga. Who in their right mind would think of golf when talking about John Cena? And vice versa. Granted he could easily kick some serious ass with a golf club in his hand, but he doesn't need the aid of a weapon. What's next? Jenna Jameson releasing a series of tapes supporting abstinence? I mean if she had as many dicks on the outside as she's had on the inside she'd look like a fucking porcupine. So she has to be the poster girl for abstinence. 🙄
    1 point
  2. I absolutely agree with you about Skyrim. I don't understand the world of mods at all, but since I started playing Skyrim again I am seeing a shit load of bugs. The game is beautiful and interesting no doubt. I can't imagine how Skyrim would have stood the test of time if it weren't for its infamous mods. Fascinating concept right there.
    1 point
  3. I will admit, I am very wary when I buy used consoles and usually only go to places I know test them and check them well and so far I have never run into this issue when buying any used console. It is a shame though that you will get some sellers that will do this just for the money as they will not suffer for it, the buyer will.
    1 point
  4. Who knows right? Dictators obsessively talk about how bad crime is, so they always look for a scapegoat to blame. They will attack games, music, tv, culture, people, anything and everything to paint themselves as the only savior. I wouldn't be surprised the day they start making laws banning violent video games. To protect the kids right? They are banning books. Teachers and librarians can go to jail now. Hey, why not video games. Start jailing store clerks who sells a game to kids. Jail the guy who sells movie tickets. What is the difference from jailing a librarian? It's already here.
    1 point
  5. The most important feature to encourage modding would have to be a modding tool. For example, the Elder Scrolls Construction Set could be used with a bit of practice without any prior game development experience. The mods could be built entirely with in game models, so they wouldn't clash with the game's art style. ANother LARGE is GTA mods, so many mods and whatnot for GTA for many years and it's big indeed. I started it back in GTA IV days LOL in 2012
    1 point
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