I absolutely agree. The only soulsborn game I've spent any siginicant amount of time with is Elden Ring, and although I did enjoy what I played of it, I definitely think it's way overrated. I mean, I do see why people think it's a good game, but people talk about it like it's the second coming of Jesus and the best game that's ever been made.
Most of the time I played it was spent doing the same things over and over again to farm XP, just so I could level up enough to not die in two hits. The game does not explain anything at all to you, so you have to look up what pretty much every item you pick up does. I won't comment to much on the story, but as far as I got, there wasn't much story to be had.
I've never been a fan of extreme difficulty in games. I'm fine with a bit of a challenge, but having to replay the same boss fight 20-30 times is just excruciating to me. Whenever I try saying that to a soulsborn fan however, the answer is always the same:
"Git gud"