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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2023 in all areas

  1. The Blackangel

    No to a genre?

    Is there a genre of video games that you absolutely refuse to play? What is your reasoning for not playing? Of what is available today, I can think of only one that I would flat our say "no" to. There's genres that aren't my thing, but I don't just absolutely refuse to have anything to do with them. In recent years, my taste in games has actually expanded dramatically. I'm not the biggest fan of first person games, but I do play a couple. The only thing absolutely I refuse to play is online games. I absolutely hate them and quite often just want to puke at the mere thought of them. I'm not condemning anyone if they like them. Have at it. But I still can't stand online gaming, and I've given it many tries, from many games, on many platforms. I absolutely hated it every time I tried, and actually DID puke after a couple due to the experience.
    1 point
  2. Shagger

    No to a genre?

    I'm not sure if this counts as a genre, but I do avoid the "Soulsborne" type games as much as possible. The closest thing I've played to such a game that I've actually liked is Jedi: Fallen Order. I've long since accepted that, despite loving RPG's and 3rd person action/adventure games, the "Soulborne" just aren't made for me. I hate thier gameplay tropes, like no pausing (And that really is ridiculous in a single play game) and the sluggish combat. I hate the way they look, it the same dreary, demon underworld cliché every time. But most of all, I hate the trial and error philosophy behind the so-called "challenge". There're not hard games, merely cryptic ones loaded with beginners traps and cheap enemy AI that prays on one's natural instincts as a gamer rather than combat your techniques and strategies in a natural way.
    1 point
  3. Some of the Retcons in RE remakes definitely make no sense at all when going off the established lore. This reminds me of the Elder Scrolls franchise and all the retconning in the Elder Scrolls Online of various events in the main storyline confusing most of us Elder Scrolls fans.
    1 point
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