That, right there, is the problem with people taking issue with inclusion. The problem for a lot of people isn't so much prejudice as much as it selfishness. Yes, maybe characters being on the spectrum doesn't matter to you (I've never taken much stock in anyone who says that on the back of complaining about it for reasons I'll explain in moment), but think about what it means to people who have been, and in many ways still are, under attack and have had this world constantly try to tell them that how they are is some way wrong. Inclusion actually benefits somebody and make them feel like they belong and are right to feel how feel abouts themselves, that they can be comfortable in thier skin.
If that truly means nothing to you, why even complain about it? I've said if before, but I'll say it again, good fiction reflects reality, that's how it connects to our real emotions and relates to our experiences. Nobody only has an issue with LGBTQAI+ representation in fiction, they have a problem with it being represented in reality. LGBTQAI+ representation in not an agenda, it's not politics, it's just life. People use the politics and agenda excuses because they don't want to face thier prejudices. That's why I don't take much stock in people who complain about LGBTQAI+ representation (or any other kind of inclusion, for that matter) in fiction and say they don't care and it doesn't bother them because if that was true they wouldn't have felt the need to complain about it in the first place. Non-factors produce a non-reaction. Analysing and discussing character representation, including thier orientation, that's a fair conversation to have, but there's a difference between that and complaining about it.