Like a fiend. I played it non stop whenever I could. We had family friends that had an Atari with it, Pitfall, Q*Bert, and Pacman. At least those are the ones I remember best. They actually had to get a second TV because we were always playing on the Atari. Frogger is a cherished memory from those days. At the time, that 2 bit was the cutting edge of graphics. That was before Nintendo came out with their 8 bit graphics, and completely changed the game. We were all amazed at how lifelike SMB was. But we still played the hell out of Frogger. The goddamn gators drove me nuts, but at least I could time my jumps however I wanted. Unlike withe the damn cars and trucks. I have to go on their schedule.😡
Ah well. I still kicked ass on it. And I still have it to this day on Atari, among other systems.