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What is the most unexpected ending you have experienced in a video game?
killamch89 reacted to Heatman for a topic
The arc in Walker’s character was the urgent need or selfish desire to be a hero. It's what made him unhinged in the game with how acted throughout it.1 point -
Jason Kelce wants to bring back Backyard Sports games
killamch89 reacted to Kane99 for a topic
Remember those sports games, like Backyard Football, Backyard Baseball, Basketball, etc. Well it looks like retired NFL player Jason Kelce is interested in reviving the franchise for a new generation. I don't know if anyone here was a fan of those games. I think I only played the Football game, but never really got into it. But, it was a series more directed towards children. And hey, I'm all for them bringing it back if it turns out to be good. Would you be into a revival of this game? Read more about this news here - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/offbeat/jason-kelce-admits-plan-to-revive-nostalgic-video-game-franchise/ar-BB1hGBf31 point -
Last Game Played
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
To be honest, I was playing some Palworld earlier. Now, I do love Pokemon as a series but there are quite a number of things I wish Pokemon could implement into their own game to make it more fun. I feel like the different Pals actually serve a purpose in and out of battle.1 point -
least fave weapon?
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I'd rather go unarmed than trying to use a bow especially when fighting multiple enemies. A bow is worthless unless you're extremely skilled.1 point -
What is the most unexpected ending you have experienced in a video game?
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I know mate. The thing I liked about it was there were subtle hints that the main character was running around with a few screws loose.1 point -
As someone who WAS trying to complete my Saturn collection, but has had to stop because...I just can't afford it, yeah. I'm worried about the prices of games constantly rising. I am somewhat hopeful that the recent decline in the collector market popularity will indicate falling prices, at least somewhat, then I could snag some other games I'm looking for on other systems, but for the most part collecting as a whole is beyond me.1 point
Are there games where you skip the story completely?
Dismal_Bliss reacted to PGen98 for a topic
Totally agree, games these days are exactly like playing through a very long movie, as was said above, so it makes no sense to take the immersion out of the equation. It's like watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy from the start of The Fellowship and then Skipping to the last 40 minutes of Return of the King. You miss the whole point.1 point -
That's the risk, definitely. There are going to be hunts where you find nothing or nothing of interest to you, and there are going to be hunts where you find a lot of "meh" titles, but that's what makes the hunts where you find the truly great stuff worthwhile. It's like anything in life, you've got your share of disappointments that aren't fun, but they make the great moments worthwhile!1 point
Are there games where you skip the story completely?
Dismal_Bliss reacted to Heatman for a topic
Exactly! Without the game's story, there's absolutely nothing for me to play for. It's the bigger picture for me in any kind of game. It's what lures me into playing any game to begin with.1 point -
I have gone on the hunt a few times, it can be thrilling just like you pointed out but where I had issues was failing to find something worth buying in the end. It happened a few times to me and that had me discouraged from doing it again.1 point
Anyone own those TV/Console combos?
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I never even heard of these. I know there are TV/VCR combos. I actually have one in my bedroom as we speak. But a TV/console combo is something I never knew existed.1 point -
Noodles or Pasta?
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I would have to say pasta. I go nuts when I can get my hands on a fresh lasagna. Hell, I get excited when I can get Spaghetti-O's. Don't get me wrong, I love a good bowl of Ramen. But in my personal opinion, pasta is superior.1 point -
What was your first concert?
killamch89 reacted to Dismal_Bliss for a topic
Don't laugh, but it was.... . . . . Milli Vanilli 😄1 point -
Songs You Remember From Your Childhood
killamch89 reacted to Ravenfreak for a topic
One song that I remember singing to at the age of 4 was Ace of Base's The Sign. I used to think some of the lyrics were "Now I'm a puppy dog" when she says "Now I'm happier living without you." :V I've always had auditory processing issues, it's much better now than it was when I was a kid but I still have it.1 point -
Songs that quickly make you change the channel
killamch89 reacted to Ravenfreak for a topic
I absolutely hate Gangnam Style so if for some reason I heard it on the radio or if I was listening to a playlist with the song on it, I would immediately skip it. I still don't get how this annoying song got so many views on Youtube. I also don't like dubstep or rap, so anything from these genres I would skip over immediately. I have to admit I like the direction pop music is going this decade, it's homage to old classic house and dance music which is awesome. Well minus the rap that's still popular.1 point -
How do you know you are addicted?
Heatman reacted to Kennysplash for a topic
Have we all not experienced this as kids? There was a time I missed school just to stay at home and play. Parents were out of town for a week, I woke up one morning and loaded the game instead of preparing for school. School called my parents that I was absent and I can never forget the discipline I received. That experience still being smiles to my face whenever I remember it.1 point -
General Gaming Discussion
Knight Plug reacted to Dismal_Bliss for a topic
I don't play much during the summer. But now that it is starting to get cold and dark early I am getting that itch to return to video games. In May, I was down with a broken ankle and started up Final Fantasy 16. I think I'm about to restart it and see it though to completion.1 point -
I just want to see them keep physical media alive. I know that's asking far too much for today's generations, but the collector in me hates that we're going to lose physical games very soon. I know most of them are essentially just serving as keys to download the rest of the game, but there's something about owning a physical copy of a game that makes it feel more certain. I own this, it's mine, it's right here. Digital games can be gone in the blink of an eye. It's entirely improbable that physical media continues for another generation, but it's the one thing I hope for.0 points