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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2024 in all areas

  1. I was going to say Mario as well. I've never seen a game with so many spinoffs. But since you already gave that one, the only other two I can think of would be Zelda and Sonic. They both have so many oddball entries in their franchise that it can't be said that they don't do any kind of spinoff.
    2 points
  2. To be fair, I'm one of those people who've stopped playing Fifa years ago because it's more or less the same game from 2016 but refined a bit every year. The worst part is when they try to reintroduce features from previous games as "revolutionary".
    1 point
  3. The Blackangel


    I make sure all my makeup is off, then I use moisturizers, and hydrating lotions. I also use a loofah and body wash in the shower instead of bar soap. It cleans my body better and exfoliates the skin, getting all the dirt, dead skin cells, body oil, sweat, and whatever else is on your body off of you. It also makes my skin feel silky and smooth. My only real problem is that I forget to shave a lot and always end up looking like Grizzly Adams.
    1 point
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