A game based of Felix the Cat? That very early cartoon from the 1920's? Releasing a game based of Felix the Cat makes even less sence now than it did in the 80's. At least there was a movie that came out around that time. It was crap, but at least it existed. Seriously, who asked for this?
The permice of Felix the Cat is that Felix has a magic bag he can morph into anything he wants. That's a cool concept for a video game, it really is. If one wanted to make a video game based off that, why not make something new? Use the modern tools and modern know-how how to help this concept reach it's full potential? Think about that, think about how the game hasn't seen any noticeable enhancements and think about that ridiculous price and you will probably come to the same conclusion I did. This is a lazy cash grab. Some lazy ass hat has somehow acquired this IP and seeks to make a quick and easy quid out of it.
It does look like decent game for it's time, but it obviously hasn't been remebered otherwise more people would know about it. If it had no impact then, there is no reason to expect it to have an impact now. This just isn't worth even the low effort that has been out into it.