There's nothing righteous about keeping up a religious schedule. It's, well, just that, keeping up schedule. It's a routine. Just because somebody surrenders a hour or so of one day a week to listen to some deluded zealot read from a story book doesn't make them better than other people. It means they can set an alarm and get up before 9am on a Sunday and that's about it.
I've said if before in this topic and I'll say it again, religion is for people who want to relinquish responsibility for how they behave, what they say and even how they think and feel to something else. It's for the weak minded who can't be bothered to establish a moral compass of thier own. I'm not saying the practicing religion makes one evil. On the contrary, most religious scripture promotes a positive way to live and treat other people with love and respect, all I'm saying is that it doesn't automatically make people good either.
Having said that, religion is not innocuous. It's archaic and open to twisted interpretations that people use to justify heinous acts, attitudes and behaviour that anyone with a moral compass that they themselves developed through reason, logic, experience even thier own mistakes would find completely deplorable. But like I said, religion is for people who want to relinquish responsibility for how they behave, what they say and even how they think and feel to something else, even if that includes rape and murder.