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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2024 in all areas

  1. killamch89

    Community Chat #1

    It sounds as if you haven't fully healed from your mother's passing so you should probably take a step back from everything until you're in the right state of mind. I did the same when my father died 3 years ago. Just isolate yourself and try to fully get other it. On another note, you'll always run into fanboys of certain games anywhere you go and they'll defend it to the death. It's just how they are and you have no control over that and I recommend just avoiding them altogether because you're not going to change most of their minds. And stressing yourself over things outside of your control is pointless because nothing you do will likely affect the outcome.
    1 point
  2. Has anyone ever noticed that it sometimes suddenly becomes trendy to hate on certain games, even ones that came out years ago? Does anyone have any insights into what causes this toxic and annoying behavior? I see it a lot on Reddit.
    1 point
  3. A little bit of stress can make things more interesting. But too much of it can cause a myriad of health problems, both mental and physical. So no stress at all I see as a bad thing. But too much of it can be dangerous. So if we can lose 90% of our stress, but keep the last little bit, I think we would be damn close to a utopia.
    1 point
  4. Mind your own fucking business and leave people the hell alone. I'm looking at YOU Karen!
    1 point
  5. I'm on the fence. I love my showers, but sometimes sitting back in the water is bliss. If we're talking about getting clean, it's shower all the way. You're not washing yourself into the same water that you already made dirty. But I can easily relax under either one.
    1 point
  6. Our social lives have suffered! Today we have lots of people that find it hard to say hello to someone on the street. They find it hard to hold a conversation, due to modern technology. Many would rather stay on their PC and dissociate themselves from the real world. This is a growing menace, I’m afraid.
    1 point
  7. I have to disagree with you on this one @Shagger. I think the fault here is entirely on lazy parents that use TV and video games as babysitters. If these parents had any interest in their children's lives, this wouldn't be a problem. The ESRB exists for a reason. To tell people what games are and are not appropriate for the differing age demographics. You don't buy a game with an M rating for a fucking 5 year old. So if these jackoffs had half a brain cell, they would see that the fault is entirely on their heads. If you have a child, then you need to be an adult and raise the child. That or give the child up for adoption so it can be raised by parents who actually do parent the child.
    1 point
  8. This will be a tough choice, but I will go with Mount Everest climbing. I know for sure that I am someone who doesn't enjoy swimming and going to where my fears are bigger is more like picking my death route.
    1 point
  9. Human physical interaction is getting worse at the moment, and that is something to worry about. It is pertinent to look at the other benefits of technology, though, which has helped to make a lot of things easier for everyone.
    1 point
  10. Knight Plug

    Community Chat #1

    Well, I'm gonna take a step back from forums soon, mainly because my interest in them has just waxed and waned too much in recent years. I lost my mother last year as well, and things are hard for me now. When it comes to Resident Evil, I don't enjoy it much any more, or just ranting about survival horror in general. The genre just gets used to milk more mediocre games that you can tell are cash grabs. And I hate how they just keep doing remakes of old games to apparently play it safe, and even the new entries are just average, to be frank. The lack of news between events is a slog, too. People are never satisfied. Fanboys are a nuisance as they just seem to like or defend anything you can tell is rubbish, and some of Konami's now ex supporters just want to continue to take jabs at the likes of them and so on, rather than being optimistic for the future. They're living in the past instead of just accepting that time has moved on. There's also not much activity on forums either. Not compared to how they were years ago. Another issue is that trolls and bots come dumping crap everywhere, and this may be due to a lack of care involved in running the community. There's a lot of movies I could just watch instead of talking about games. If you feel you just don't like the direction of a franchise any longer, sometimes taking a break from involving yourself in debates over it is perhaps a good idea. Or I could just tune in at E3 type events, so I ain't gonna drive myself barmy over having to rabbit on about things that shouldn't matter. But yes. I know E3 ended, but in general, I just meant when it comes to showing an interest in gaming events where the most important updates occur.
    0 points
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