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What is the strangest thing you've ever found while cleaning?
killamch89 and 2 others reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I think I discovered a floor once.3 points -
Call of Duty Named in School Shooter Lawsuit
killamch89 and 2 others reacted to Shagger for a topic
What aggravates me about these kind of lawsuits and legal cases whare entertainment media is blamed for somebody's heinous actions in real life is the complete and utter failure it represents to address the real, root causes of such incidents. People are doomed to die in future incidents as a result. Whilst America's well documented issue with gun culture is certainly a factor, so I do think weapon manufactures have to held accountable, it is obviously nonsense to suggest any entertainment media, whether it's a video game, movie, music, or book, is any way responsible for the real life actions of a person. Human beings have sentience, the power to imagine and fantasize, it's inherent in all of us. We also have the ability to recognizes the difference between fantasy and reality as a part of that sentience. If a person does not have the ability to recognise the difference between reality and fantasy, then there is a problem with that person's mind. They are mentally ill. It has nothing to do with with a video game.3 points -
Up to my tits in fur
killamch89 and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
WOW I currently have 13 dogs and @Rain Dew has one. The reason why is because my pitbull had puppies. She had 11, but one died the first night. So I have a karen pitbull, a psychotic Rottweiler, and a neurotic yorkie. @Rain Dew has a drama queen mini dachsund. The puppies are almost a month old now. The sire is my rott. Prometheus is his name. The dam is (obviously) the pitbull. Her name is Sissy. The rott is registered, but the pitbull is not despite them both being purebreds. So I have a bunch of pitweillers.2 points -
Most difficult task in Zelda OoT
killamch89 and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Let’s leave the water temple out of this one. What is/was the hardest task you ever did in OoT? Was it collecting the tunics from the free side? Getting Epona? Or was it sneaking past the guards to meet Zelda? For me, it was the final part of the trading game to get the Big Goron sword. Getting from Lake Hylia to the top of Death Mountain was a pain. Even with Epona. In the 4 minutes given to do it, you have to exit the goofy lake guy’s house, jump on Epona, race across Hyrule field, run through Kakariko village, get to the vertical climb, take the time to kill the tektites on each ledge, make it to the Goron on top of the mountain and speak to him to finish it all. When you get to the top, he’ll use the eyedrops you brought him, and get set to work fixing the broken blade you brought him. While we’re talking about difficult tasks, has anyone ever actually beaten the shooting games, or followed Dampe through his grave in less than a minute? I’ve been playing this game since it dropped, but I’ve never been able to do it.2 points -
Should Games Reward Players for Helping Moderate Toxic Behavior?
killamch89 and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
This kind of thing is playing with fire but not having a fire extinguisher. People who start reporting anyone they didn’t like or who did something they themselves wanted. There is no way this could possibly work, without in turn causing more problems than before.2 points -
Pizza Chain Transforms Your PS5 Into a Pizza Warmer With Free 3D Printed Design
Knight Plug and one other reacted to Kane99 for a topic
Source - https://mp1st.com/news/pizza-chain-transforms-your-ps5-into-a-pizza-warmer-with-free-3d-printed-design You guys remember the KFConsole that was a custom built PC with an actual chicken warmer built in. Well now Pizza Hut has created a 3D print of a pizza warmer that can be used on your PS5. Of course you will need a 3D printer capable of printing it, but it's free otherwise. You can download the 3D print here: https://pizzahutpizzawarmer.ca/ Would you print something like this? I think it's funny, but I don't think I would do this.2 points -
Do You Prefer to Get Up Early or Stay Up Late?
killamch89 and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I wing it. If I’m up early, I’m up. If I’m up late, I’m up late. It bounces around wildly for me.2 points -
What’s the Best Use of Sound Design in a Game?
killamch89 and one other reacted to Ja sa bong for a topic
It was perfectly used in the Halo game's franchise. It's one of the games that I would give top rating with how they used the sound designs in.2 points -
Last movie watched?
Knight Plug and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Terrifier 3 negative trillions out of ten Don’t waste your money on this worthless piece of shit. It’s the most pathetic excuse for a slasher movie ever. It’s nothing but a cute girl and a jackass with a sharp object. They may as well had his victims squirt up blood from their wounds that danced like the fountains in Vegas. I want the 2 hours I wasted on this abomination back. FUCK THIS MOVIE AND EVERYONE ASSOCIATED WITH IT2 points -
What’s the Most Creative Thing You’ve Made Recently?
Cpvr and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Now now, you’re asking a chef what’s in their creation? You may as well ask Criss Angel how his magic is performed.2 points -
What's the Real Motive Behind the Great Sock Disappearance?
Cpvr and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Gremlins. They open the back of the dryer, and steal one sock to sell the gnomes as a sleeping bag. They only take one at a time to make it seem like they’re in short supply so they can hike up the price. The underpants gnomes have a whole other racket.2 points -
Scariest game you've ever played?
killamch89 and one other reacted to Yarik for a topic
Outlast is the scariest game I've played. It was a long time ago, although. It's an amazing game, and the best part about it is that there's been a sequel to it. I still need to play it, as I haven't yet. What about you? What's the scariest video game you've ever played? Did you enjoy it?2 points -
Do you have a room just for your video games? AKA a Game Room
killamch89 and one other reacted to Anders for a topic
I decided to do a little photoshoot of my office today! My desk: The couch and TV-area: My CRT and retro consoles: The view from the couch All of the drawers are full of games. The TV is not really at an ideal angle, but my plan is to get a better mounting solution when I get around to swapping out the TV My handheld collection:2 points -
Are there times when you have no passion to play?
killamch89 and one other reacted to CharlesK for a topic
Yes! So much of the PS5 is just recycles of prior games with fancy new graphics, but there isn't refreshing new gameplay.2 points -
New copies of Rule of Rose (PS2) found in Italy, causing prices to drop for UK version
killamch89 and one other reacted to Kane99 for a topic
If you're on the lookout for a copy of Rule of Rose, at least the UK release, you may be in luck. A shipment of UK releases were found, and are being sold currently. On eBay the game was going for around $600 or so, but since the find, the prices have dropped down by half. Sadly, since a lot of people are buying up these new copies, it's likely the price will go up again, and possibly by more. But this is good news, as it means there could be warehouses with old stock sitting around collecting dust. Makes me wonder how many classic games are still sitting in a box within a warehouse all these years. I know Rule of Rose is a somewhat popular game. I have wanted to add it to my collection for years, but even with these new copies found, I don't think I'd be willing to pay $300 or so for it. Read more about this news here - https://www.thegamer.com/rule-of-rose-banned-halves-price-sealed-shipment/2 points -
What's Your Favorite Type of Chocolate?
Knight Plug and one other reacted to Cpvr for a topic
There was a place in Massachusetts where I used to buy white chocolate, and it was the bomb. That shop made white chocolate my favorite. I’m not sure if it’s still around, though. I used to go there all the time when I was a kid. I wish there was a chocolate shop that was close to me in Texas.2 points -
What age do you want to live to?
Knight Plug and one other reacted to Cpvr for a topic
I’d like to live as long as long as possible. I want to experience everything that life has in store for me.😃2 points -
What's Your Favorite Type of Chocolate?
Knight Plug and one other reacted to Cpvr for a topic
White chocolate is my favorite. I also like dark chocolate, but not as much as white chocolate. Caramel chocolate is delicious as well.2 points -
Have your smartphone battery swollen up from over charging?
killamch89 and one other reacted to Cpvr for a topic
I’ve never experienced this issue before, but it’s honestly scary to wake up to your phone being swollen like that. Did you replace the phone?2 points -
Top Monetization Strategies in Mobile Gaming
killamch89 and one other reacted to Shagger for a topic
I do t know what is going on, but I'm getting concerned at some of the recent topics popping up, especially on the Mobile Games sub-forum. Why are people being so happy-go-lucky describing some of the worst things in gaming. Take this, for example: That's Pay-to-Win! Literally the worst and most universally and justifiably hated example of in-app purchases there is! And you're describing it like free ice cream! So what is going on here?2 points -
To be fair, I've never known of a forum that would do account deletion. It's bad for forum security and post preservation. We don't do it on VGR either and there are people who have asked.2 points
What do you do to keep cool during the summer?
killamch89 and one other reacted to Cpvr for a topic
I try to stay in the Ac as much as possible. I also wear shorts and dry fit shirts, so it’s not too hot when I go outside.2 points -
2 points
70's vs 80's vs 90's Classic Rock - Which do you prefer?
The Blackangel and one other reacted to Shortie for a topic
Bon Jovi, Queen and Bryan Adams are some of my favourite classic rock artists, I often find myself going back and listening to songs from these artists and often wondering what happened in music and in the music world? It's a shame we don't hear songs like this anymore.2 points -
Silent Hill Transmission stream coming May 30th
Knight Plug and one other reacted to killamch89 for a topic
The best thing Konami can do for the series is to sell the Silent Hill IP.2 points -
Three New Xbox Series X|S Consoles Coming
killamch89 and one other reacted to Shagger for a topic
I don't get it, why equip the console with the disk drive with the larger SSD and leave the all-digital version with the smaller SSD? Wouldn't common sense dictate it be the other way round?2 points -
If you could change one thing about how all future games are made, what would it be?
killamch89 and one other reacted to Shagger for a topic
This...2 points -
The connection between Religion and Politics
The Blackangel and one other reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
Religion is oppressive by nature. Religion is what brought us the Dark Ages. In ancient Egypt, only the religious leaders had the right to read and write, to be educated, and to hold skillful jobs. Look at the Taliban making women cover themselves head to toe while paraded around by men with rifles. Religion is the gateway to oppression. In America, religion should NOT be in politics. Christianity is a tax exempt organization. If they quote the bible while writing their bills and ruling on cases, then christianity needs to be taxed. Then we also have the Establishment Clause in the 1st amendment which gives us freedom from religion and also protects religion from the government. A perfect example of what not to do is how republicans treat religion in America. Trump is now a convicted felon, a sex offender, and a fraud, who went and sold bibles with a bunch of government documents in it. Isn't that blatant sacrilege? And imagine if your religion is not the religion of the government. They will not tolerate your religious rights. Imagine your kids forced to go to schools that indoctrinate religion that teaches them things against your own religion. That’s what a religious government will do, it will infect schools, colleges, businesses, jobs, advertisements, music, movies, radio, media, science, and your personal lives in every way. Religion is poison. It’s an obsession that gradually becomes more and more fanatical with every generation as politicians want to act more morally superior than their opponents. And the whole essence of religious teachings get thrown out the window and becomes unrecognizable as a religious belief, and more like a cult terroristic belief. Progression goes backwards instead of the natural evolution of human progression with the arts, science, technology, philosophy. It wasn’t a religious government that gave us all the much needed technologies of today. Galileo was jailed for his research saying the Earth revolved around the sun and not the other way around. Religion as the basis of politics will bring society into the Dark Ages. Go back to the days of looking for witches to burn and everyone is ignorant and illiterate. And that is why I say christians in America are fakes. They are infiltrating christianity and turning it into terrorist cells, re-education centers, nazi propaganda and Russian propaganda centers. They hide behind religion to do their evil deeds, and christians let them do it. They are enablers. In fact, the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation are two major republican religious groups in the USA who have full intention to destroy American democracy and have a dictatorship. Those organizations wrote up the plan Project 2025 where if Trump is elected, they will increase presidential powers, get rid of checks and balances, and fire all federal employees and replace them with maga loyalists. They actually wrote that plan up. No shame at all. And those religious groups handpicked our supreme court justices. The SC justices hold loyalty to the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation, not loyalty to our constitution. Those justices are the most corrupted in the entire history of the USA and they claim to be religious. They literally take bribes and have no ethical oversight, and they refuse to hold each other accountable for any ethics violations. They are traitors. They are protecting Trump by intentionally delaying his trials. They are abusing their power in aiding, abetting, and providing comfort to traitor Trump who had a coup attempt. Religion is poison and nothing good comes from it when it's mixed with politics. Religion IS the embodiment of evil.2 points -
Elon Musk offers $43 billion to buy off Twitter- Is this monopoly?
Cpvr and one other reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
And what is your argument? A rich guy gets a free card to be stupid???2 points -
Bath or Shower? Let's Debate!
killamch89 and one other reacted to Ajay25 for a topic
Okay, my first thought was totally off ... at first I thought you were asking if we were into a team group in a shower, and I'm like, hmmmm is this a NSFW section of the forum that I just discovered?? LOL2 points -
Who Holds Your Secrets?
killamch89 and one other reacted to Debashis for a topic
Nobody actually. I don't tell things to everyone or anyone because it makes me vulnerable to them. Nobody knows who will turn back on you in the future.2 points -
Describe Your Dream House in Detail
killamch89 and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Deep forest. Seclusion, isolation, silence, and solitude are what I crave the most. The sea shore wouldn't be particularly bad if it wasn't for the fact that it's out in the open where people will be around all the time. So if you can set me up with this cabin deep in the woods, a mile from the nearest road, I'm in hog heaven.2 points -
Hasbro is developing a D&D game, inspired by success of Baldur's Gate 3
killamch89 and one other reacted to Kane99 for a topic
Hasbro’s head of game studios, Dan Ayoub was recently interviewed where he stated that there is a really cool D&D game in the works, and it's inspired by what Baldur's Gate 3 was able to do. In turn they want to make their next D&D follow what Baldur's Gate 3 did right. The genre seemed to get better with the release of Baldur's Gate and Hasbro wants to continue to capitalize on the genre. And I'm sure fans of D&D would love to have more games in like with the quality Baldur's Gate put out there. Source - https://exputer.com/news/games/hasbro-game-baldurs-gate-3-footsteps/2 points -
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What's your favourite team playing in the Championship?
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I totally get that but doesn't change the fact they're an exciting team to watch.1 point -
What TV Series Has the Best Opening Sequence?
killamch89 reacted to Knight Plug for a topic
I'd say Buffy the Vampire Slayer, because it was fun to see a guest star be upgraded to a regular and have their name credited at the start of the episodes. The theme tune was just badass. But some episodes were poor. Others were just excellent. Spike was hilarious. He looked an awful lot like the singer Billy Idol, who is said to have "stole" Spike's image. 😜1 point -
What's the Coolest Color or Limited-Edition PSP You've Seen or Owned?
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I had the white Assassin's Creed edition PSP. I don't know what happened to it, but it was somewhat rare from what I've been told.1 point -
Does PlayStation Have the Edge Over Xbox and Nintendo in Exclusive Games?
The Blackangel reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I agree. Mario especially has tons of fans and several generations of gamers grew up on Mario and Zelda.1 point -
Becrowned - Game inspired by early Silent Hill games
Knight Plug reacted to Lens for a topic
Absolutely! This game has both nostalgia and a creepy vibe which would make old school horror game lovers as well as new ones potentially love it. 13th Street tried with this one.1 point -
What are your thoughts on tattoos? Do you have any?
killamch89 reacted to Rain Dew for a topic
Like @The Blackangel says tattoos can be very addicting. After getting my first one I wanted more and more. I am actually getting another one pretty soon. As for meaningful I have to disagree with @The Blackangel . I have at least 2 tattoos that aren’t really meaningful to me I just really liked it, and that is a red and orange frog and an Egyptian cat. As long as you like it and won’t regret getting it then go for it. Also I always try to change something from the original picture to personalize it.1 point -
What is the best online games site?
killamch89 reacted to Button for a topic
In my opinion, I'm going to recommend Steam for its huge game library and regular updates. You can also check out Origin's rewards program and discounts. It's really worth it.1 point -
What Do We Take for Granted in Life, and What Should We Always Appreciate?
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
The one you love. We often get into a rut and so used to waking up next to them that we just take for granted that they will always be there.1 point -
Top 30 Most Difficult Video Games of All Time
Lamarr the strelok reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
No shit.1 point -
Should I move on from this YouTuber?
Knight Plug reacted to killamch89 for a topic
You probably should. It doesn't make any sense to support someone who doesn't respect the people that supporting him and keeping him relevant on the said platform. There are lots of upcoming YouTubers who could possibly provide with more wholesome and meaningful content who need the support.1 point -
Should I move on from this YouTuber?
Knight Plug reacted to Shortie for a topic
I am all for supporting streamers and content creators but if it gets to the point where they take their supporters for granted and will openly talk about them when they are not around thinking they will get away with it. I would stop subbing and stop supporting but that is just me. You have to look at how it makes you feel and what you could do with those extra funds if you stopped. You can guarantee that when you stop, they'll realize but by then it is too late.1 point -
Ideal Movie Length: Finding the Sweet Spot!
Shortie reacted to killamch89 for a topic
That's what I would've chosen as well - one and a half to two hours1 point -
Would You Rather Meet Your Ancestors or Your Future Descendants?
killamch89 reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
I'd love to meet my ancestors. Probably a bit of Sicilian mafia in there. Probably Spanish conquistadors. Probably British tyrants. I'll smack all of em.1 point -
Oh gosh, everything that I play is online but it's all massive MMORPG or MOBA or open world shooters I miss the day of LAN parties in college!!1 point
What is perfect fun gameplay? No sports
killamch89 reacted to Dannyjax for a topic
What's considered fun can be subjective in my opinion. This is because there are a lot of things that I might find fun in which another person would disagree and that's very normal. The same thing is apparently applicable to video games as well. A gamer might see a particular game to be fun for him while it's not to another. If I'm picking one game that's pure fun to play, it would be the first person life simulation adventure video game Slime Rancher.1 point